What do you guys think of an all-powerful god, or an all-natural god? Whatever you do or do not believe in.. this thread is for religious debates and debocle. :)

Give me a bit to finish my essay and look for my other essay on theology, and I'll reply with that too.

Do you believe in a God? Why or Why not?

Gosh, we just did this a few hours ago in my Life, Death, and Immortality class ...... ;) from a book called Doubt written by a professor at Nassau Community College (the school right next door to where I go, Hofstra U.) In fact, my prof mentioned she's having lunch w/ the author next week LOL!

Haha, well, what'd you learn? ;)

that the class is a bunch of B.S. (no disrespect to the prof, she was great) ;)

Do the ways of the ancient Jedi Knights qualify as a religion in this thread?

Read terry pratchetts book : "small gods". That will teqahc you moe about phjillosdphy or regligion than you will ever need to know
and youll never be able to pass a melon in the shops again

Read terry pratchetts book : "small gods". That will teqahc you moe about phjillosdphy or regligion

Does it teach spelling? :cool:

I might only be a padawan (I have the tail to prove it), but I think that Jedi should count as a religion in this debate.

I might only be a padawan (I have the tail to prove it), but I think that Jedi should count as a religion in this debate.

A religion that comes from Hollywood. Doesn't get better than that.:cool:

What can I say, I just want to learn how to make a LightSaber and use it properly. Also knowing a few of those old jedi mind tricks can prove useful now and then. (You can go about your business... Move along)

I just wish I had Darth Vader's voice. I could mess with so many people. "Yes.... *breathing*.... I'd like pepperoni on my pizza... "

Riiiiiiiiiiight. I can just see Darth walking into a Pizza Hut, guards surrounding him, making other customers leave or else the force will take them over. He goes to the counter and says...
"*breathe* I would like your special" The kid behind the counter asks "Which one would you like, sir? We have a lovely anti-astmatic pizza."

"Yes, *breathe* I think I would like that. *Breathe* does it come in *breathe* a large?*
"Yes sir it can, anything else I can get you?" Darth looks around and all the troopers shake their heads no and continue to be on guard.
"No young one, that will be it. *breathe* I will need 23,345,5678,766 of those pizzas, all large *breathe*" Kid looks at him and disbelief.
"It will take us weeks!" Darth waves his hand
"You will make my pizzas"......

And the light saber thing would be cool too

But how the heck does Darth Vader EAT a pizza? Messily, I would presume ;) Trying to ram it through his helmet? Have it mushed up like baby food? Through a drip? Just how DID Darth survive without apparently eating anything?

Tee Hee!



Do the ways of the ancient Jedi Knights qualify as a religion in this thread?

For sure. As you know; I (kyle) am a Jedi.

And movielad. He is robot! He gets fed by electric juice ;)

Okay, if he's a robot then why does he need to walk into a Pizza Hut and start demanding pizzas? ;)

Oh, I'm going start running very fast now.. hehe ;)



OY! Pizza is just what the doctor ordered! It is a universal sign of holyness. That and who could resist a Pizza Hut Pizza.. with stuffed crust, pineapple, mushrooms and plenty of wor... umm.. off the subject. Anyways, I think he eats with the dark force. You know... he makes a slice levitate and then by his jedi mind meld, he becomes one with the pizza and then *POOF* all gone. Either that or he lifts his helmet when no one is looking.

You know... he makes a slice levitate and then by his jedi mind meld, he becomes one with the pizza and then *POOF* all gone.

Me thinks your logic is flawed. :cheesy:

Unless he's using an old "vulcan" mind trick... (Just buggin :D )

Not flawed, elder, simply mad. Also, it is mind trick. If you belive that you are full, you are. I know someone who lost alot of weight on that diet. They ate, breakfast, lunch and dinner. BUt for the snack part, they belived that they were hungry. I know... weird, but they did it. I do not have the will power to do so.

Just how DID Darth survive without apparently eating anything?

In all the movies you never did see Darth Vader eat anything... Of course when your busy chasing then wanna be Jedi Knights around a giant metal sphere in a souped up TIE fighter, or hunting down smart ass smuglers all over the nearest astroid field, well... who has time to eat anything. :cheesy:

Then again, I suppose he did eat occasionally when he was a kid, but he was also haning out with that loser with the floppy ears and really ANNOYING speech impediment.

Okay, if he's a robot then why does he need to walk into a Pizza Hut and start demanding pizzas? ;)

Oh, I'm going start running very fast now.. hehe ;)



Duh, he has circuit chips with his pizza :rolleyes: . What else?

Right Rixius, and I guess he took Mega-bites?
BUt the question of Darth can eat or not is simply a mystery beyond anyone's thoughts. If you concentrated on it enough, your head might explode. I know, I am on my 3rd one this week.

You haven't had any run in's with a bunch of guys in cheap black suits lately have you? :cool:

No... can't say that I have, But I know that I saw some the other day on the corner wearing Expensive white suits... They could have been undercover

I can't believe you guys are still talking about Darth Vader. I was listening to the radio this morning and heard a Verizon commercial and said to myself, "Oh no! Darth Vader is representing Verizon! Gak. "

Well, I was simply trying to state a silly pun and get rid of the Darth Vader thing... Okay.. somehting else.. something else...


Umm.. sothing else.. anyone else have a topic? I mean this topic is Philosophies on Theology..

Ummm.... *Head expoldes*

In all seriousness, what religion are you guys? I'm Christian.

I can't rightly say that I have picked one... (Looks nervously around for random lightning bolts) I can say I beleve more often then not though which means I don't qualify as an atheist.

Seriously, if I said I would be ridiculed beyond belief.
catholic by family, and Jedi by self.

John 14

"Jesus Is the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."

"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'"

"I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you."

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