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Again I am trying to do a simple thing but with joomla it is advanced.

What I want to make is to show articles on front page in the way like it is in the atached picture. You can see the red bracked on the left.

There is 3 columns and two lines. Each is from different category. How with Joomla can I print arcticle from the one category to one are, from another category - to another area, from third category to third area and so on?

I have html and css styling, just need to put it on Joomla. The html is such of those blocks:

<div id="three"> 
				<div id="editor" class="block first"> 
					<h2><a href="">Redaktorės žodis</a></h2> 
					<p>Magnificat skaitytojams šio numerio viršelyje pateikiame seniausią Lietuvos globėjo šv. Kazimiero atvaizdą. Dr. Sigita Maslauskaitė pasakoja legendinę šio ypatingo paveikslo (karalaitis vaizduojamas su trimis rankomis) istoriją – trys rankos liudija šventojo dosnumą...</p> 
					<a href="" class="more">Skaityti toliau &rsaquo;</a> 
				<div id="calendar" class="block"> 
					<h2><a href="">Iš Liturginio kalendoriaus</a></h2> 
					<h3>Gavėnia – Dievo ir žmogaus suartėjimo metas</h3> 
					<p>Mokysimės pastebėti, kokios klaidos, silpnybės, nuodėmės mums užstoja Dievo šviesą ir, anot šv. Teresės Avilietės, stengtis „išravėti savo daržą”. Tikime, kad tam padės daugelis gavėnios meto...</p> 
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				<div id="testimonials" class="block last"> 
					<h2><a href="">Liudijimai</a><a href="" class="all">Skaityti visus &rarr;</a></h2> 
					<h3>Naujas katalikiškas leidinys Magnificat padės kūrenti kasdienės asmeninės maldos ugnį</h3> 
					<p>Jau pasirodė naujas originalaus formato katalikiškas žurnalas Magnificat. Tiesa, pirmasis numeris skirtas kovo mėnesiui. tad kol kas skaitytojams duodamas laikas apsiprasti...</p> 
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			<div id="social"> 
				<div id="news"  class="block first"> 
					<h3><a href="">Naujienos pavadinimas</a></h3> 
					<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ad te ad suis ut libertatem accipies Tharsos determinatio debitis torporis quin quia. Dicens hoc ait mea Stet...</p> 
					<a href="" class="more">Skaityti toliau &rsaquo;</a> 
					<a href="" class="all">Saityti visas naujienas &rarr;</a> 
				<div id="promo" class="block"> 
					<p>Nuo rugsėjo 1d. TELE2 klientai gali paaukoti MAGNIFICAT solidarumo fondui paskambinę telefonu 1600. Skambučio kaina 5 Lt</p> 
				<div id="facebook" class="block last"> 
					<h3>Magnificat Facebooke!</h3> 
					<div id="fbbox"> 
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One way I can think of now is to make a component for front page and select data from database for each category newest article and print it together with all html to make that look.

But isn't Joomla supposed to be that we could add articles without programming?


And one thing - administrator then will have to know that he will not be able to use those categories if he doesn't want article to appear in those areas. This might be confusing for him.

If I would do it without using Joomla, I would just make something like this layout on the administration area and administrator could click on it and change the text. But I would need to code article editing, saving and those things which are already integrated in Joomla. They are just not made the way I want.

Or maybe is there somehow possible to code my component with just taking joomlas article editor so I would not need to care about it? Then I would make like I said - some layout where admin clicks and edits the content with Joomlas article editor, and I could create seperate table in database for those frontpage articles. It would be much simpler for administrator.

It might be difficult to understand all my thinkings there. If something is not clear then just ask ;)

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