This creator of this website must have been high. I don't know wheather to laugh or be frightened!

Being high while viewing not required,but recommended :D


Yeah I agree with hbk619, wow...

what on earth is that ~ madness..........

OMG that site scares me

Lol I know... me too.

Scaryy.... ;-)


very bad design .. and hmm funny images .. O_o

Funny images?Damn that's scares me..

The guy is a creep!!.. the sound makes it more scarier..

Whoa, there was sound on the site? I didn't even realize... my speakers must have been turned down.

same. i never have my speakers on apart from when playing battlefield 2 but sometimes not eveen then (lol its 7.1 surround and i played it for like 8 hours straight once, swear i got shellshock lol)

commented: Completely unnecessary. Try to keep things on-topic. -2
commented: Equaliser.. lol!! +2


why did i get a bad rep?????

this is the geeks lounge, its supposed to be off topic!



why did i get a bad rep?????

this is the geeks lounge, its supposed to be off topic!


Rant all you want jbennet.
I don't think it's going to affect this thread that much if you barely go off topic. Which I don't even think you did. Don't worry about it.

Rant all you want jbennet.
I don't think it's going to affect this thread that much if you barely go off topic. Which I don't even think you did. Don't worry about it.

Yeah your rite. There is nothing wrong in what jbennet said. Why does all the mod's hate you guys? Hope im not included in the list too :S

you might be now

*updates his list*. ;-)

Meh. I've seen worse sites before.

>why did i get a bad rep?????
Because it had no relation whatsoever to the original topic.

>this is the geeks lounge, its supposed to be off topic!
Hmm, why do you think there's a "new thread" button, then? Perhaps it's to keep topics separate?

>Why does all the mod's hate you guys?
They don't. And I'm not a mod.

>Hope im not included in the list too
I don't hate anyone. I just occasionally hand out negative reputation to posts that don't respect the original topic.

It was talking abotut my speakers in relation to my reaction over the creepy sounds that website made

Dang site actually crashed my 'puter!!!!

>why did i get a bad rep?????
Because it had no relation whatsoever to the original topic.

It was on topic. His comment related directly to the site under discussion. Apologize....:icon_twisted:

lol wtf thats so weird

> this is the geeks lounge, its supposed to be off topic!
And you wonder why people keep complaining about your posts... :icon_rolleyes:

lol, that and my atrocious spelling

Honestly, I don't see what's so creepy about the site. It's just some monsters on some random HTML markup.

>It was talking abotut my speakers in relation to my reaction over the
>creepy sounds that website made
Yeah, and then you started talking about how much you played Battlefield. And the technical specifications of your sound card.

suppose lol

p.s Joeprogrammer how did you manage to get a address?

i guess some kid made the site for like a school project or something and he likes weird things, we will never know why that site was ever made...

p.s Joeprogrammer how did you manage to get a address?

that is sooo off topic, you are soooo getting bad rep.

sorry :D

commented: Your so rite :D +2
commented: lol +14

That website reminds me of a song by the murderdolls called Welcome to the Strange.

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