This was sent to me today...

NO GAS...On May 15th 2007
In April 1997, there was a 'gas out' conducted nationwide in protest of gas prices. Gasoline prices dropped 30 cents a gallon overnight.

On May 15th 2007, all internet users are to not go to a gas station in protest of high gas prices. Gas is now over $3.00 a gallon in most places.

There are 73,000,000+ American members currently on the internet network, and the average car takes about 30 to 50 dollars to fill up.

If all users did not go to the pump on the 15th, it would take$2,292,000,000.00 (that's almost 3 BILLION) out of the oil companies pockets for just one day, so please do not go to the gas station on May 15th and lets try to put a dent in the Middle Eastern oil industry for at least one day.

This was sent to me today...

NO GAS...On May 15th 2007
In April 1997, there was a 'gas out' conducted nationwide in protest of gas prices. Gasoline prices dropped 30 cents a gallon overnight.

On May 15th 2007, all internet users are to not go to a gas station in protest of high gas prices. Gas is now over $3.00 a gallon in most places.

There are 73,000,000+ American members currently on the internet network, and the average car takes about 30 to 50 dollars to fill up.

If all users did not go to the pump on the 15th, it would take$2,292,000,000.00 (that's almost 3 BILLION) out of the oil companies pockets for just one day, so please do not go to the gas station on May 15th and lets try to put a dent in the Middle Eastern oil industry for at least one day.

Making this an absolutely worthless gesture, as that one day would be made up either just before or just after. You really want to make a point? Start carpooling, grab a bike, take a bus. Remove more than just one day's worth of funding, otherwise they'll not care.

And wasn't this particular e-message already debunked somewhere else on site? I vaguely remember jwenting posting something about it...

And wasn't this particular e-message already debunked somewhere else on site? I vaguely remember jwenting posting something about it...

Yeah, it was mentioned. But not talked about.

>This was sent to me today...
You fall for a lot of scams and hoaxes, don't you?

commented: he he. good observation +7
commented: OMG. You're retarded. -2
commented: he he. bad observation +0
commented: haha.. true true.. +2
commented: Oh brother, at least she isn't as bad as Quaetrix... +12

>This was sent to me today...
You fall for a lot of scams and hoaxes, don't you?

Yeah um my boyfriend sent it to me and someone from work sent it to him. AND it's been talked about around the whole country.
So... yeah. You should probably quit being so judgmental before you know the facts.
My 11th grade classmates don't even jump to conclusions as fast as some daniweb members do.

commented: How do I get 'N/A' negative reputation? Could you at least be more clear as to why I deserve it (if I actually do)? Thanks. -1
commented: I do know the facts, genius. That's why I said what I said. -2

Almost three billion dollars is a lot of money even if it is just for one day. A one day boycott is much easier to organize that saying to ride a bike or carpool etc. even though I encourage those things (not just to put a dent in the oil industries but for the other reasons too; energy conservation, good health). I don't think it will hurt to try.

commented: no doubt- +3

Almost three billion dollars is a lot of money even if it is just for one day. A one day boycott is much easier to organize that saying to ride a bike or carpool etc. even though I encourage those things (not just to put a dent in the oil industries but for the other reasons too; energy conservation, good health). I don't think it will hurt to try.

I agree 110%.
Even if it is a waste of time, it's doing more than criticizing posts are. I mean, atleast we're trying to do something.

commented: You guys really know how to rep me down. Pussy= cat? +2
commented: Thanks +1

Agreed. However, not filling up on one day will not do any good. All it means is that people will fill up either the day before or day after, causing sales increases on these days.

commented: N/A -2
commented: yeah your rite. Same thing happened in india +2
commented: Don't mind Christina's rep. She is a bitch. +7

Agreed. However, not filling up on one day will not do any good. All it means is that people will fill up either the day before or day after, causing sales increases on these days.

this could be true, and probably is true. but it could be the message we send that does the most good. If oil companies lose 3bil in one day, even if they make it back the next they're going to wonder how long they can keep making up the profits they lose if boycotts keep happening.

I was thinking in my car today, and it would probably be a good idea to have a monthly boycott day instead of just randomness which seems to be the way things are happening now. Maybe a constant blow would send a better message....

this could be true, and probably is true. but it could be the message we send that does the most good.

you are just kidding yourself if you think that will do any good. Its been tried before and nothing at all happened to gas prices. Big oil companies could care less what we the consumer think -- they can charge anything they want and we are stupid enough to pay it. $3.00 per gallon is nothing compared to european prices. Last time I heard it was over $10.00/gallon in UK.

$3 dollars is a bit over the top per gallon is it?
we pay around 95p (about $2) per litre
so we probs pay more than u guys
Diesel is norm around £1.00 per litre (just over $2) for a litre

>This was sent to me today...
You fall for a lot of scams and hoaxes, don't you?

I don't know why everyone seems to be giving Narue good reps JUST for making fun of me. All she said is "you fall for a lot of scams and hoaxes, don't you" - basically saying that "you are an idiot for posting this thread." If all of you really wanted to tell me, then why doesn't everyone just PM me instead of embarrassing me for absolutely no reason?!?!?!?! This is really immature. I mean come on, WolfPack called me a B**** for heaven's sakes! Why? Are mods even allowed to do this? Isn't this called harassment!?
I'm really just about to quit Daniweb altogether.
I'm sure all of you will be happy if I did that.

Well i don't hate you. It just that sometimes you tend to make people angry. I saw the stien's reputation where wolfpack called you a B***H. Thats really bad. Send a mail to davey. Tell him what happened and how you feel. Don't woos away like that. People's opinion differs. Don't take it hard on yourself kiddo.

commented: thanks, I'll try that... +9

>>"you are an idiot for posting this thread."
I don't think so -- its a valid topic to discuss. Maybe the solution you posted isn't the smartest solution, but we can't blain the messenger :)

commented: thank you +9

Whether you bought gas yesterday or will by it tomorrow will not make a bit of difference to the oil companies. It all evens out in the end as profits go. Making this demonstration in the attempt to make that oil industry aware of how fed up we are with their prices is like pouring water on a ducks back. As mentioned before in this thread there are things that we can and should be doing in the form of alternative means of transportation. There is nothing that we as consumers are going to be willing to do that would have an immediate effect on the oil industry. The current trend in automobile fashions are those huge gas guzzling 4w4 SUVs that the average suburbanite needs to drive on well maintained roads for about a fifteen to twenty minute drive to the mall. We all realize that we have a problem that isn't going to get better, but we have another case of NIMBY, no one wants to be the first on the band wagon.

>I don't know why everyone seems to be giving Narue good reps JUST for making fun of me.
I get good rep for strange things from odd people just as I get bad rep for trivial things from weak minded people. I think you're giving rep too much credit, as it were. ;)

>basically saying that "you are an idiot for posting this thread."
Hardly. There are some pretty good scams and hoaxes, and a lot of smart people regularly fall for them.

>If all of you really wanted to tell me, then why doesn't everyone just
>PM me instead of embarrassing me for absolutely no reason?!?!?!?!
If everything were done through PM then we all might as well just use email and forget about the forum.

>This is really immature.
Pot. Kettle. Black. This is by far the most amusing thing you've said, honey.

>Are mods even allowed to do this?
Mods are members too. Are we not allowed to participate in the community just because we also have an obligation to enforce the rules?

>Isn't this called harassment!?
I'd say no unless it spans multiple threads and interrupts your ability to post without being attacked. If you can prove that this is the case, you're welcome to report those involved and the administration will take appropriate action.

>I'm really just about to quit Daniweb altogether. I'm sure all of you
>will be happy if I did that.
Every time I've seen this threat, it's a kid who's trying to pull attention away from something embarrassing and draw a sympathetic response as (ideally) everyone rushes to comfort the person and keep them from leaving. It's a very childish action and never works because everyone can see right through their intentions.

I think you take replies (and rep) far too personally, so a little time away to collect your thoughts might not be such a bad idea.

commented: seems like you take it personally too, so don't be a hypocrite. -2

I'm almost positive that the same went around at various times during the war to protest against Bush. What annoys me is that Americans complain about the price of 'gas' whilst they race around in their fuel hungry cars paying far less than the UK does.

What America needs is higher taxes. Then, perhaps, Americans will realise how good they had it.

>Then, perhaps, Americans will realise how good they had it.
The grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence.

You can hardly say that Americans dont have it easy as far as many things are concerned. The world realises about global warming yet America likes to shy away, imagine the horror of having to drive a regular car instead of things that are clearly built like tanks.

>You can hardly say that Americans dont have it easy as far as many things are concerned.
True, but I can say that you're generalizing and stereotyping based on your own misunderstood assumptions about "Americans".

I'm really just about to quit Daniweb altogether. I'm sure all of you will be happy if I did that.

Please don't do that, I want you to stay and value your being here. Others obviously feel the same, looking at the comments here.

Let's all just take a deep breath and calm down a little. Life is too short :)

commented: that's rite :) +2
commented: thanks... I'm glad you like me. +9

>I don't know why everyone seems to be giving Narue good reps JUST for making fun of me.
I get good rep for strange things from odd people just as I get bad rep for trivial things from weak minded people. I think you're giving rep too much credit, as it were. ;)

>basically saying that "you are an idiot for posting this thread."
Hardly. There are some pretty good scams and hoaxes, and a lot of smart people regularly fall for them.

>If all of you really wanted to tell me, then why doesn't everyone just
>PM me instead of embarrassing me for absolutely no reason?!?!?!?!
If everything were done through PM then we all might as well just use email and forget about the forum.

>This is really immature.
Pot. Kettle. Black. This is by far the most amusing thing you've said, honey.

>Are mods even allowed to do this?
Mods are members too. Are we not allowed to participate in the community just because we also have an obligation to enforce the rules?

>Isn't this called harassment!?
I'd say no unless it spans multiple threads and interrupts your ability to post without being attacked. If you can prove that this is the case, you're welcome to report those involved and the administration will take appropriate action.

>I'm really just about to quit Daniweb altogether. I'm sure all of you
>will be happy if I did that.
Every time I've seen this threat, it's a kid who's trying to pull attention away from something embarrassing and draw a sympathetic response as (ideally) everyone rushes to comfort the person and keep them from leaving. It's a very childish action and never works because everyone can see right through their intentions.

I think you take replies (and rep) far too personally, so a little time away to collect your thoughts might not be such a bad idea.

i've noticed a lot of people like to pick apart christina's post at a poor attempt to look either cool or intelligent. I mean, if a 27 year old man and a 28 year old woman feels good about picking on a 17 year old highschooler... that says a lot. maybe i should go make fun of my little cousin so the family thinks i'm cool!! yeah... that'll show them

commented: Just forget what happened dude. This is the way it is. +2

>at a poor attempt to look either cool or intelligent
I'm curious. Can you prove that this is the motivation? Or are you simply reaching for some explanation because you don't understand? I pick apart posts from lots of different people, and I don't do it to look cool or intelligent. I do it because it's more convenient to reply that way. More often than not I'll have a different and independent reply to multiple statements in a post, and I like to be thorough.

>maybe i should go make fun of my little cousin so the family thinks i'm cool!!
There's no need. Putting us down by using the defense of christina>you to mask your true intention is exactly the same thing. Welcome to the club. :)

i've noticed a lot of people like to pick apart christina's post at a poor attempt to look either cool or intelligent. I mean, if a 27 year old man and a 28 year old woman feels good about picking on a 17 year old highschooler... that says a lot. maybe i should go make fun of my little cousin so the family thinks i'm cool!! yeah... that'll show them

Welcome to the Internet. More specifically, an intellectual part of it. It ain't the fun games of high school. There's a lot of witty people here. If you say something and it can be picked apart, sucks to be you. Learn from it and grow from it; at the very least, get over it, it's gonna happen. If you want to mope and whine about how hard life is, people are either going to ignore you or flame you more.

You're obviously unaccustomed to the culture here, and you're refusing to adapt to how it works. Instead you're trying to force your own culture on us. Well, that might work where you're from, but it doesn't work here. I recommend you read this page, though I will tell you now that the tone is very unkind at best.

I don't know why everyone seems to be giving Narue good reps JUST for making fun of me.

I don't know why you give everyone reputation based on whether or not they agree with you. Or for other silly reasons. Congratulations, you've turned reputation into a popularity contest.

commented: Congratulations, you've turned reputation into a popularity contest. - I agree with that. +7
commented: Agreed. +6

On topic:
The idea of sticking it to the oil companies is nice, but infeasible. We're completely dependent on them, and so we can't hurt them. And if they get $3 billion per day, one day isn't really going to make a difference. As mentioned, the one day's loss will be made up elsewhere anyways, although you'd have to basically shut down the entire country to even get the $3 billion effect.

Instead, we need a change in policy. There seem to be very few research projects for alternate energy sources, and many of those are still done by the oil companies. They're looking for their own interests, but they might as well exploit the advantage they have now. We should be having much higher mileage restrictions, emissions restrictions, and possibly even price controls. If you want to hurt the oil companies, make it something permanent.

We don't need a change in anything. Oil and gas prices are not an economic problem situation.

Welcome to the Internet. More specifically, an intellectual part of it. It ain't the fun games of high school. There's a lot of witty people here. If you say something and it can be picked apart, sucks to be you. Learn from it and grow from it; at the very least, get over it, it's gonna happen. If you want to mope and whine about how hard life is, people are either going to ignore you or flame you more.

You're obviously unaccustomed to the culture here, and you're refusing to adapt to how it works. Instead you're trying to force your own culture on us. Well, that might work where you're from, but it doesn't work here. I recommend you read this page, though I will tell you now that the tone is very unkind at best.


Keep It Pleasant Do not troll by posting anything with malicious intent against another member (including, but not limited to, racist, sexist or religiously prejudiced remarks).

What will happen: Very derogatory posts will be deleted. Flame war threads will be locked.
First offense: 5 point infraction will remain on user's record for 6 months.
where was wolfpack's infraction for calling christina a b****? do mods follow different rules than regular members?

and why are you more concerned about looking 'witty' rather than the feelings of someone else? come on

>where was wolfpack's infraction for calling christina a b****?
Good question. Show me where it happened (because I never saw it) and I'll tell you why I think it doesn't deserve an infraction. If I feel it does, I'll take appropriate action. That particular rule is difficult to enforce because an insult for one person is still daytime television for another. And it's extremely difficult to determine if there was malicious intent in many cases. A lot of times, all of the mods have to talk about it and come to a decision together before infracting under Keep-It-Pleasant.

>do mods follow different rules than regular members?
No, and if you think rule breaking is being intentionally overlooked, I encourage you to take it to the admins.

>and why are you more concerned about looking 'witty' rather than the
>feelings of someone else?
Why are you concerned about the feelings of someone else rather than <something or other>? It's starting to sound like you're forcing your beliefs on other people, and that's a hypocritically intolerant attitude.

>>Good question. Show me where it happened
It is one of the reps for Stein. Since rep comments are now public we need to be more careful what we say there.

>>where was wolfpack's infraction for calling christina a b****?
mods can not infract other mods, and comments in reps can not be infracted directly.

>It is one of the reps for Stein.
That's a different matter from doing it in a post as we don't have a clear course of action. We probably want to discuss how to handle such things in rep as well now that it's public.

>mods can not infract other mods
But admins can (as well as other unpleasant punishments), and a responsible mod will report the inappropriate actions of another.

>and comments in reps can not be infracted directly.
It's a mere convenience and for bookkeeping that we can infract a member from their posts. We can also give a general infraction from the user profile.

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