Hello guys,

i have a problem with my fetching records, i need to put each photo inside a cell , now that has been done okay

the problem is i need to put 5 photos each row , now i have 6 in a row , i tried to use for , but i mess it up, did not know where should i put it , what i need is to put 5 photos each row , when the 5 is filled , the code start to fetch other photos in a new row.

<table width="%" border="1" bordercolor="#F7F7F7" align="center" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="5">
	  while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $data  )) 
        <td width=125 height=125 ><img width=125 height=125 src=images/<? echo ($info['photo']); ?>></td>
	 <?    } ?>
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