All of us have things that annoy us, like the sibling that puts a carton of milk back in the refrigerator with just a couple of drops left. Or the girl friend that squeezes the toothpaste tube in the middle while you squeeze it from the end. And then there is the worst of them all, people making threads like this.

What annoys you?

joshSCH commented: Happy Independence Day! :) +15

Skaters, wus politicians, and the christians who always try to convert people annoy me :(

Wasting stuff. Not recycling paper when you so easily could. Printing off a whole new batch for one error. Leaving lights on/taps running/dripping etc.

i can't STAND waste :@

commented: Happy Independence Day! :) +15

oh yeah,the milk thing is really annoying:<,but, it is annoying to do the toothpaste chihuahua barks at anyone that doesn't pay attention to her:).Also,when people are playing outside during nighttime is annoying,but really late though.

Wasting stuff. Not recycling paper when you so easily could. Printing off a whole new batch for one error. Leaving lights on/taps running/dripping etc.

i can't STAND waste :@

No electrons were harmed in this process.

Oh people who snore at night are annoying as hell too

the crazy frog, chavs, emo's, the fact you've never any food in the fridge when you're peckish lol and my boss :)

haha.. are you using your Daniweb certificate as your avatar? :D

One of my pet peeves is someone finding a thread that is similar to their problem and post their "similar" problem in their thread, usually this just gets better when different members start replying to both problems that turn out to not really be similar.

emos,huh. Me too. They are so quiet and they cut and yeah.I have a problem of posting new threads when there are already some like them.

I hate people who think ubuntu is the best distro in the world
I also hate mac users

I don't hate anyone. But it annyoed me that I my supervisor and I would discuss a problem and agree upon a solution, then a week later she would deny the whole thing.:@ I threatened to use a tape recorder next time.

>I don't hate anyone

C'mon man. Let it go out. Say it, say it aloud. I HATE HER!!!!.

Just kidding. I know what you mean.

>What annoys you?
Excessively negative people.

I hate certain people here

I hate certain people here

...And don't we ALL know it. ;)

I hate people who think ubuntu is the best distro in the world
I also hate mac users

hey wut the hell.. I hate people who don't think Ubuntu is the best distro in the world.. lol jp I can't talk know as I'm installing debian..
but don't I agree with that 2nd statement! :)

I hate certain people here

hmm.. I wonder who..

commented: lol you know who +17

What is annoys me are people that can't make the distinction between annoy and hate.

Major annoyance??? That commercial "head on, apply it directly to you forehead, head on, apply it directly to your forehead, head on, apply it directly to your forehead...

Thinking about this makes me realize that commercials alone could turn into a subcategory.

omfg I know! I hate that damn commercial.. I've actually seen the product in a grocery store, and immediately thought of that commercial.. it makes you NOT want to buy it lol.. talk about a commercial having an opposite affect than intended :D

Another thing that annoys me are people that use public rest rooms and don't wash their hands, ever seen the handle of the rest room door under a black light? It's situations like this that make me remember my mother telling me "don't touch that, you don't know where it has been, of course she expressed the same thing about a girl I dated in high school.

commented: he he +9

ahahahahaha thats funny!!!!!!!!!!!!.. oh and to stay on topic, the most annoying thing ever is when im playing on my psp like socom online and my mom calls me to help her around the house and im in a clan war and i have to like rush and stuff yeah lol that annoys me

i hate ubuntu users because now they are like mac users, preaching to you and thinking that they are real linux users when in reality they actually know nothing about linux. I had a conversation with my neighbor (who got a free cd of ubuntu and thinks its the best thing ever) and he said to me "which os do you use" and i said Debian and he replied "you should use linux its better" . I hate people like that.


jbennet, you worry me. Why is it that you are the only person posting in this thread using the word hate while everyone else uses annoy/s/ed? And staying on topic, this annoys me.

Another thing that annoys me is people that hate an entire group of people just because of a widely-believed stereotype.

>he said to me "which os do you use" and i said Debian and he replied
>"you should use linux its better" . I hate people like that.
Um, that's just ignorance. You don't expect that he wouldn't have said the same statement if he had used, say, OpenSuSE instead? And by the way, Debian isn't an operating system, it's a branch of one.

it is if you are using the GNU OS (debian with Hurd)

Well, good night folks, that's our show for tonight.

Joe...obviously you are not practicing what you preach in you signature.

Another thing that annoys me is the fact that those who are incompetent are the last to realize it.

>it is if you are using the GNU OS (debian with Hurd)
In that context, your friend's comment wouldn't be that far off.

>Joe...obviously you are not practicing what you preach in you signature.
My first statement was sarcasm aimed at jbennet.

im not using hurd though, im just being pedantic

but meh, anyway, terminology is silly. Technically Linux is NOT an operating system. Linux is just the kernel. GNU/Linux is the OS.

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