Hello there, Can anyone help me in my problem? My problem is, i need to display a record in the textbox, but it's not working. the record(database) and the textboxes.

Thanks :D

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Could you please give us the code so we can try and resolve your issue :)

Sorry, Here's my code. Thanks


$empno = $_POST['txtempno']; 
$empname = $_POST['txtename'];
$position = $_POST['txtpos']; 
$salary = $_POST['txtsal']; 

		$db=mysql_connect('localhost','root','') or die ('Cannot connect to MYSQL!');
		@mysql_select_db('dbriomra') or die('Cannot connect to database');
		$query="SELECT * FROM `profiles`";
		if($empno!=NULL || $empname!=NULL || $position!=NULL || $salary!=NULL || $aname!=NULL || $address!=NULL || $relation!=NULL || $age!=NULL || $sss!=NULL || $ph!=NULL || $pagibig!=NULL || $tax!=NULL || $total!=NULL || $sss2!=NULL || $ph2!=NULL || $pagibig2!=NULL || $tax2!=NULL || $total2!=NULL || $tded2!=NULL || $tsal2!=NULL || $allotment!=NULL)
								if(!mysql_query($query, $db))
									die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
								header('Location: index.php');


I'm confused to what you actually want to do here..

Do you want to display a record inside a text box, so like have an input box and its value is from the table?

OR display a record from the table onto a page?

To me, your code suggests that you're passing data from a form, selecting every record from the table, checking to see if the query executes..

I want to display a record inside a textbox, like what you said, and input box

Right, well, you can't SELECT everything and expect EVERYTHING to display in a text box (Well, you can, but it's not practical lol):

	$id = (int) 1;
	$db=mysql_connect('localhost','root','') or die ('Cannot connect to MYSQL!');
	@mysql_select_db('dbriomra') or die('Cannot connect to database');
	$query="SELECT * FROM `profiles` WHERE profile_id='$id'";
	$result = mysql_query($query);
	if(mysql_affected_rows() >= 1)
		echo '<form method="post" action="">';
		while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
			echo '<input type="text" name="field" value="' .$row['name']. '">';
		echo '</form>';
	  echo 'There are no records to fetch';

This example selects everything from the table profile, where the profile_id is 1 and if there is a record, displays a text box that has the value of the name.. For example "Phillip"

Hope this helps :)

It doesn't work :(

What error does it give?

It was just an example since I don't have access to your database, I cannot tell what fields you have.. =) Maybe provide some extra details?


$empno = $_POST['txtempno']; 
$empname = $_POST['txtename'];
$position = $_POST['txtpos']; 
$salary = $_POST['txtsal']; 

		$db=mysql_connect('localhost','root','') or die ('Cannot connect to MYSQL!');
		@mysql_select_db('dbriomra') or die('Cannot connect to database');
		$query="SELECT * FROM `profiles`";
		if($empno!=NULL || $empname!=NULL || $position!=NULL || $salary!=NULL || $aname!=NULL || $address!=NULL || $relation!=NULL || $age!=NULL || $sss!=NULL || $ph!=NULL || $pagibig!=NULL || $tax!=NULL || $total!=NULL || $sss2!=NULL || $ph2!=NULL || $pagibig2!=NULL || $tax2!=NULL || $total2!=NULL || $tded2!=NULL || $tsal2!=NULL || $allotment!=NULL)
								if(!mysql_query($query, $db))
									die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
								header('Location: index.php');


these are only my codes.. details?

-stares blankly- :P

Ok, ok

I'm guessing this is one of your field names "empno"?

So you could correct the code like this:

	$id = (int) 1;
	$db=mysql_connect('localhost','root','') or die ('Cannot connect to MYSQL!');
	@mysql_select_db('dbriomra') or die('Cannot connect to database');
	$query="SELECT * FROM `profiles` WHERE empno='$id'";
	$result = mysql_query($query);
	if(mysql_affected_rows() >= 1)
		echo '<form method="post" action="">';
		while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
			echo '<input type="text" name="field" value="' .$row['empname']. '">';
		echo '</form>';
	  echo 'There are no records to fetch';

I asked for your field names, not your code.. You need to be more descriptive with your problem, otherwise it's hard to help you.

These are my field names,


	$id = (int) 1;
	$db=mysql_connect('localhost','root','') or die ('Cannot connect to MYSQL!');
	@mysql_select_db('dbriomra') or die('Cannot connect to database');
	$query="SELECT * FROM `profiles` WHERE txtempno='$id'";
	$result = mysql_query($query);
	if(mysql_affected_rows() >= 1)
		echo '<form method="post" action="">';
		while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
			echo '<input type="text" name="field" value="' .$row['txtename']. '">';
		echo '</form>';
	  echo 'There are no records to fetch';

Should return a value =) I don't know why you're posting stuff if you want to display something in a text box.. e.g:


$empno = $_POST['txtempno']; 
$empname = $_POST['txtename'];
$position = $_POST['txtpos']; 
$salary = $_POST['txtsal']; 

phorce, it's working, Thank you :)

No problem :) Please mark this thread as solved and give rep points to those who have helped you (Click on the arrow buttons by their name) - Best of luck :)

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