
I am working on displaying my JSON string beautifully using jQuery.

Here is my code:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var jsonp = '[{"filename":"4x6_flower.png","count":1,"zones":[{"x":"198","y":"133","width":"1283","height":"820"}]}]';

    var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(jsonp);

    document.body.innerHTML = "";
    document.body.appendChild(document.createTextNode(JSON.stringify(obj, null, "\t")));

But output is displayed in a single line like this:

[ { "filename": "4x6_flower.png", "count": 1, "zones": [ { "x": "198", "y": "133", "width": "1283", "height": "820" } ] } ]

What should I do to make it displaying nicely?
(I can only use a js library with absolute url like jQuery - no extra files other than one html file. So please do not recommend me to use wierd js library that needs to be downloaded)

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Does taking off the first and last square bracket of jsonp help?

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