Funny you should ask that, I modded mine just yesterday. Not so it would look cool or anything, I just made it to accomodate a 12cm fan. I'll show you pics once I've redone the paint. Basically I did a fan grill template in photoshop, then I printed it, taped it to my case, made each hole indented (so they'd be marked for the drill and so I was able to drill with max precision) then I drilled the holes :D. I'm looking to do a few more modifications... perhaps add a few neon lights or something.

Cool. Yea I have 4 led fans and 2 3-led lights coming in the mail, should get them in the next day or two. Will post pics. Hope to see pics of your mod :)

I originally planned on modding my tower when I built the machine. But I ended up not having any room on my desk, which meant the box had to go on the floor. I figured it was a waste of money to mod it when it would just be sitting by my feet under my desk. The inside of my machine is still all nice looking though - all of the wires are grouped together in mesh tubing.

Cool :)
Yea I rounded my ide cables, so in the pics you can hardly tell they're there. (view my tutorial on how to round ide cables)

I've done a little bit, mainly for functionality, not the "wow" factor...

I cut two holes on the side of my case to accomodate two 92mm Vantec Tornadoes, so I've got GOBS of air coming into my case now. I also drilled a whole bunch of holes through the front bezel on my case, so the 80mm fans I installed on the front of my case wouldn't be restricted.

Like I said, I was completely going for function-- All of my IDE/floppy cables are rounded for better airflow, my PSU has a 120mm fan on the underside of the unit, and an 80mm intake fan on the other side, blowing air through the PSU, also exhausting out the back. All of the Blue LED lights I have in my system just happened to be in there because of my choice of components.

when i build my new computer (hopefully this fall, i have been saying that for almost a year now :( ) but anyway i plan on doing alot to it even tho it will be hiden inside my desk i will still mod it jst for the fun of it :)

im actually in the proccess of modding a case right now. i just have to finish the paint job on one of the panels. fit the glass into the panel and look into getting some nice glowy stuff and maybe some nice glowy fans!

I've done a little bit, mainly for functionality, not the "wow" factor...

yeah that's basically all I've done. Just drilled a grill in the side panel for a 12cm fan. My Girlfriend painted it last night to get rid of the scratches where I sanded it. But you can tell where it's been painted because it's a little elevated (and the color is a little different), but I'm going to print out some glossy stickers just to make it look better. You'll have to wait for pics I'm afraid *sigh*.

Pics of my mod are attached... feedback? Suggestions? There is a little bit of work that needs to be done yet...

Member Avatar for szukalski

No go fast stripes?
I'm planning on putting flames on mine to speed it up.

lol yeah, I'm gunna paint mine red.

Member Avatar for szukalski

And a volume control that goes all the way to 11...

Looks good so far slade. Yea I'm definately adding flames to the next case I paint, either decals or spray paint (after i outline and mask).

Hey thought you guys might be interested:
My K'Nex Case Mod :P

Note: I get bored... next, the Lego case! lol

Interesting idea... not the best thought :)

Yep, I'm also in the middle of a pretty serious case mod. Actually, it's a pretty serious overclock project as well!

Sorry folks. My camera's kaput so no pics :(

And yep! You should definitely paint that front panel, together with the bezels on those optical drives. Just use ordinary old Gloss Vinyl Dye that you get from an auto parts store. (Add a final coat of Gloss Enamel if you like, for a better effect.)

Here's a guide to doing those drives:

I modded up one of my older cases, I just added an 80mm fan to the side to add a little more airflow since I had upgrading all the insides. I'll get a pic up some time this week.

I wanted to mod my new box, but ran out of funds before I could. Maybe when I win the lottery. ;)

did you check out the pics of my 120mm mod? Tell me what you think... is there anything else I should do? I am thinking of just leaving it that way.

Slade, was I you I'd be pulling that fan back out, and using a dremel or similar tool to cut that grill completely out of the case, leaving a round hole which allows proper airflow. You've put a fan in your case in a way which only allows a small fraction of the airflow that the fan can provide!

Here's a guide to follow for the job:

That setup you've got, mate, is like trying to breathe when some big angry bastard has his hands clenched firmly around your throat!

LOL thanks for the feedback buddy I may just do that.

Yeah, Personally, I cut out a big hole, then covered mine up with some generic wire fan guards. Because the wire circles obscure my imprecise cutting job, it doesn't matter I was a little sloppy with my $5 US case nibbler.

Fan Grilles are cheap, too-- they still keep you from shoving your fingers in the fan, and they don't restrict airflow much, if at all.

I for one know that me and my case nibbler's next job will be cutting out the pre-drilled holes on the front of my chassis, and allowing for more free airflow through the front of the system. I'm thinking of going so far as cutting neat square holes in the front of the case, and then covering them with screenwire or something, so I have good flow coming in through the front.

A 'blowhole' and wire guard in the front of the case is certainly preferable where a front intake fan is used. Waste of time having it there if it's unable to work effectively!

Sounds cool :) Thx for the tutorial link.

...will a jigsaw work?

Yep, a jigsaw will work. Use a fine-tooth blade, tape both sides of the panel, and go slow. Cut a smaller hole first, and work your way out to where you want to get.

A jigsaw will NOT cut a perfect 80mm circle straight off!

Oh by the way. I'd just like to thank everyone who ridiculed my mod. Just kidding. I think you should take the time to sit down and think what mistakes you've made over the course of your life. When you are done, kindly send me an e-mail with your mistakes attached so I can post them on the forums and have a great time laughing and making fun of you with some other people.

You know who you are.

Yours sincerely,


Lol. yea for cutting your case you can use a jigsaw, or I used a saber saw which is basicly the same thing.


hmm I am just thinking I might make a window out of that panel and instead mount the fan in the ceiling of the case... what do you think of this idea?

Your most important considerations for fan placement are front/bottom for intake and rear/adjacent to processor for exhaust. Ideally, both positions should have a fan, with the hole cut for airflow as described. A setup like that should suit most hot-running processor/vid card combinations.

A fan in the case side panel should be an intake fan, but I'd agree that if your system runs hot a top, exhaust fan is probably the best addition to make. (And I reckon a 120mm intake fan above the vid card is probably overkill ;))

ok well now I want a suggestion. I have an intake fan at the front and one at the back. Best placement for the 120 would be...?

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