Just wanted to know what was on everyone's Christmas list... :)

Free food and wine for whole of next year. :)

A hike of atleast 40%.

A hike of atleast 40%.

This year hike will be around 15%, So it is very less likely you will get 40% hike.

To all my friends who sent me best
wishes for 2007, they did nothing. For
2008, could you please send either
money, alcohol or petrol vouchers.

commented: Haha +1

I'm wishing for Guitar Hero for the Wii!

I'll take a couple of these:

Damien Hirst’s sculpture, titled “For The Love of God”. It represents a platinum skull encrusted with 8,601 diamonds, eye and nose sockets filled with hundreds of jewels and a 52-carat pear-shaped stone fixed on the forehead, which is further bordered with 14 diamonds. It was influenced by Mexican skulls encrusted in turquoise. The skull has been sold to an investment group for $100 million.

I'll take a couple of these:


let's hope my father's heart and kidney condition gets better, my mother will soon be done with learning to walk on her new leg (which was finally delivered last week), and my back stops hurting.

let's hope my father's heart and kidney condition gets better, my mother will soon be done with learning to walk on her new leg (which was finally delivered last week), and my back stops hurting.

I hope that your hopes will be fulfilled.

Since Christmas is coming up, I suppose I'll revive this thread =)

And Christmas is nice! I always get what I want...

...a day off =P


commented: Bhah, I never get what I want o.O Lucky you :) +4

>I suppose I'll revive this thread =)
Wow, what is the chance of that?! :icon_lol: , I was just about to do that.. seriously ^.^

Another chance to go back to Portugal & meet up with my family and friends again (its not gonna happen) :)

commented: I hope everything works out for you! =) +4

Peace on Earth and lower taxes to everybody!

commented: That sounds more like a dream than a wish, but that would be great if it happened! =) +4

I never know what I want for Christmas.


I think im getting an Xbox 360

I would like any of these - I would prefer the full scale but the mini pieces would do. I saw this guy's stuff in Scientific American about 30 years ago (when I subscribed). The really amazing thing is that these sculptures disassemble and can be re-assembled as something different - they came in scale from hanging pendants up to full scale, sigh! Late at night, I drool over beautiful things.

More DCC decoders for my model trains. And the time to install and play with them!

We don't get gifts with Christmas. We celebrate the original holiday of Sinterklaas (yes, Santa-Claus is the lame rip-off :) )
The biggest advantage is that I get gifts on the 5th of December and two days of with Christmas!

But on topic: I'm hoping for a nice bottle of Irish wiskey (sorry JBennet..) and a cigar to go with it :)

All the pretty girls / women who work for Santa...

mmm whisky and cigar

This year my family is doing a secret santa, so instead of having to conceive of seven presents to buy one! I bet I'll still (A) buy a bad present, (B) leave it late and (C) buy it for the wrong person though.

Hmm.. I finally thought of something I want.
A nice digital camera. =)

My first list on christmas is to bond with my family and friends... The other will be gifts to all relatives... eheehehehehe

JB - Port and a cigar, for me please - um, how about a 1948 Fonseca and some Cubans smuggled down from Canada.

If I was getting a present, I wish I could have "bailout" like the banks in America. Or perhaps like the Auto industry is gonna get.

These businesses can afford to have all their execs and top dogs live lavish lifestyles for the duration of their existence, but when they figure out that it is possible to get help from the government they are all about 'poor me'. Sorry to send such a dark cloud on a nice topic, but I guess I had to put it somewhere.


The thousands of small businesses across America that has went bankrupt with no help from the government.

let's hope my father's heart and kidney condition gets better, my mother will soon be done with learning to walk on her new leg (which was finally delivered last week), and my back stops hurting.

I pray to GOD for their well being.
best of luck.

my wishes:
1. Peace on earth
2. A beautiful Girl-friend (i never had one :'( )

a girlfriend? or one that is beautiful?

commented: Good luck with that :) .. +5
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