
I have the following:

$_host = $DHOY_CONFIG['db'][$connection_name]['host'];

			$_name = $DHOY_CONFIG['db'][$connection_name]['name'];

			$_port = $DHOY_CONFIG['db'][$connection_name]['port'];

			$_user = $DHOY_CONFIG['db'][$connection_name]['user'];

			$_pass = $DHOY_CONFIG['db'][$connection_name]['pass'];

			$dsn = "mysql://$_user:$_pass@$_host:$_port/$_name?new_link=true";


			print "dsn is $dsn";

			if ($dsn != 'mysql://:@:/?new_link=true') {

				$db_connection[$connection_name] = DB::connect($dsn);

				if (!DB::isError($db_connection[$connection_name])) {

					return $db_connection[$connection_name];

				} else {

					trigger_error("General system error ID: 00002 - DSN empty", E_USER_ERROR);

the DSN looks fine: mysql://loquo_r:r@

getMessage() gives me a "Connect Failed" error, I have been looking over the internet, but I haven't found any solution and the message isn't very clear

I have tried to connect from the cmd and it works with "mysql -uloquo_r -pr -Dloquo_test"

I don't if there is something trivial I am missing or what.

any idea?

Thanks in advance.

Un saludo y muchas gracias.

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All 8 Replies

hello ,

are u simply tring to connect to mysql or you need to do something else?
Im asking becouse if it is simple connect you can do like this.


$dbHost = “localhost”;
$user = “userName”;
$pass = “passw”;

$conn = mysql_connect($dbHost, $user, $pass, $dbName ) or die (“Connection error ” . mysql_error());

// aqui comprobar la connexion (optional)

if($conn) {

echo”Your db name is:  $dbName ” ;

echo”cant connect ”;


and then you can get the connection data where you want.


Have you tried without ?new_link=true ?

Yes, I have tried without success

hello ,

are u simply tring to connect to mysql or you need to do something else?
Im asking becouse if it is simple connect you can do like this.


$dbHost = “localhost”;
$user = “userName”;
$pass = “passw”;

$conn = mysql_connect($dbHost, $user, $pass, $dbName ) or die (“Connection error ” . mysql_error());

// aqui comprobar la connexion (optional)

if($conn) {

echo”Your db name is:  $dbName ” ;

echo”cant connect ”;


and then you can get the connection data where you want.


what's the difference between the two functions to connect to the database?
I'm going to try it.

I have tried, and now I'm getting the following:

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client in C:\loquotest\shared\source\classes\biz\ManagerBase.php on line 47

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in C:\loquotest\shared\source\classes\biz\ManagerBase.php on line 338

I think it is your server’s problem, can you send me the PHP server data?


can you post your ManagerBase.php?

Sorry I can not do it, I do not have an access to php. If I can help in other things so ask please.


can you post your ManagerBase.php?




 * 	Manager Base class





// TODO: Get rid of this define once Smarty Calc is in place

// Number of seconds in a day

define('DHOY_ONE_DAY',   		'86400');

define('BROWSE_JOIN_CONDITION', 'join_condition');

require_once 'PEAR.php';

require_once 'DB.php';

require_once 'config/settings.php';

// A poor's man singleton

if (!isset($db_connection))


	$db_connection = array();


class ManagerBase


	function getDBConnection($connection_name = DHOY_DB_CONN_CITY_READ) {

		global $db_connection;

		global $DHOY_CONFIG;

		if (isset($db_connection[$connection_name])) {

			return $db_connection[$connection_name];

		} else if (!isset($DHOY_CONFIG['db'][$connection_name])) {

			trigger_error("General system error ID: 00001 - Undefined db: " . $connection_name, E_USER_ERROR);

		} else {

			$_host = $DHOY_CONFIG['db'][$connection_name]['host'];

			$_name = $DHOY_CONFIG['db'][$connection_name]['name'];

			$_port = $DHOY_CONFIG['db'][$connection_name]['port'];

			$_user = $DHOY_CONFIG['db'][$connection_name]['user'];

			$_pass = $DHOY_CONFIG['db'][$connection_name]['pass'];

			$dsn = "mysql://$_user:$_pass@$_host:$_port/$_name?new_link=true";


			print "dsn is $dsn";

			if ($dsn != 'mysql://:@:/?new_link=true') {

				$db_connection[$connection_name] = DB::connect($dsn);

				if (!DB::isError($db_connection[$connection_name])) {

					return $db_connection[$connection_name];

				} else {

					trigger_error("General system error ID: 00002 - DSN empty", E_USER_ERROR);


			} else {

				trigger_error("General system error ID: 00002 - DSN empty", E_USER_ERROR);



		return $db_connection[$connection_name];


	function freeDBConnection($connection_name = DHOY_DB_CONN_ALL)


		global $db_connection;

		if ($connection_name == DHOY_DB_CONN_ALL) {

			foreach ($db_connection as $key => $connection) {

				if (!DB::isError($db_connection[$key])) {





		} else {

			if (isset($db_connection[$connection_name]) 

				&& !DB::isError($db_connection[$connection_name])) {







	function nextGenId($table) {

		$db = ManagerBase::getDBConnection(DHOY_DB_CONN_CITY_WRITE);

		return $db->nextId($table);



	* 	browse (single table)


	*	@table_name 	

	*	@param $values (associative array of values to fetch)

	*		// NOTE: The special key BROWSE_JOIN_CONDITION is not a value to fetch but a join condition

	*		// TODO fix later


	*	@param $and (associative array of operator and values to discriminate on)

	*	@param $or (associative array of values and operators to discriminate on)


	*		e.g.

	*		['age']['val'] 	= '50'

	*		['age']['op'] 	= '>'


	*		Notes

	*			operator defaults to '='

	*			if operator is LIKE, value should include the %


	*	@param $order (ordering of the result set)


	*		e.g. $order = array( 


	*							);


	*	@param $group_by (ordering of the result set)


	*		e.g. $group_by = 'post.id'


	*	@limit (limits the amount of rows returned -defaults to 500)


	* @access public


	function &browse(	$table_name,




						$order 		= null, 

						$limit		= 500,

						$group_by	= null,

						$read_only_conn = false)


		global $DHOY_CONFIG;

		$column_list = null;

		$where_clause = null;

		$order_by = null;

		$sql_cache = true;

		$db = ManagerBase::getDBConnection($read_only_conn ? DHOY_DB_CONN_CITY_READ : DHOY_DB_CONN_CITY_WRITE);

		// select colums

		foreach ($values as $key=>$value)


			// TODO Fix this nasty little kludge !!!!

			// Make sure that it isn't a join condition

			if (!empty($value))




			if (isset($column_list))


			 	$column_list = $column_list . ",";


			$column_list = $column_list . $key;


		// AND clause

		if (isset($and))


			$first = true;

			foreach ($and as $and_elem)


				if (!$first)


				 	$where_clause = $where_clause . " AND ";


				$column = $and_elem['col'];

				$operator = empty($and_elem['op']) ? '=' : $and_elem['op'];

				// Don't quote value for 'is' or 'is not' operators

				if (stristr($operator, 'is'))


					$value = $and_elem['val'];




					$value = $db->quote((string)$and_elem['val']);



				if (!strcasecmp($operator, "against"))


					// If searching not SQL_CACHE

					$sql_cache = false;

					// Important !!! 

					// Converting to boolean search

					$operator = ' AGAINST ';

					$query_terms = _explodeBooleanSearch(DHOY_PostSearchManager::_cleanString($and_elem['val']));

					$value = '('. $db->quote((string)$query_terms). ' IN BOOLEAN MODE)';


				else if (!strcasecmp($operator, "in"))


					$operator = ' IN ';

					$in_clause = null;

					foreach ($and_elem['val'] as $key=>$val)


						if (!isset($in_clause))


							$in_clause = '('. $db->quote((string)$key);




							$in_clause = $in_clause. ','. $db->quote((string)$key);



					$in_clause = $in_clause.')';


					$value = $in_clause;


				$where_clause = "$where_clause$column$operator$value";

				$first = false;



		// OR values

		if (isset($or))


			// Important! we need to AND the OR branch of the query tree

			if (isset($and))


			 	$where_clause = $where_clause . " AND (";


			$first = true;

			foreach ($or as $or_elem)


				if (!$first)


				 	$where_clause = $where_clause . " OR ";



				$column = $or_elem['col'];

				$operator = empty($or_elem['op']) ? '=' : $or_elem['op'];


				// Don't quote value for 'is' or 'is not' operators

				if (stristr($operator, 'is'))


					$value = $or_elem['val'];




					$value = $db->quote((string)$or_elem['val']);


				if (!strcasecmp($operator, "like"))


					$operator = " LIKE ";


				else if (!strcasecmp($operator, "against"))


					// Important !!! 

					// Converting to boolean search

					$operator = " AGAINST ";

					$query_terms = _explodeBooleanSearch(DHOY_PostSearchManager::_cleanString($or_elem['val']));

					$value = '('. $db->quote((string)$query_terms). ' IN BOOLEAN MODE)';


				$where_clause = "$where_clause$column$operator$value";

				$first = false;


			if (isset($and))


			 	$where_clause = $where_clause . " )";



		if (isset($order))


			foreach ($order as $key=>$value)


				if (isset($order_by))


				 	$order_by = $order_by . ",";


				$order_by = $order_by . "$key $value";



		// If searching not SQL_CACHE

		if ($sql_cache)


			$sql =	'SELECT SQL_CACHE ';




			$sql =	'SELECT ';


		$sql = $sql . "$column_list FROM $table_name";

		// TODO Fix this nasty little thing

		$join_condition = $values[BROWSE_JOIN_CONDITION];

		if (isset($join_condition))


			$sql = $sql. " $join_condition";


		if (isset($where_clause))


			$sql = $sql . " WHERE $where_clause";


		if (isset($group_by))


			$sql = $sql . " GROUP BY $group_by";


		if (isset($order_by))


			$sql = $sql . " ORDER BY $order_by";


		if (isset($limit))


			$sql = $sql . " LIMIT $limit";



		if ( $DHOY_CONFIG['sql_trace'])


			echo "<pre>";

			echo "ManagerBase::Browse SQL <br />\n";

			echo "$sql\n";

			echo "</pre>";


		return $db->query($sql);




	* Converts timestamp values (PHP time() func) to 

	* mysql format (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS)


	function timestamp_to_mysql($ts="")


		if (empty($ts))


			$ts = ManagerBase::makeTimeStamp();


		return strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $ts);




	* Converts mysql formatted values (YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS) to unix timestamps



	function mysql_to_timestamp($string="")


	    if (strlen($string) == 19) 


			// Windows doesn't support negative time stamps

			if ( substr($string,0,4) < 1970)


				return 0;


	        $time = mktime(	substr($string,11,2), 	// hour

	        				substr($string,14,2),	// minute

	        				substr($string,17,2),	// second

	               			substr($string,5,2),	// month

	               			substr($string,8,2),	// day

	               			substr($string,0,4)); 	// year

	        return $time;




			return -1;





	* 	Favors GET over POST params


	function getReqParam($param1, $param2 = '')


		if (empty($param2))


			$ret = $_GET[$param1];




			$ret = $_GET[$param1][$param2];


		if (empty($ret))


			if (empty($param2))


				$ret = $_POST[$param1];




				$ret = $_POST[$param1][$param2];



		return $ret;



function _explodeBooleanSearch($val)


	$booleanmodeops = array('+', '-', '>', '<', '*', '~');

	$val=str_replace("*", "\\*", $val);	

	if (	$val[0] == '"'

		&&	$val[strlen($val)-1] == '"')






		$terms = explode(' ', $val);

		foreach ($terms as $term)


			if (!empty($query_terms))

				$query_terms = $query_terms . ' ';

			$query_terms = $query_terms . (!in_array(substr($term,0,1),$booleanmodeops) ? '+' : '') . $term;



	return $query_terms;


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