I'm glad to see that our legal system is unbiased and will treat Paris Hilton just like anyone else, or at least that's what I thought until I heard that they have reduced her jail time by half. I heard that this was based on the over crowding of the jails and her "good behavior". I thought you didn't get rewarded for good behavior unless you were serving a sentence.

Since most of the members that post in this forum are of the younger generation I would to know how to you feel about Paris Hilton as a teen role model?

This whole incident is a crock of crap. Well, not completely, she should be in jail. For the full sentence. Without being placed in a special "high profile" area. No wonder the rich and famous don't learn their lessons...

why did she go to jail i never heard anytign on the news maybe cause i live in canada and that stuff doesnt get over here lol.

hey dcc and infarcation i gave you some rep :P

why did she go to jail i never heard anytign on the news maybe cause i live in canada and that stuff doesnt get over here lol.

Paris Hilton was arrested for driving under the influence and as I understand it she was also driving on an expired drivers license.
You can read about it here.

Paris Hilton was arrested for driving under the influence and as I understand it she was also driving on an expired drivers license.
You can read about it here.

Right you are. But she was going to get only a 45 day jail term and now even that has been reduced to half citing 'good behaviour' on her part. All this after pictures of her smoking a joint were published!!!!!

Well all she reminds me of is that video of her's . :D That thing was posted every where on the internet "Paris hilton s*x tape"

Since most of the members that post in this forum are of the younger generation I would to know how to you feel about Paris Hilton as a teen role model?

Paris Hilton is no role model of mine. She is dumb and really needs to get some education. She parties, drinks, and possibly does drugs(?). Yes, some teens tend to think she is something special these days but anyone in their right mind would not follow the footsteps of someone like her. I don't think she's pretty. I don't think she should be allowed to do what she wants just because she's wealthy. I do think she should be in jail for as long as anyone else is. She is not an exception.

Basically, I don't like her. :o)

This whole incident is a crock of crap. Well, not completely, she should be in jail. For the full sentence. Without being placed in a special "high profile" area. No wonder the rich and famous don't learn their lessons...


commented: I agree +2

Well all she reminds me of is that video of her's . :D That thing was posted every where on the internet "Paris hilton s*x tape"


Right you are. But she was going to get only a 45 day jail term and now even that has been reduced to half citing 'good behaviour' on her part. All this after pictures of her smoking a joint were published!!!!!

Obviously being stoned she was considered so mellow that it has to be termed "good behavior".

I finally found the reference that I was looking for regarding the suspension of her drivers license, it seems that her license was suspended after her arrest for DUI and was pulled over three times after that violating her probation.

Hilton will serve her time separated from the general inmate population in a "special needs housing unit" at the Century Regional Detention Center in Lynwood, California, The Associated Press reported. These cells are specifically reserved for high-profile inmates — including celebrities, police officers and prison guards — who might otherwise be targeted by fellow prisoners.


correct. And she's placed in a special area of the prison to avoid problems with other inmates, not to pamper her.
Putting her in with anonymous ruffians would create problems for prison staff, potentially dangerous situations they would like to avoid. It's no different from putting child molesters in a separate area to avoid them being mugged constantly.

You just gotta love it...

"Apparently showing up at your own court case constitutes good behavior in California because Paris Hilton had her 45-day sentence reduced to 23 days due in large part to the fact she showed up at her most recent court date."

It's absolutely ridiculous that she should have her sentence reduced. I do agree that she should be separated from the general inmate population because of the reasons listed above but I don't see how she could have "good behavior" especially considering she hasn't started serving her sentence when they said she had "good behavior". I don't think they can really do anything about the published picture of the joint. Think about how many songs you hear about people and drugs, and how much it is depicted everywhere. I don't think they can convict someone based on that. But it's definitely a good point against her "good behavior".

Lol i think that if she is at least going to have a reduced sentence then the least that they can do is put her in with the rest of the prison population otherwise she will not learn her lesson. The fact that i think alot of governments are forgetting these days is that Prison is a punishment and we need to be treating it more like that and less like party especially for the high profile people.

I work in a carity and it just so happens that one of our big sponsors for this year is the construction company building the new prison in canberra which means that we have been hearing alot of the supposed advantages to this new prison and personally i think that it is a really big Crock! Some of the advantages include.

1. No watch towers around the prison for a more friendly enviroment. Basically the only thing keeping these people in is 2 fences.

2. Televisions in every Cell

3. a seperate less guarded Cell for prisoners transition back into the real world.

Now i don't know about you guys but to me this just sounds like complete BS. Yes these people are human beings but they have broken the law and going to jail used to mean something where as now their lives in prison are probably better then they are on the outside meaning that they would probably rather stay in prison where everything is supplied for them by the tax payer.

We seem to get all these people complaining about how tough some of the indonesian sentences are and how the conditions are awful and that this crap but really i think our countries are the ones that are not harsh enough on these Crims.

I say Paris should serve her full sentence with the rest of the prison populace and with no special treatment.

You watch next thing we know she will be out and claiming unfair treatment by the guards and there will be a massive media uproar about it.

Yeah, she should be serving the same sentence as anyone else, but if she were put in with other normal criminals she is much more likely to get raped, discriminated against, etc. than any other criminal in that prison. That makes her sentence more harsh than it would normally be. The difficult part would be putting her in a high profile prison while not making things any easier for her than they would be in any normal prison.

Why on earth is she famous, i and most of the people i know hate or dont like her at all.

Yeah, I don't like her either. I think she's just famous cause her dad owns those real expensive hotels or something.

I don't think there is that mcuh risk of getting raped in there and also you could amke the same discrimination argument for someone of a different race.

yes it will be ahrd going from rch to a prison system but she at least had a chance and alot of the people in there diddnt have a a chance and yet they don't get any special treatment.

Why on earth is she famous, i and most of the people i know hate or dont like her at all.

Because (and no offense to the americans) Americans like to feel smart and paris is the perfect person to make them feel that way. I also makes them feel better about not having as much money as her and they figure well if thats the way i would turn out then im glad i don't have that much money. She makes people feel like less of a screw up.

If you do not believe me then just look at her sister. She has grown up in the same situation and the same family name and yet becuase she is not a complete idiot she is nowhere near as famous as paris.

commented: Yeah, that's true. +3
commented: lol.. true that +6

Yeah, I agree with that.

And i must say as sad as it is australians are going down pretty much the same path.

Paris Hilton is no role model of mine. She is dumb and really needs to get some education. She parties, drinks, and possibly does drugs(?). Yes, some teens tend to think she is something special these days but anyone in their right mind would not follow the footsteps of someone like her. I don't think she's pretty. I don't think she should be allowed to do what she wants just because she's wealthy. I do think she should be in jail for as long as anyone else is. She is not an exception.

Basically, I don't like her. :o)

I agree completely. Paris is a spoiled brat who should be in prison for a very long time.. 23 days for a DWI? That seems ridiculous to me.. They should send her here to Texas if the prisons are full in California.. We have much stricter laws on drinking and driving. I don't understand how anyone would like her or consider her a role model at all. She disgusts me.. She is a disgrace and an embarrassment for all Americans. Her dad should have spend more time beating her..

Oh and btw.. I also heard that she gets her own special beeper device in prison. Anytime she needs something she can just buz it and the guards will assist her.. Is this really a prison she is staying at? All it needs is to be renamed "Hilton" and Paris would feel right at home..

haha too true. Lets just dress up as linsey lohan kidnap her and dump her somewhere.

lol.. not a bad idea..

Infact while we are at it why don't we just do the same for linsey lohan

I agree completely. Paris is a spoiled brat who should be in prison for a very long time.. 23 days for a DWI? That seems ridiculous to me.. They should send her here to Texas if the prisons are full in California.. We have much stricter laws on drinking and driving. I don't understand how anyone would like her or consider her a role model at all. She disgusts me.. She is a disgrace and an embarrassment for all Americans. Her dad should have spend more time beating her..

Oh and btw.. I also heard that she gets her own special beeper device in prison. Anytime she needs something she can just buz it and the guards will assist her.. Is this really a prison she is staying at? All it needs is to be renamed "Hilton" and Paris would feel right at home..

Haha, couldn't have said it better myself!

lol.. Well I'm glad we can all agree on how much we hate paris hilton. Seriously though, who actually looks up to her as an idol? I think her dad should give his inheritance to some charity organization, and make Paris live like the rest of the world has to..

Sadly, there are some girls that want to be like her just because she's considered 'hott' and famous.

ahhic. She isn't even that hot.. Famous for being a dirty slut and having a rich family.. That's more notorious than anything..

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