Ok this is a game I juast thought of and don't know if its been done before or if it will work well but bare with me.

Ok I start by stating a sentence. The next person will change one word and repost the sentence. The new sentence has to make some sense but dosent have to make alot of sense. Be creative! Ill start with the setence:

The blue bead was round and big.

The blue bead was round and ugly

The blue person was round and ugly

The klingon person was round and ugly

The klingon person was plump and ugly

The klingon whore was plump and ugly

The klingon building was plump and ugly

keep it appropieate

The klingon building was plump and high

The mental building was plump and high

The mental building is plump and high

The mental hospital is plump and high

My mental hospital is plump and high.

My mental hospital is odd and high.

My mental capacity is odd and high.

My mental capacity is odd and incompacitated.

My mental capacity is small and incompacitated.

My mental poodle is small and incompacitated.

My miniutare poodle is small and incompacitated.

Your miniutare poodle is small and incompacitated

Your miniature poodle is small and angry.

Your miniature donkey is small and angry.

Your miniature donkey is small and fluffy.

Your miniature donkey is small not fluffy.

Your miniature donkey is small and not fluffy

Your miniature house is small and not fluffy

Your miniature house is small and not adequate.

My miniature house is small and not adequate.

Everybodys miniature house is small and not adequate.

Everybodys miniature house is small and not square.

Everybody's dog house is small and not square.

(For goodness sake! Think of something funny to turn that into! You lot are driving me bonkers changing stuff and going bloody nowhere with it! :cry:

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