I have been having a parse error but its ok now.But there is another problem.
I can reg and email sent to me for confirmation,. I have confirmed it but when followed link to verify confirmation of registry it said nothing is found. Is this a database error. Thanks

My website is hitscountersite.com
Anyone can help please..
What do you think is the problem? My code in register.php is



$action = $_REQUEST['action'];


switch($action) {
	case 'register':
	case 'confirm':
	case 'finally':


function finally() {
	global $db,$site_name,$admin_email;
	$email = $_REQUEST['email'];
	$code = $_REQUEST['code'];
	$pass1 = $_REQUEST['pass1'];
	$pass2 = $_REQUEST['pass2'];
	$db->query("select 1 from t_counter_tmp where id='$code' and email='$email'");
	if($db->num_rows()) {
		if($pass1 == $pass2) {
			$source = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0198765432';
			list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
    			$seed = (float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 100000);
			for($i=0;$i<20;$i++) {
				$randval = rand(0,strlen($source)-1);
				$secret .= $source[$randval];
			$db->query("insert into t_counter_profiles(id,email,pass,secret) values(null,'$email','$pass1','$secret')");
			$db->query("select id from t_counter_profiles where email='$email' and pass = '$pass1'");
			$id = $db->f('id');
			$db->query("insert into t_counter_totals values($id,0)");
			$db->query("delete from t_counter_tmp where email='$email'");
			$content = 'Welcome to '.$site_name.'!<br><br><strong>Details:</strong><br>-------<br><br>id: '.$id.'<br>password: '.$pass1.'<br><br>Thanks,<br>Admin';
			$content_screen = 'Welcome to '.$site_name.'!<br><br><strong>Details:</strong><br>-------<br><br>id: '.$id.'<br><br>Thanks,<br>Admin';
			mail($email,'Welcome to '.$site_name,$content,"Content-Type: text/html\nFrom: $admin_email\n\n");
			print '<BR>You can now login into your member area. Click <a href="counter.php">here</a> to proceed.<br>';
			print $content_screen;
		} else {
			print '<BR>Passwords are different, <a href="#" onclick="history.back(-1)">go back to correct</a>.';
	} else {	
		print "<BR>Not found!";
function confirm() {
	global $db;
	$email = $_REQUEST['email'];
	$code = $_REQUEST['code'];
	$db->query("select 1 from t_counter_tmp where id='$code' and email='$email'");
	if(!$db->num_rows()) {
		print "<BR>Not found!";
	} else {	
		$ip = getIP();
		$url = $_SERVER[PHP_SELF];
		$tpl = new FastTemplate('templates');
		$tpl->define(array(confirm  => 'confirm.php'));
		$tpl->assign(array(IP => $ip, URL => $url, EMAIL => $email, CODE => $code));

function main() {
	$ip = getIP();
	$url = $_SERVER[PHP_SELF];
	$tpl = new FastTemplate('templates');
	$tpl->define(array(register  => 'register.php'));
	$tpl->assign(array(IP => $ip, URL => $url));

function register() {
	global $db,$admin_email,$site_name;
	$email = $_REQUEST['email'];
	$ip = getIP();
	$now = $code = time();
	// purge old temporary
	$old = $now - 86400;
	$db->query("delete from t_counter_tmp where date<'$old'");
	// end of purge
	do {
		$db->query("select from t_counter_tmp where id='$code'");
	} while($db->num_rows());
	$db->query("insert into t_counter_tmp values('$code','$email','$now')");
	$link = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?action=confirm&email='.$email.'&code='.$code;
	$url = '<a href="'.$link.'">'.$link.'</a>';
	$tpl = new FastTemplate('mailtemplates');
	$tpl->define(array(register  => 'register.php'));
	$tpl->assign(array(IP => $ip, URL => $url));
	mail($email,'Confirmation for signup at '.$site_name,$tpl->MAIL,"Content-Type: text/html\nFrom: $admin_email\n\n");
	print '<BR><DIV>Thank you, a confirmation email has been sent to: <strong>'.$email.'</strong></DIV><br>';


As you can see I think its from the function confirm printed out Not Found!! This really sucks but I guess its normal for programs to have so many errors :(
Anyone willing to lend me a hand please. Thanks

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$db->query("select 1 from t_counter_tmp where id='$code' and email='$email'");

select 1 from table ? What does it do ? :-/
I don't think it even enters this loop. What does it ( num_rows() ) do ?

if($db->num_rows()) {

My suggestion is to have echo and print_r statements inside every condition. This is an easy way to debug your application.

if($x  == $y ) {
echo "inside if condition..";
// do something
} else {
echo "in else part..";
//do something else

How to do that? I'm sorry I'm still a beginner and this code wasn't coded by me. :(

Without knowing the flow of your script, none of us can guide you !

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