Hi all,

I am working on a small project using Dreamweaver. I have a marquee with many images. Everything works fine in Dreamweaver Live View ( images keep coming out from the right end and disappear into the left end).

In IE8 (which supposedly fully support marquee, right?) , once the first image hits the left end, all the images disappear and restart from the rigth end.

I also have a button that changes direction of the marquee. In Dreamweaver view, when I hit the "right" direction button, the last image comes out from the left(then the second last, third last...etc) and continue on. (which is perfect !)

In IE8, the first (not last few) few images come out and start going right.

I have encountered a lot of problems and been able to find solution by googling.

This one, however, I am stuck. Please help if you can. And please don't tell me not to use the marquee tag...>.< I am not good enough in JS to manuelly make a marquee..

Thanks in advance!



<marquee id="mainMarquee" scrollamount="3" >

<img id="Putin" src="Putin.png" alt="" class="marqueeImage" onmouseover="GoSlow(this);" onclick="DoTheseThings('Putin.png','hello from putin',this,5); " onmouseout="GoNormal(this);"/>

//I have 20 + images at the exact same format.

i have the same problem, have you resolved yours yet

I have the same problem, but I have just resolved it.

By this way

<marquee id="mainMarquee" scrollamount="3" >&nbsp;

<img id="Putin" src="Putin.png" alt="" class="marqueeImage" onmouseover="GoSlow(this);" onclick="DoTheseThings('Putin.png','hello from putin',this,5); " onmouseout="GoNormal(this);"/>

Good luck ^^

commented: Nice solution, and Bad IE +0

I was the same problem with le plugin Image Marquee sur Wordpress

Plugin Name: Image Marquee
Plugin URI: http://puguh.raharjo.web.id/image-marquee-wordpress

and I found the solutionadding &nbsp; at the begin and at the end

    foreach ($items as $item) {
        echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='" .$item->target. "'><img src='" .$item->img. "' " .$height. " title='" .$item->title. "'></a> [COLOR="Red"]&nbsp; &nbsp;[/COLOR] \n";
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