I have 2 table


How do I display it like this.
I hope I present this right

| Emp_ID || Emp_Name || Time_In ||Time_Out | <---- FROM ATTENDANCE
|   1    ||   Josh   ||         ||         | <---- FROM EMPLOYEE
|   2    ||   Carl   ||         ||         | <---- FROM EMPLOYEE

I really don't understand what the question is.
There are a million possibilities for your result sample:

select employee.emp_id,employee.Emp_Name,attendance.Time_In,attendance.Time_Out
from employee inner join attendance 
on employee.emp_id = attendance.emp_id 
and time_id = ''
and time_out = ''
select attendance.emp_id,attendace.Emp_Name,attendance.Time_In,attendance.Time_Out
from employee left join attendance
on employee.emp_id = attendance.emp_id 
where attendance.emp_id is null
select top 0 * from attendance 
union select emp_id,emp_name,'','' 
from employee

Probably all the above will give a similar result to what you've provided under some conditions. The problem is that you have to specify under what you are trying to do.

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