
So here's the deal: I have this style switcher which is awesome, therefore, the cookie does not seem to work, actually it simply doesn't. I'm sure someone can figure this out for me, that would save me!

<script type="text/javascript">

var style_cookie_name = "style" ;
var style_cookie_duration = 30 ;


function switch_style ( css_title )
// You may use this script on your site free of charge provided
// you do not remote this notice or the URL below. Script from
// http://www.thesitewizard.com/javascripts/change-style-sheets.shtml
  var i, link_tag ;
  for (i = 0, link_tag = document.getElementsByTagName("link") ;
    i < link_tag.length ; i++ ) {
    if ((link_tag[i].rel.indexOf( "stylesheet" ) != -1) &&
      link_tag[i].title) {
      link_tag[i].disabled = true ;
      if (link_tag[i].title == css_title) {
        link_tag[i].disabled = false ;
    set_cookie( style_cookie_name, css_title,
      style_cookie_duration );
function set_style_from_cookie()
  var css_title = get_cookie( style_cookie_name );
  if (css_title.length) {
    switch_style( css_title );
function set_cookie ( cookie_name, cookie_value,
    lifespan_in_days, valid_domain )
    // http://www.thesitewizard.com/javascripts/cookies.shtml
    var domain_string = valid_domain ?
                       ("; domain=" + valid_domain) : '' ;
    document.cookie = cookie_name +
                       "=" + encodeURIComponent( cookie_value ) +
                       "; max-age=" + 60 * 60 *
                       24 * lifespan_in_days +
                       "; path=/" + domain_string ;
function get_cookie ( cookie_name )
    var cookie_string = document.cookie ;
    if (cookie_string.length != 0) {
        var cookie_value = cookie_string.match (
                        '(^|;)[\s]*' +
                        cookie_name +
                        '=([^;]*)' );
        return decodeURIComponent ( cookie_value[2] ) ;
    return '' ;

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So if you do alert(get_cookie(style_cookie_name)); what pops up?

I'm sorry I'm not super advanced in Javascript, do you think you could elaborate a little more? So sorry about that :s

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