Hello everyone!

I would like to know if there is a way to pass the Id value for an image in gridview through Session to an ashx file....

Here is my vb code in Gridview1_Rowdatabound event

if e.row.rowtype=datacontrolrowtype.datarow then
dim image as system.image.web.ui.webcontrols.image=ctype(e.row.findcontrol("imgphoto"),system.image.web.ui.webcontrols.image)
session("passid")=val(databinder.eval(e.row.dataitem, "id"))

And here is my showimage.ashx code

dim cmd as new sqlcommand("select * from table where id=@id",con)
dim imageid as new sqlparameter ("@id", system.data.sqldbtype.int)

But this does not seem to work, as the session value is shown as O everytime...

Please help.....

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