Here is my ajax call:

new Request.HTML({
				url: 'users.html',
				method: 'get',
				update: 'go',
				evalScripts: true, /* !! Why isn't this working!? */
				onComplete: function(){console.log('ajax complete!')}

I even check eval scripts!

<label><h3>Save data here:</h3>
<br />
<section id="load" style="display:none;">
		<img src="progress.gif" />
<section id="log">
	<textarea id="texta" placeholder="Save here." wrap="off" autofocus></textarea></label>
	<tr><td>Are you human?</td><td>
	<div id="cap">
	<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<noscript><font color="red">Please enable javascript!</font></noscript>
	<input type="button" value="Go" name="submit2" id="start2"/>

This is not executing:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<noscript><font color="red">Please enable javascript!</font></noscript>
What is the solution so the script will run?

bump... 24 h.
Any answer?

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