NASA predicts Worldwide Holiday on Feb 1, 2019 as the world is scheduled to end


the second photo is terrible ....scroll down to see that....







While some might argue that the movies "Deep Impact" and "Armegeddon" may be science fiction, I do think the threat is real that some rock out there could come and hit us. I also find it disturbing that if you are younger than 30 years of age, you were not *alive* when the last man walked on the moon.

I can only wonder what kind of job creation possibilities we could have here in the US if we got the Space program off the ground, and returned to the moon, or worked to design a system to protect the fragile Earth from devistating encounters.

I suppose we have to stop fighting ourselves in the Middle East, eh?


More complete and up to date info....

With the processing of a few more observations of asteroid 2002 NT7 through July 28, we can now rule out any Earth impact possibilities for February 1, 2019. While we cannot yet completely rule out an impact possibility on February 1, 2060, it seems very likely that this possibility will be soon ruled out as well as additional positional observations are processed. Because the SENTRY system tracks a multitude of test particles in an effort to map the uncertainties of the asteroid's future positions, some of these test particles can take slightly different dynamical paths. Hence there are currently two entries for 2060 in our IMPACT RISK table. The entry with the higher risk (larger Palermo Technical Scale) would be the value that would then take precedence.

by 2060, I will be worm food...

55 years in advance... the trajectory might change. I think its a bit too soon for the entire world to panic. Let the scientists worry about that right now. :D

Let the scientists worry about it till the moment it hits I reckon. I sure as shit won't be worrying about it afterwards!

by 2060, I will be worm food...

This MIGHT also apply to you my friend. And I'll be old (75).

Catweazle is immortal. Until that bloody big rock hits, anyway :D

I don't believe anything those people say. They can't predict the end of the world.

Let's see...

2060 would make me 107...

Bring on the rock...
If I am still here I will be more than ready to check out...

Let's see...

2060 would make me 107...

Bring on the rock...
If I am still here I will be more than ready to check out...


"Lets go to where it will land. That will be a show!!!"

It must truely be cool though... for a couple of seconds before it hits ground. Then youre toast. :D

Interesting...I don´t know if these guys can predict anything to that degree of certainty. But if I were betting on the end of the world, I would take the word of the Mayans over any of these modern gurus.

If you research this, please discount about 99% of the web sites out there, as they are flakes. However, there is good evidence that the Mayans thought the end of something, whether it´s the ¨world¨ or one of their cycles or whatever, was coming in December 2012. I´ll leave it up to you to do due diligence on this, that´s the fun part. But suffice it to say that the Mayan calendar ends on that date. And they knew their math and astronomy. Who knows...

As far as the end of the world. Does that mean the end of this ball, all life as we know it, or human beings. I don´t think the loss of humans would do much to damage planet earth, personally...probably would save it from total destruction somewhere down the road...

commented: profound +1

If you research this, please discount about 99% of the web sites out there, as they are flakes.

Corn flakes perhaps?!

But seriously, zeroth is right. A huge percentage of sights out there predicting armageddon are just wierdos who think that more sites like the one they got their info from is exactly what the world needs. More often than not the sites they got their info from are 'flakes' as well. :(

Notre Damas(or sometin..) predicted the world was going to end on 5/05/05 at 5:55:55, that didn't happen, and so far, no one who has predicted the end has been correct, so keep on slackin ;)

They're just trying to rock you to sleep.

Everyone knows the world will end in 2038. That's the year UNIX runs out of dates.

They're just trying to rock you to sleep.

Everyone knows the world will end in 2038. That's the year UNIX runs out of dates.

Why does Unix run out of dates on 2038? I never heard anything regarding that.

Unix will suffer its own version of the Y2K problem in 2038. Because of the way it represents dates internally as an integer it will in 2038 roll over.
This doesn't affect 64 bit versions but those are still (and will likely be by then) not universally used (given that there are still 30 year old Unix machines operating today, 32 bit machines purchased now will likely be in operation in 2038).

commented: Well presented and informative response +8

As to predicting the movement of cellestial objects: that can be calculated far in advance.
The trajectory corrections performed show that indeed this isn't 100% accurate as there are many objects out there that have an influence on each other that we haven't yet found.

The chance we will at some point in the future be hit by something BIG is 100%. We've been hit with surprising regularity in the past after all and things are still hitting us constantly.
The most recent large hit was the Tunguska event. This levelled forests for several hundred square kilometers in the early 20th century.
It has been estimated that was caused by an asteroid only a few cubic meters in size, the things NASA is tracking and looking for in the current program are hundreds of times larger. These will when they hit cause MEEs (mass extinction events, dinosaur killers) and leave craters hundreds of kilometers in diameter. But even a smaller thing like the Tunguska object can devastate a city if they drop on it, these things hit about once every 200 years on average if not more often yet noone is looking for them.


1) The Bible states there will be an Asteriod Impact - more than one impact in the book of Revelations:

"The third Angel sounded his trumpet and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a thrid of the rivers and on the springs of water - the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter"

"The fifth angel sounded his trumpet and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. When he open the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and the sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss"

2) There are many other MAJOR events prophecised in revelations to take place during a 7 year period - otherwise known as the great tribulation. It is schedule to begin when a world Leader of a 10 nation empire makes a 7 year covenant (peace deal/ treaty / pact) with Israel. Its predicted (by me and others) that the present day WEU (Western European Union) is this 10 nation empire (the WEU controls the EU - present day European Union). Its also predicted (by me and others) that the WEU counsellor (who is also the EU's High Rresentative and Foriegn Minister - who is currently Javier Solana) will be the Anti-Christ Leader prophesied to rise to power on the earth just before the return of Christ. This Anti-Christ will also force all to take an ID MARK (the Mark of the Beast) - an ID chip placed in the right hand or forehead. Whoever receives this Mark has their fate sealed - going to hell. We already see that world leaders are bringing in now - Passports with ID chips in them - this is stage one. Stage 2 is placing these ID chips permanently in the human body - under skin on right hand or forehead.

3) This isn't bullsh*t - I have done EXSTENSIVE research on this and its simply shocking and amazing that all the prophecies are coming to a head right now. The WEU even has a planned (treaty) drawn up right now for a 7 year aggreement with ISRAEL - just as scriptures say. They want to implement this 7 year aggreement with Israel and many othe r nations in Jan 1st 2007. Its called the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI). Its also amazing that the legal recommendation passed be the WEU annual meeting that gave the counsellor (leader) of the EU new all emcompassing powers was "Recommendation 666". Revelations clearly states that the number of the beast is 666. In fact if you want a simple quick understanding the recent Star Wars movie explains it very well. The way that the Republic counselor rises to power is very similar to what the bible says will happen with the rise of the Anti-Christ Leader. He will use emergency powers to suddenly take total control of everything. People don't realise it but the Star Wars moving has a hidden message in it. Whether its God who hid the message in their or George Lucas himself planned it - I don't know - but there's a definate connection. Consider its Gods indirect way of awakening people to whats going to happen.

4) If any of you are interest PLEASE respond and I will personally provide you further web links with much more extensive detail and explanations. I don't want to post it here because its only for those who are genuinely interested.

ah, the conspiracy theorists are now using the bible?

Nice reading, almost as interesting as the Da Vinci Code. Almost as capturing as the movie End of Days.

Nice reading, almost as interesting as the Da Vinci Code.

That was a good book up until the second half.

ah, the conspiracy theorists are now using the bible?

Nice reading, almost as interesting as the Da Vinci Code. Almost as capturing as the movie End of Days.

My post was not intended to provide entertainment. I can see how people could easily lump it in with all the other crack pot "end of the world" theories. Well too bad for you I guess.
I know that people come to these forums for help and to chat, not to really take such things seriously, so I guess I should expect as much, but I wrote this for your benefit.

Ok I'm fine with you discarding this for the time being - but all I ask is that you remember at least some of the things I've written - so when you see them come to pass you mgiht at that time reconsider - thats all I ask. But whether you do this or not doesn't really effect me - but it will effect your life.

That was a good book up until the second half.

That's why it's ALMOST as interesting :cheesy:

but it will effect your life.

Not really. If the world ends so does my life (if it hadn't before). Therefore how the world ends won't effect my life, it'll be over one way or another.

Nice play on words, jwenting :p


1) The Bible states there will be an Asteriod Impact - more than one impact in the book of Revelations:

"The third Angel sounded his trumpet and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water - the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter"

"The fifth angel sounded his trumpet and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. When he open the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and the sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss"


The original Greek word which translates into English as "Wormwood" translates into Ukranian as "Chernobyl."

Nuclear reactors and stars have the same energy source.

wrong :)
Nuclear reactors use nuclear fission (the splitting of heavy isotopes into lighter ones), stars use nuclear fusion (the combination of light isotopes into heavier ones).

I bet NASA just wants more money. If they said doomsday is coming they might get a bigger buget...Can't blaim them the stupid politions in Washington won't go along with Bush's plan to go back to the moon and to Mars.

commented: N/A +0

nah...all your lifes wont end on 2012 december 21.what they mean by the world ending is just that the world will collapse as in politically and the such as the government we know will collapse starting with the superpower america.when america collapse, other countries wil too start to collapse and the whole world will be in disorder.what will happen is not describable and there are alot more to that but its imposible for me to write all that down. but rest assure that when the sciencetist cannot do anything to save the world, there are many powerful psychic out there forming a society to save the world by helping the mortal son of god back to i said there are alot more to that and i cannot possibly type it all out but by the looks of it, many psychic(psionists, practitioner of The
Art)are willing to most probably we will survive....

There is nothing quite like Umberto Eco's Foucault's Pendulum for a rousing good conspiracy story. Plus it is one of the most literate reads you can find

@ fierykido : Congrats! You've just resurrected a 3 year old thread.
If you want to discuss the topic, use the thread that's still alive.

@mod: Lock?

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