hi i am trying to call the Persons() from the user_friends() to get the data for the users it can grab 1 array but when its a multiple array i get this 1111ttTTdd1111110011ee00pp22ttUUPP1111iiSSWWRRii2211HHBB

can some one help me please.


class profile {


     // Get Person   	

	public function Persons($uid) 

                foreach($uid as $i)


	              $query = "SELECT * FROM afa_users WHERE user_id='$id'";
	              $command = mysql_query ($query);
	              $profile = mysql_fetch_array ($command);


	       return $data;



	//Get Persons Friends

       public function user_friends($uid) 

	    $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM afa_friends WHERE user='$uid' ORDER BY user DESC") or die(mysql_error());

                      $person = $this->Persons($uids);
               return array_pop($person);





i have tried looping it and mysql while() but just get the same can some one help please :)

ok got it to stop outputting: 1111ttTTdd1111110011ee00pp22ttUUPP1111iiSSWWRRii2211HHBB

but still cant get multiple users from the persons function :(


class profile {


     // Get Person   	

	public function persons($uid) 

                foreach($uid as $i)


	              $query = "SELECT * FROM afa_users WHERE user_id='$id'";
	              $command = mysql_query ($query);
	              $profile = mysql_fetch_array ($command);


	       return $data;



	//Get Persons Friends

       public function user_friends($uid) 

	    $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM afa_friends WHERE friend='$uid' ORDER BY id DESC") or die(mysql_error());

                      $person = $this->persons($uids);
               return array_pop($person);




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