What OS, Compiler, and IDE (if any) do you use?


  • Xcode
  • Netbeans
  • notepad++ sometimes :)

notepad++ sometimes

Yes, but I could only put 10 choices :(
And I use Notepad++ too, but mostly for other languages (not C/C++).

I was going to also add EMACS but no space :(

OOOO I forgot EMACS!!! :D

Mentioning Emacs without mentioning Vim? Surely the world must be coming to an end. ;-)

Maybe it would have been better if there was a separate poll with OS and IDE or compiler because of the poll limiter :)

Maybe it would have been better if there was a separate poll with OS and IDE or compiler because of the poll limiter

You right!
Can you Admins delete this thread, so I can make 2 instead?

I am pleasantly surprised to see that there is more people using eclipse and Code::Blocks then Visual Studio!

Mentioning Emacs without mentioning Vim? Surely the world must be coming to an end. ;-)

Haha, if admins separate this into 2, I will add Vim, Minix, Other Linuxes, Unix, different Mac versions, Xcode, Netbeans and many others :)

hmm ...
I usually work on a Windows machine, but IDE tends to differ:

NetBeans: when I'm writing a simple class lib
Eclipse: for 'normal' webapps
SpringSource <eclipse based>: when working on a GWT project
JCreator or Notepad++: when I'm creating small, single class app's

Deleting thread would be against the forum rules. If you want, I can turn this into a OS or a IDE/Editor thread. So, which one do you want it to be?

IDE. People can just put there OS in the thread itself.

Done and done.

This is exactly what happens when somebody first act and only after that thinks...

To make some people happy, I will say that I use Windows XP, Windows 7, Mac OS, Ubuntu. I do my coding in Intellij, Eclipse, NetBeans and sometimes on JCreator (given that it is often much easier just to use IDE in which project was created instead of trying to export it somewhere else). Plus I use Emacs, Vi and Vim whenever there is something to be done on server(configs are most often the case)

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IDE: Bluefish, Aptana, Notepad++, Eclipse (and *cough* Dreamweaver)
OS: Win7

You never said what the purpose of this is or if you will be publishing the results here.

IDE: Context and occasionally Netbeans
OS: Win7

I use Notepad2 on Win98se :) (Me favourite os)

Code:Blocks(I used to)
NoteTab Light

IDE: Netbeans
OS: Windows 7 and Ubuntu 11.10

Netbeans (for Java ofc)
Notepad++ for all the others :)

OS: Win7
Also own a iMac, but still getting used to the interface, not yet ready for programming on it

I use Notepad2 on Win98se :) (Me favourite os)

nothing beats Windows 3.11
the last real stable release they delivered ;)

commented: lol +0

I like Editra, works great for a number of programming languages.

whatever is needed and available for the job at hand... Windows, Solaris, HP-Ux, AIX, Linux, you name it.

I'm exclusively Windows 7 and use either Code::Blocks or VC++ 2010 Express. Of course I don't do professional coding any more so I am free to use whatever I want instead of what some employer forces down my throat.

OS: Win7
Editor( I like them more than IDEs ): Sublime Text 2 ( Like Notepad++, only better! :p )
I also use VSC++ Express currently. I don't do a lot of C++ at the moment, so it's easier to use an IDE than to set up my computer for editor work.
I also use EMACS for my LISP hacking.

- WolfShield

well i use only Windows 7 x64 as an OS, and Visual Studios for my C# and the occasional c and c++ apps, and netbeans for my java! :)

Kinda depends on what you program(i.e.:c++ - code::blocks, java - eclipse, c# - visual studio c# etc)


Notepad++/g++ for smaller aps (such as helping out on the c++ board)

MS Visual Studio 2010 Premium (bless my Uni and MSDNAA) for bigger aps (mainly due to debugger, I don't have the patience to learn or use gdb).

I'm exclusively Windows 7 and use either Code::Blocks or VC++ 2010 Express. Of course I don't do professional coding any more so I am free to use whatever I want instead of what some employer forces down my throat.

I don't do professional coding and use what I want but only because I am too young :)

I use Emacs, I’ve been using it for a long time and I’m used to it a lot.

I use Codelite, Anjuta and sometimes Geany, combined with g++.
OS: Linux Mint.

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