Heh,this is strange watching....You dont see this very much!


broken links? see them all the time... :P

broken links? see them all the time... :P

Try right-clicking this and saving to disk.
(For some reason my browser doesn't recognize the fact that this isn't a text file.)

Dude, next time will you please post the actual link instead of the redirection? Just copy whatever is in your address bar after the site has loaded.

> (For some reason my browser doesn't recognize the fact that this isn't a text file.)

My browser also thinks is a text file.

The one chick hits like a girl... :P

commented: Ha ha, good one. +2

I've never seen the point in girls pulling each other's hair out and trying to hit one another.

well i guess the girl in the white T-shirt won :D

I think it's disgusting.

Without any hidden meaning I want to ask. If they were men, would you have thought the same?. Would it have been disgusting?.

Not to be rude or anything, but I find that last post quite sexist, if you ask me.

Would this video have gotten so much attention if they were guys? Even The Dude commented in the first post that girls going at it is something you don't see very much. I didn't mean by my comment that I would expect guys to behave this way, but rather it wouldn't be as unusual to see. Either way, anyone going at it like this I find disgusting. Society has just trained us that seeing guys behave this way in a You Tube video wouldn't really make us do a double take.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I found it disgusting too. I mean it looks pretty arid/dry there. No rain, therefore no chance of wet T-shirts.

commented: As a monkey you don't need auditioning for a role in the circus. +0
commented: haha.. yup, I have returned! ;) Funny post btw +6

Like I said, there was not hidden meaning behind my question.
I find many double standards in our society.
You answer:
>Either way, anyone going at it like this I find disgusting
I find very appropriated, and it tells me of the character behind those

I found it disgusting too. I mean it looks pretty arid/dry there. No rain, therefore no chance of wet T-shirts.

You are walking on a loose rope.

commented: I don't walk on rope unless I am auditioning for a role in the circus. -2
commented: :) +3
commented: In case you don't know, he works for a circus ;-) +20

Not to be rude or anything, but I find that last post quite sexist, if you ask me.


Like I said, there was not hidden meaning behind my question.
I find many double standards in our society.
You answer:
>Either way, anyone going at it like this I find disgusting
I find very appropriated, and it tells me of the character behind those

What's wrong with people thinking it's barbaric to fight whether it be males or females?

> What's wrong with people thinking it's barbaric to fight whether it be males or females?

Did I give the impression that it was wrong?
I need then to learn how to write better English. Sorry, actually, I thought I was making myself clear that if it is disgusting to see girls fighting, it should be as well, to see males.

> What's wrong with people thinking it's barbaric to fight whether it be males or females?

Did I give the impression that it was wrong?
I need then to learn how to write better English. Sorry, actually, I thought I was making myself clear that if it is disgusting to see girls fighting, it should be as well, to see males.

Either way, anyone going at it like this I find disgusting.

^ That's exactly what she said...

Hey People (Boys and Girls, Male and Female)! Let's not get into a FIGHT about the 'appropriateness' of FIGHTing in public no matter the gender of people involved.

Bottomline: Fighting (fisticuffs) is not the right thing to do no matter which gender is involved. It should not be encouraged whether during the rainny season or dry season! It is babaric and exposes that part of man that should be worked upon to be better.

Personal note: I found the pix very very offensive:ooh:

> Yes, but slightly more expected.
Hey doesn't this amount to tainting our image? Its not that only men fight... ;-)

> It is babaric and exposes that part of man that should be worked upon to be better.
Reality is always barbaric. Our ancestors were barbaric, we are barbaric, its just that we don't recognize it.

I didn't think what Dani said was sexist at all. Guys do fist fight more frequently than girls.. Look it up if you don't believe me. And girls fights are usually a lot different.. guys just kinda punch and kick each other, and try to fight in an 'organized' manner. Chicks fight dirty.. they pull each other's hair, bite, scratch, claw, etc.. And keep in mind, this is just my opinion from the fights that I have personally seen..

>Chicks fight dirty.. they pull each other's hair,...

Yeah, that's why I don't have hair. I used to fight a lot with my parents neighbours' daughter when I was four. ;)

haha.. when you were 4? wow..

haha.. when you were 4? wow..

And continue until I was seven. By then, my hair was thinning, nothing I could do, but stop.

You may be surprised at the phenomenal rise in female violence, there's a video going around called 'bull busters' - aimed at shattering the myth that women are never violent. I have a copy of it on my website too.

post a link to it

Assuming that as the link is by request..well, no question-mark but I'll take it as a request, I shouldn't get in trouble for spam. Anyways here is the aforementioned file.

haha.. well that's long and violent.. wish the video quality was little better, but oh well.. Definitely not edited by a feminist lol..

awful! (video quality that is ;-)

commented: I don't care what they say I about you. Just kidding ;) +2

I chopped the quality right down so dial up users could watch it without breaking their modem. LoL.
Anyway, I figure a message like that shuoldn't need super special effects or anything, so when I had a copy given me - I degraded it to dialup quality and used that as the base.. I think the majority of the content was nabbed from youtube and similar sites, hence the poor quality prior to being made dial-up friendly. As you noted, it wasn't put together by a feminist, according to them, only men behave that way. The thing that bugs me most of all is the NSPCC and suchlike adverts - each time they show a child being abused they do one of two things: Either show a dad knocking his kid around for no good reason, or show a woman - who is somehow victimised and so her actions are still wrong, but somehow 'excusable' - or less 'wrong'. Yet, if you check the statistics out yourself, rather than believing everything the media spoonfeed us, you'll find that it's actually mom's who abuse their kids more frequently than dads, and get this... the safest place a kid can be, is with the biological father. It's odd that the guy who is safest is portrayed as the worst - and the one guilty of the majority of abuses, is portrayed as either innocent or more understable.
Anyway, I didn't come to daniweb to promote my politics - I just thought I'd mention this, so next time you folks hear a feminist complaining about how men abuse... you can tell her to check up the stats herself instead of believing everything she's told vai the media.
ps- women also account upto 50% of domestic violence situations... but , no VAMA or VAPA yet.

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