wallet123 15 Junior Poster

I want to connect my website with Facebook. I'd like my user to be able to login to my site without having to sign up. Jut by clicking the facebook logo, I will be able to fetch the data needed like their email, name, age, etc.
I used restFB but, I want to use other which functions the same. I downloaded the restFB but there's an error:

   "error": {
      "message": "Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.",
      "type": "OAuthException",
      "code": 191

I am guessing the reason I got the error is I didnt type my redirect uri, because i dont know where to type it. been searching about it but I can't find the answer.

So my questions are:
1.) Is there anything that I can use like restFB?
2.) If there is none, how do I solve my error?

thank you in advance.

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