
I am trying scrolling of images as like (http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex2/crawler/index.htm). I do want to set border for the images with border property as "2px solid #000" and i do want gap between the images so that the horizontal gap value is 20px.
I tried even with image border propoerty and image style properties both border and padding as 0 20px. Both not working properly. The style padding property is working fine in firefox and google chrome. But it is working in IE 6.0

I'll paste my code for your reference.


<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 6.0">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>New Page 1</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="crawler.js">
Text and/or Image Crawler Script ©2009 John Davenport Scheuer
as first seen in http://www.dynamicdrive.com/forums/ username: jscheuer1
This Notice Must Remain for Legal Use

<div class="marquee" id="mycrawler">
Those confounded friars dully buzz that faltering jay. An appraising tongue acutely causes our courageous hogs. Their fitting submarines deftly break your approving improvisations. Her downcast taxonomies actually box up those disgusted turtles.

<script type="text/javascript">
	uniqueid: 'mycrawler',
	style: {
		'padding': '5px',
		'width': '150px',
		'background': 'lightyellow',
		'border': '1px solid #CC3300'
	inc: 8, //speed - pixel increment for each iteration of this marquee's movement
	mouse: 'cursor driven', //mouseover behavior ('pause' 'cursor driven' or false)
	moveatleast: 4,
	neutral: 150,
	savedirection: true

<div class="marquee" id="mycrawler2">
 <img src="http://i40.tinypic.com/9tlic8.jpg" style="padding:0 20px;" onclick="javascript:alert('9tlic8.jpg')";/> 
 <img src="http://i43.tinypic.com/1zbqs5t.jpg" style="padding:0 20px;" onclick="javascript:alert('1zbqs5t.jpg')"/> 
 <img src="http://i44.tinypic.com/2419ul3.jpg" style="padding:0 20px;" onclick="javascript:alert('2419ul3.jpg')"/> 
 <img src="http://i43.tinypic.com/296nh3r.jpg" style="padding:0 20px;" onclick="javascript:alert('296nh3r.jpg')"/> 
 <img src="http://i40.tinypic.com/mk7ki.jpg" style="padding:0 20px;" onclick="javascript:alert('mk7ki.jpg')"/>  

<script type="text/javascript">
	uniqueid: 'mycrawler2',
	style: {
		'padding': '2px',
		'width': '700px',
		'height': '180px'
	inc: 5, //speed - pixel increment for each iteration of this marquee's movement
	mouse: 'cursor driven', //mouseover behavior ('pause' 'cursor driven' or false)
	direction: 'right', // ('right' or 'left') Direction of marquee. (defaults to 'left' - easiest for reading text marquees)
	noAddedSpace: false, // (true or false) Should marquee not have an added space at the beginning to ensure that the first and last elements or sentences do not butt up against each other? (defaults to false (a space will be added) - optimal for text marquees and for image marquees with spaces between the images)
	stopped: false, // (true or false) Should marquee start out in stopped mode?, then set 'true'. Useful for some 'cursor driven' marquees. (defaults to false).
//	The 3 parameters below are applicable only in mouse: 'cursor driven' marquees
	moveatleast: 4, // Minimum speed for 'cursor driven' marquee when mouse is off of it. If not specified and this is a 'cursor driven' marquee, the marquee will stop when moused out. (defaults to no motion onmouseout)
	neutral: 150, // Size of neutral area for 'cursor driven' marquee. This is size of the area in the center of the marquee where hovering it will stop it. (defaults to 16)
	savedirection: 'true' // (true, false, or 'reverse') Directional behaviour of 'cursor driven' marquee that has a moveatleast property when moused out. Will it remember it's initial direction (true), continue it's current direction (false), or will it reverse ('reverse') its current direction? (defaults to false)


Javascript CODE IS(crawler.js)

/* Text and/or Image Crawler Script ©2009 John Davenport Scheuer
   as first seen in http://www.dynamicdrive.com/forums/
   username: jscheuer1 - This Notice Must Remain for Legal Use

///////////////// DO NOT EDIT /////////////////

function marqueeInit(config){
 if(!document.createElement) return;


 if(!document.createElement) return;

 marqueeInit.ar = [];

 document.write('<style type="text/css">.marquee{white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;visibility:hidden;}' +
 var c = 0, tTRE = [new RegExp('^\\s*$'), new RegExp('^\\s*'), new RegExp('\\s*$')],
 req1 = {'position': 'relative', 'overflow': 'hidden'}, defaultconfig = {
  style: { //default style object for marquee containers without configured style
	'margin': '0 auto'
  direction: 'left',
  inc: 2, //default speed - pixel increment for each iteration of a marquee's movement
  mouse: 'pause' //default mouseover behavior ('pause' 'cursor driven' or false)
 }, dash, ie = false, oldie = 0, ie5 = false, iever = 0;
 /*@cc_on @*/
 /*@if(@_jscript_version >= 5)
 ie = true;
 try{document.documentMode = 2000}catch(e){};
 iever = Math.min(document.documentMode, navigator.appVersion.replace(/^.*MSIE (\d+\.\d+).*$/, '$1'));
 if(iever < 6)
  oldie = 1;
 if(iever < 5.5){
  Array.prototype.push = function(el){this[this.length] = el;};
  ie5 = true;
  dash = new RegExp('(-(.))');
  String.prototype.encamel = function(s, m){
   s = this;
   while((m = s.match(dash)))
    s = s.replace(m[1], m[2].toUpperCase());
   return s;
 @end @*/

  dash = new RegExp('-(.)', 'g');
  function toHump(a, b){return b.toUpperCase();};
  String.prototype.encamel = function(){return this.replace(dash, toHump);};

 if(ie && iever < 8){
  marqueeInit.table = [];
  window.attachEvent('onload', function(){
   marqueeInit.OK = true;
   for(var i = 0; i < marqueeInit.table.length; ++i)
 function intable(el){
  while((el = el.parentNode))
   if(el.tagName && el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'table')
    return true;
   return false;

 marqueeInit.run = function(id){
   if(ie && !marqueeInit.OK && iever < 8 && intable(document.getElementById(id))){
    setTimeout(function(){marqueeInit.run(id);}, 300);
    new Marq(c++, document.getElementById(id));

 function trimTags(tag){
  var r = [], i = 0, e;
  while((e = tag.firstChild) && e.nodeType == 3 && tTRE[0].test(e.nodeValue))
  while((e = tag.lastChild) && e.nodeType == 3 && tTRE[0].test(e.nodeValue))
  if((e = tag.firstChild) && e.nodeType == 3)
   e.nodeValue = e.nodeValue.replace(tTRE[1], '');
  if((e = tag.lastChild) && e.nodeType == 3)
   e.nodeValue = e.nodeValue.replace(tTRE[2], '');
  while((e = tag.firstChild))
   r[i++] = tag.removeChild(e);
  return r;

 function Marq(c, tag){
  var p, u, s, a, ims, ic, i, marqContent, cObj = this;
  this.mq = marqueeInit.ar[c];
  for (p in defaultconfig)
   if((this.mq.hasOwnProperty && !this.mq.hasOwnProperty(p)) || (!this.mq.hasOwnProperty && !this.mq[p]))
    this.mq[p] = defaultconfig[p];
  this.mq.style.width = !this.mq.style.width || isNaN(parseInt(this.mq.style.width))? '100%' : this.mq.style.width;
   this.mq.style.height = !this.mq.style.height || isNaN(parseInt(this.mq.style.height))? tag.offsetHeight + 3 + 'px' : this.mq.style.height;
   this.mq.style.height = !this.mq.style.height || isNaN(parseInt(this.mq.style.height))? 'auto' : this.mq.style.height;
  u = this.mq.style.width.split(/\d/);
  this.cw = this.mq.style.width? [parseInt(this.mq.style.width), u[u.length - 1]] : ['a'];
  marqContent = trimTags(tag);
  tag.className = tag.id = '';
  tag.removeAttribute('class', 0);
  tag.removeAttribute('id', 0);
   tag.removeAttribute('className', 0);
  tag.className = ['marquee', c].join('');
  tag.style.overflow = 'hidden';
  this.c = tag.firstChild;
  this.c.style.visibility = 'hidden';
  a = [[req1, this.c.style], [this.mq.style, this.c.style]];
  for (i = a.length - 1; i > -1; --i)
   for (p in a[i][0])
    if((a[i][0].hasOwnProperty && a[i][0].hasOwnProperty(p)) || (!a[i][0].hasOwnProperty))
     a[i][1][p.encamel()] = a[i][0][p];
  this.m = this.c.firstChild;
  if(this.mq.mouse == 'pause'){
   this.c.onmouseover = function(){cObj.mq.stopped = true;};
   this.c.onmouseout = function(){cObj.mq.stopped = false;};
  this.m.style.position = 'absolute';
  this.m.style.left = '-10000000px';
  this.m.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap';
  if(ie5) this.c.firstChild.appendChild((this.m = document.createElement('nobr')));
  for(i = 0; marqContent[i]; ++i)
  if(ie5) this.m = this.c.firstChild;
  ims = this.m.getElementsByTagName('img');
   for(ic = 0, i = 0; i < ims.length; ++i){
    ims[i].style.display = 'inline';
    ims[i].style.verticalAlign = ims[i].style.verticalAlign || 'top';
    if(typeof ims[i].complete == 'boolean' && ims[i].complete)
    else {
     ims[i].onload = function(){
       if(++ic == ims.length)
     if(ic == ims.length)
   else this.setup()

  Marq.prototype.setup = function(){
  if(this.mq.setup) return;
  this.mq.setup = this;
  var s, cObj = this;
  if(this.c.style.height === 'auto')
   this.c.style.height = this.m.offsetHeight + 4 + 'px';
  this.m = [this.m, this.m.nextSibling];
  if(this.mq.mouse == 'cursor driven'){
   this.r = this.mq.neutral || 16;
   this.sinc = this.mq.inc;
   this.c.onmousemove = function(e){cObj.mq.stopped = false; cObj.directspeed(e)};
    this.mq.inc = this.mq.moveatleast;
     if(this.mq.savedirection == 'reverse'){
      this.c.onmouseout = function(e){
       if(cObj.contains(e)) return;
       cObj.mq.inc = cObj.mq.moveatleast;
       cObj.mq.direction = cObj.mq.direction == 'right'? 'left' : 'right';};     
     } else {
      this.mq.savedirection = this.mq.direction;
      this.c.onmouseout = function(e){
       if(cObj.contains(e)) return;
       cObj.mq.inc = cObj.mq.moveatleast;
       cObj.mq.direction = cObj.mq.savedirection;};     
    } else
     this.c.onmouseout = function(e){if(!cObj.contains(e)) cObj.mq.inc = cObj.mq.moveatleast;};
    this.c.onmouseout = function(e){if(!cObj.contains(e)) cObj.slowdeath();};
  this.w = this.m[0].offsetWidth;
  this.m[0].style.left = 0;
  this.c.id = 'marq_kill_marg_bord';
  this.m[0].style.top = this.m[1].style.top = Math.floor((this.c.offsetHeight - this.m[0].offsetHeight) / 2 - oldie) + 'px';
  this.c.id = '';
  this.c.removeAttribute('id', 0);
  this.m[1].style.left = this.w + 'px';
  s = this.mq.moveatleast? Math.max(this.mq.moveatleast, this.sinc) : (this.sinc || this.mq.inc);
  while(this.c.offsetWidth > this.w - s)
   this.c.style.width = isNaN(this.cw[0])? this.w - s + 'px' : --this.cw[0] + this.cw[1];
  this.c.style.visibility = 'visible';
 Marq.prototype.slowdeath = function(){
  var cObj = this;
   this.mq.inc -= 1;
   this.timer = setTimeout(function(){cObj.slowdeath();}, 100);

 Marq.prototype.runit = function(){
  var cObj = this, d = this.mq.direction == 'right'? 1 : -1;
  if(this.mq.stopped || this.mq.stopMarquee){
   setTimeout(function(){cObj.runit();}, 300);
  if(this.mq.mouse != 'cursor driven')
   this.mq.inc = Math.max(1, this.mq.inc);
  if(d * parseInt(this.m[0].style.left) >= this.w)
   this.m[0].style.left = parseInt(this.m[1].style.left) - d * this.w + 'px';
  if(d * parseInt(this.m[1].style.left) >= this.w)
   this.m[1].style.left = parseInt(this.m[0].style.left) - d * this.w + 'px';
  this.m[0].style.left = parseInt(this.m[0].style.left) + d * this.mq.inc + 'px';
  this.m[1].style.left = parseInt(this.m[1].style.left) + d * this.mq.inc + 'px';
  setTimeout(function(){cObj.runit();}, 30 + (this.mq.addDelay || 0));

 Marq.prototype.directspeed = function(e){
  e = e || window.event;
  if(this.timer) clearTimeout(this.timer);
  var c = this.c, w = c.offsetWidth, l = c.offsetLeft, mp = (typeof e.pageX == 'number'?
   e.pageX : e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft) - l,
  lb = (w - this.r) / 2, rb = (w + this.r) / 2;
  while((c = c.offsetParent)) mp -= c.offsetLeft;
  this.mq.direction = mp > rb? 'left' : 'right';
  this.mq.inc = Math.round((mp > rb? (mp - rb) : mp < lb? (lb - mp) : 0) / lb * this.sinc);

 Marq.prototype.contains = function(e){
  if(e && e.relatedTarget){var c = e.relatedTarget; if(c == this.c) return true;
   while ((c = c.parentNode)) if(c == this.c) return true;}
  return false;

 function resize(){
  for(var s, m, i = 0; i < marqueeInit.ar.length; ++i){
   if(marqueeInit.ar[i] && marqueeInit.ar[i].setup){
    m = marqueeInit.ar[i].setup;
    s = m.mq.moveatleast? Math.max(m.mq.moveatleast, m.sinc) : (m.sinc || m.mq.inc);
    m.c.style.width = m.mq.style.width;
    m.cw[0] = m.cw.length > 1? parseInt(m.mq.style.width) : 'a';
    while(m.c.offsetWidth > m.w - s)
     m.c.style.width = isNaN(m.cw[0])? m.w - s + 'px' : --m.cw[0] + m.cw[1];

 if (window.addEventListener)
  window.addEventListener('resize', resize, false);
 else if (window.attachEvent)
  window.attachEvent('onresize', resize);


Kindly help me.

M.Sworna Vidhya

put a STYLE tag at the top of your html page with the css definitions that you want - ex:

<style type="text/css">
margin-right: 15em !important;img{margin-right: 15em !important; 
border:2px solid #000;}

if you have other images that should NOT be affected by the above changes, then give your images a common class - ex: class="marqueeImg" then use that class name in the css definition.

<style type="text/css">
.marqueeImg{margin-right: 15em !important;border:2px solid #000;}

<div class="marquee" id="mycrawler2">
 <img class="marqueeImg" src="http://i40.tinypic.com/9tlic8.jpg" style="padding:0 20px;" onclick="javascript<b></b>:alert('9tlic8.jpg')";/> 
 <img class="marqueeImg" src="http://i43.tinypic.com/1zbqs5t.jpg" style="padding:0 20px;" onclick="javascript<b></b>:alert('1zbqs5t.jpg')"/> 
 <img class="marqueeImg" src="http://i44.tinypic.com/2419ul3.jpg" style="padding:0 20px;" onclick="javascript<b></b>:alert('2419ul3.jpg')"/> 
 <img class="marqueeImg" src="http://i43.tinypic.com/296nh3r.jpg" style="padding:0 20px;" onclick="javascript<b></b>:alert('296nh3r.jpg')"/> 
 <img class="marqueeImg" src="http://i40.tinypic.com/mk7ki.jpg" style="padding:0 20px;" onclick="javascript<b></b>:alert('mk7ki.jpg')"/>  
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