I have clients who send email messages to a specific e-mail address, and i have a script that will automatically update the MySQL table with that data from that e-mail and will publish it to a web page.

Images inserted into the emails cannot be seen on a web browser, because it was inserted into that email So the image reference in the source code has to be a hyperlink reference to the image and not cid:image001@1CCC701.5A896430 My issue is there may be one or more images inserted in that email to be published to the site, so how would i be able to differentiate and upload them to a specified FTP server folder and also get the uploaded file as use the hyperlink reference as a string to be replaced with the current as seen below.

In the body source, the image reference is:

<img width=183 height=183 id="Picture_x0020_1" src="cid:image001.png@01CCC701.5A896430">

How could i extract the image in the body of the e-mail, convert to a normal image type, upload it to the FTP server, and use the file on the FTP server as the image reference in the e-mail using str_replace ? Below is the code as i imagine it in my head. I've created it based off of researching functions that are supposed to do the job, but Could somebody help me find a solution to this?


    //Specifies e-mail server inbox and connects to it
        $mailbox = '{server.example.com/imap/novalidate-cert}INBOX';
        $mbox = imap_open($mailbox, 'user', 'pass'); // log in to mail server

    //Sets up FTP connection
        $ftp_server = "ftp.example.com";
        $ftp_user = "user";
        $ftp_pass = "pass";

    //Login with username and password
        $conn = ftp_connect($ftp_server);
        $login = ftp_login($conn, $ftp_user, $ftp_pass);

    // the body of the e-mail body with its original formatting quoted-printable characters to an 8-bit character set
    $body = imap_qprint(imap_fetchbody($mbox, $no, "1.2"));

    //CID image names will be dynamic so i must use REGEX
        $fileto = "/src="cid:(.*).png@(.*)/"";
        #$fileto = "/src="cid:(.*).bmp(.*)/"";
        #$fileto = "/src="cid:(.*).png(.*)/"";
        #$fileto = "/src="cid:(.*).gif(.*)/"";

        $target_f = "public_html/images/";

        if(strpos($body, $fileto) {
            $remote_f = ftp_nb_put($conn, $target_f, $fileto, FTP_ASCII);
        } or die "Could not convert image!";

        $new_img = str_replace($fileto, $remote_f, $body);
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