I've setup a javascript window.open bit of script to print one div.

Is it possible to style the div with css that gets printed, no matter what styling i put around the div, they disappear when i press the print button and it opens this new window with the div in it...

Any advice,


print one div

Well, there's good news and mediocre news.

The good news is that this page http://home.comcast.net/~judysgames/directory.htm shows code I wrote for this very purpose in action. It works in Firefox/Chrome/Safari(pc)/Opera and IE8/7/6.

The mediocre news is that I haven't finished making a context-free version that can be posted here as a code snippet.

The pieces that you need [all found in that page] are:
1. the call

          <button onclick="printNodeById('players')">Pop<br />

2. the 'window' function

function printNodeById(sId) {
    var oPrt = document.getElementById(sId);

    if (window.opera && oPrt.offsetHeight > 800) { // opera screws up on 'very tall' windows
        _oPrp = window.open('', "printpreview", 
		"location=no,height=" + (32 + 800) + ", width=" + (32 + oPrt.offsetWidth));
    } else {
        _oPrp = window.open('', "printpreview", 
		"location=no,height=" + (32 + oPrt.offsetHeight) + ", width=" + (32 + oPrt.offsetWidth));

    if (!document.importNode) {

        _oPrp.document.body.style.cursor = "wait";

        // import CSS
/* process STYLE elements approach */

        var oPrH = _oPrp.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
        var cStyls = document.getElementsByTagName('style')
        //	if cStyls.length > limit there will be a problem when StyleSheet is created

        for (var j = cStyls.length, i = 0; i < j; ++i) {
            oPrH.appendChild(_importNode(cStyls[i], true));

/* process existing StyleSheets approach 
	this code absolutely works (in IE8, at least) but since I thought it would be
	necessary to process 'excess' STYLE elements [>31 or >26 or whatever] it
	seemed to make more sense to do it all this way; now, however, it begins
	to look as though 'over the limit' STYLE elements may not be possible

			var oPrH = _oPrp.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];

			for (var j=document.styleSheets.length,i=0;i<j;i++) { 
//				var oStyl = _oPrp.document.createStyleSheet(); // number limited [?31 or ?26] so why bother

 				var oStyl = _oPrp.document.createElement('STYLE');  // needed after limit anyway
// appending oStyl to 'head' here makes
// oStyl.styleSheet available immediately

				with(document.styleSheets[i]) {

				    oStyl.href = href; 
				    oStyl.media = media; 
				    oStyl.title = title; 
				    oStyl.disabled = disabled; 
				    oStyl.type = type; 	// [evidently read-only in StyleSheet]
//					    			// ?? what about link, rel
				    for (var k=rules.length,ii=0;ii<k;ii++) {

//   I gave up on this approach (in favor of the STYLE-element approach, above) becuase IE6 locks up 
//   ('invalid pointer' error) when attempting to copy a [probably 'empty'] rule based on CSS like
//			tr.idx {page-break-after: avoid}
//   [which IE6 evidently thinks is not 'legal']

					if (!rules[ii].selectorText) oStyl.styleSheet.addRule("*",rules[ii].style.cssText);
					else oStyl.styleSheet.addRule(rules[ii].selectorText,rules[ii].style.cssText);

				    } // for k
				}  // with
			}; // for j

//			appendChild() NOT here - either already done above [STYLE] or not needed at all [createStyleSheet]


        _oPrp.document.body.appendChild(_importNode(oPrt, true));

        _oPrp.document.body.style.cursor = "default";

    } else {

        _oPrp.document.body.appendChild(_oPrp.document.importNode(oPrt, true));

        // import CSS 
/* process STYLE elements approach */

        var oPrH = _oPrp.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]
        var cStyls = document.getElementsByTagName('style')
        for (var j = cStyls.length, i = 0; i < j; ++i) {
            oPrH.appendChild(_oPrp.document.importNode(cStyls[i], true));

        if (window.opera) { // apparently opera doesn't act on imported classes automatically
            var cEls = _oPrp.document.getElementsByTagName('*');
            for (var j = cEls.length, i = 0; i < j; i++) cEls[i].setAttribute('class', cEls[i].getAttribute('class'));

        //  copy item not imported by at least one browser
        var cTAs = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
        for (var j = cTAs.length, i = 0; i < j; ++i) {
            _oPrp.document.getElementById(cTAs[i].getAttribute('id')).value = cTAs[i].value;

        //  copy item not imported by at least one browser
        var cSels = document.getElementsByTagName('select');
        for (var j = cSels.length, i = 0; i < j; ++i) {
            _oPrp.document.getElementById(cSels[i].getAttribute('id')).selectedIndex = cSels[i].selectedIndex;

        // Safari(pc) radio: actual 'checked' is lost depending 
        // on position relative to default 'checked' in group
        var cInps = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
        for (var j = cInps.length, i = 0; i < j; ++i) {
            if (cInps[i].type == 'radio') _oPrp.document.getElementById(cInps[i].getAttribute('id')).checked = cInps[i].checked;


3. my _importNode() [which fills in for the importNode() method missing from IE]

// _importNode() needed for IE 
if (!document.importNode) {
    function _importNode(oNode, bImportChildren) {
        var oNew;
        with(oNode) {

            switch (nodeType) {
                // HTML 
                //   TEXT_NODE          = 3;
                //   ELEMENT_NODE       = 1;
                //   ATTRIBUTE_NODE     = 2;  [not accessed as a node]
                //   COMMENT_NODE       = 8;  [ignored; not printable]
                alert('nodeType ' + nodeType + ' not handled');
            case 3:
                oNew = _oPrp.document.createTextNode(nodeValue);
            case 1:
                oNew = _oPrp.document.createElement(nodeName);

                if (nodeName != "TEXTAREA") {
                    if (nodeName == 'INPUT') {
                        oNew.type = type;
                        if (type == 'radio' || type == 'checkbox') {
                            oNew.setAttribute('defaultChecked', checked)
                        } // ?? IE8 only
                    if (nodeName == 'STYLE') {
                            // in this approach oNew hasn't been 
                            // appended to 'head' at this stage
                            // so oNew.styleSheet isn't available
                        var oStyl = _oPrp.document.createStyleSheet(); // limit [?31 or ?26]
                        var rls = innerHTML.match(/.+{.+}/g);
                        for (var j = rls.length, i = 0; i < j; i++) {
                            var k = rls[i].indexOf('{');
                            oStyl.addRule(rls[i].substring(0, k), rls[i].substring(k)) // ?? 4095 limit [counting , splits]
                    for (var j = attributes.length, i = 0; i < j; i++) {
                        if (attributes[i].nodeValue != null && attributes[i].nodeValue != '') {
                            // _classIE is set globally to 'class' [IE 8] or 'className' [lt IE 8]
                            if (attributes[i].name == 'class') oNew.setAttribute(_classIE, attributes[i].value);
                            else oNew.setAttribute(attributes[i].name, attributes[i].value);
                } // !TEXTAREA
                if (style && style.cssText) oNew.style.cssText = style.cssText;

                if (bImportChildren && hasChildNodes()) {
                    for (var oChild = firstChild; oChild; oChild = oChild.nextSibling) {
                        oNew.appendChild(_importNode(oChild, true));
            } // switch
        } // with
        return oNew;
    } // function
} // (!document.importNode

4. a couple of essential bits of overheard

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
_classIE='class';  // default to IE8

<!--[if lt IE 8]>
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

Put #4, #3, and #2 (in that order) as <script> in the HEAD of your page.
Put #1 in the BODY [changing the parameter in the onclick= function call to use the id of your desired node].

You should be good to go on the first click.

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