How can I convert amount in words for multiple currencies? I am using some class & functions but they have bugs & not fully functional. Does anyone have full functional and tested code/example?

Thanks in advance.

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define("MAJOR", 'pounds');
define("MINOR", 'p');

class toWords  {
           var $pounds;
           var $pence;
           var $major;
           var $minor;
           var $words = '';
           var $number;
           var $magind;
           var $units = array('','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine');
           var $teens = array('ten','eleven','twelve','thirteen','fourteen','fifteen','sixteen','seventeen','eighteen','nineteen');
           var $tens = array('','ten','twenty','thirty','forty','fifty','sixty','seventy','eighty','ninety');
           var $mag = array('','thousand','million','billion','trillion');

    function toWords($amount, $major=MAJOR, $minor=MINOR) {
             $this->major = $major;
             $this->minor = $minor;
             $this->number = number_format($amount,2);
             list($this->pounds,$this->pence) = explode('.',$this->number);
             $this->words = " $this->major $this->pence$this->minor";
             if ($this->pounds==0)
                 $this->words = "Zero $this->words";
             else {
                 $groups = explode(',',$this->pounds);
                 $groups = array_reverse($groups);
                 for ($this->magind=0; $this->magind<count($groups); $this->magind++) {
                      if (($this->magind==1)&&(strpos($this->words,'hundred') === false)&&($groups[0]!='000'))
                           $this->words = ' and ' . $this->words;
                      $this->words = $this->_build($groups[$this->magind]).$this->words;
    function _build($n) {
             $res = '';
             $na = str_pad("$n",3,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);
             if ($na == '000') return '';
             if ($na{0} != 0)
                 $res = ' '.$this->units[$na{0}] . ' hundred';
             if (($na{1}=='0')&&($na{2}=='0'))
                  return $res . ' ' . $this->mag[$this->magind];
             $res .= $res==''? '' : ' and';
             $t = (int)$na{1}; $u = (int)$na{2};
             switch ($t) {
                     case 0: $res .= ' ' . $this->units[$u]; break;
                     case 1: $res .= ' ' . $this->teens[$u]; break;
                     default:$res .= ' ' . $this->tens[$t] . ' ' . $this->units[$u] ; break;
             $res .= ' ' . $this->mag[$this->magind];
             return $res;

    $amount = 12345.67;

    $obj = new toWords($amount);
    echo $obj->words;      // gives Twelve thousand three hundred forty five pounds 67p
    echo $obj->number;     // gives 12,345.67

    $obj = new toWords( $amount , 'dollars', 'c');
    echo  $obj->words;      // gives Twelve thousand three hundred forty five dollars 67c
    echo  $obj->number;     // gives 12,345.67

Try this code.. will help u

Thanks :-)

It is very helpful


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