US vs Iraq --> Bush vs Hussein

bush vs hussein -> george vs saddam :D

george vs saddam --> we're on a first name basis

war ---> US vs Iraq

US vs Iraq ---> Oil Feud

music --> singing

singing --> praises

praise --> clapping

clapping --> laughing and having a good time

laughing --> clowns (I don't know why this was the first thing that came into my head - I'm weird I guess LOL)


make-up --> lipstick


kiss --> hug

hug--> arms

arms -> hair

hair -> Nads!


nads->men (anything else would be... uncomfortable)

men --> women





camping --> tent

tent-->triangle (most of the time... well its not 2d, and i forgot what the 3d versions is)

Do you mean "pyramid"?

triangle --> square


circle --> round


You spin me right round baby right round, like a record baby, right round round round.


Round --> earth

earth -> compost


Dani: No, I meant triangular prism.... But that wouldn't be much fun.

Worms? I hate worms. They drive me crazy. I was crazy once. They locked me up in a little white room. I died there. Worms came in and ate my brains. Worms? I hate worms. They drive me crazy. I was crazy once. They locked me up in a little white room. I died there. Worms came in and ate my brains. Worms? I hate worms. They drive me crazy. I was crazy once. They locked me up in a little white room. I died there. Worms came in and ate my brains. Worms? I hate worms. They drive me crazy. I was crazy once. They locked me up in a little white room. I died there. Worms came in and ate my brains. Worms? I hate worms. They drive me crazy. I was crazy once. They locked me up in a little white room. I died there. Worms came in and ate my brains. Worms? I hate worms. They drive me crazy. I was crazy once. They locked me up in a little white room. I died there. Worms came in and ate my brains. Worms?

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