My wireless connection crapped out as I was reading the backlog while I was out. If anyone familiar has I log, I'd appreciate seeing it.

Regardless. Let's talk about smokers and smoking.

They just passed a law in Ohio making it illegal to smoke in indoor public places. I'm glad. If you can't go one meal in a restaurant without smoking you need to start backing off of it some.

Why would you go somewhere that you don't like and pay?

it's not like i would smoke while having a meal at some restaurant... but, i don't find anything wrong about smoking on a street or an open place...

> Why would you go somewhere that you don't like and pay?

What do you mean?

it's not like i would smoke while having a meal at some restaurant... but, i don't find anything wrong about smoking on a street or an open place...

The law doesn't prohibit that. But I agree with you.

> Why would you go somewhere that you don't like and pay?

What do you mean?

If the music is too loud or too old, or the atmosphere sucks due to the waitstaff, why would you patronize this establishment?

what the heck are you talking about?

You're saying, "why go to a restaurant if you can't smoke, but you want to?" Well, it's because all restaurants don't let you smoke anymore. So you will never go to a restaurant again in your life? The answer to your question may simply be because the food is good. But you need to feed your addiction too so you complain about the law because you can't smoke in the restaurant.

what the heck are you talking about?

Freedom of choice. Supply and demand.

My personal opinion, smoking is very unattractive.

(I feel the bad reps coming......)

commented: Yay.. we are in agreement! Only good reps for this post :) +13
commented: agreed! +3
commented: Works for me :) +9

You're saying, "why go to a restaurant if you can't smoke, but you want to?" Well, it's because all restaurants don't let you smoke anymore.

No, the question is more "why do you expect restaurants to be smoke free?"

I don't see why it's any more legal than marijuana. It's just as harmful if not more and there is no benefits to it. And if you want to say that there are economic benefits than you would seem to be a proponent of legalizing marijuana.

No, the question is more "why do you expect restaurants to be smoke free?"

So I can go to a PUBLIC place without jeapordizing my health. Nonsmoking sections aren't really nonsmoking. Don't I have the right to go to a public restaurant and enjoy it just as much as smokers do?

commented: Indeed :) +9

I don't see why it's any more legal than marijuana.

Different topic. Arguments such as this are fine as long as that doesn't distract from the tobacco argument.

Why isn't tobacco illegal then?

So I can go to a PUBLIC place without jeapordizing my health. Nonsmoking sections aren't really nonsmoking. Don't I have the right to go to a public restaurant and enjoy it just as much as smokers do?


So I can go to a PUBLIC place without jeapordizing my health.

Who says that it is jeapordizing your health?

[edit]It stinks, I'll give ya that.

Who says that it is jeapordizing your health?

[edit]It stinks, I'll give ya that.

Have you heard of second hand smoke?

Yeah, yeah. I thought I remembered seeing something about OSHA not being able to classify as anything nearly as bad as you encounter more regularly.

I've never heard that...

If second-hand smoke is so deadly, why aren't smokers dropping like flies?

but, the thing is... it depends on the restaurant you go to... i think no one would be as idiotic to go and smoke at a McDonalds... but if you're at Ruby Tuesday's for example, that's why they have a smokers and non smokers section...

Because it's long term. Smoking targets your lungs and affects your breathing gradually until you develop a disease or die.

Have you ever seen a smoker's lung?

Have you ever seen a smoker's lung?

Not recently. A couple years ago the doc thought I had early emphysema, but that wasn't the case (yet).

Damn it.. I didn't see this thread early enough. As I said in the IRC Dave, smoking is bad for everyone.

If you have kids, and you smoke.. you are hurting them. They don't have a choice, and yet.. you make them inhale your smoke. They are young, and it is much more damaging to them.

In the city I live, smoking in restaurants is illegal because there is no difference btwn the smoking and non-smoking sections as sk8 said. Inside, it's all smoking or it's all not.

commented: It's rep-fest '07 +9


Yes, second hand smoke is bad.
No, I do not agree with you on 'supply and demand' for whether it should be allowed. It's downright harmful, and nonsmoking sections are never fully clear of smoke.


Yes, I agree. Smoking is very unattractive.


While I agree with the basic premise of what you're saying, there are benefits to smoking, like reduced stress and apetite. They don't balance out the whole dying of cancer bit for me, but for some people they might. The best argument is one that is completely true.

commented: ;-) +18
commented: great avatar... that's a cool impossible triangle... +2

Not recently. A couple years ago the doc thought I had early emphysema, but that wasn't the case (yet).

You smoke?

ok... i certainly know smokers will be with me in this...

i've got reasons to smoke: pay attention...

first, i'm elping to make this planet a better place for my children, or lets say the children of the children of the children of my children, since, the more cigarrettes i smoke, the more the cigar industry grows, and when a market grows, it means more production... and with more prouction, there is more tobacco... and with more tobacco, there is less food for tobacco... so, what will happen when the soil runs out of minerals for tobacco? it will not be possible to keep growing tobacco, and there will be no more cigars in the world... and, some might say, why not just buy the cigars and throw them away? well, that's because i'm not throwing away my money, so if i buy something, i use it...

second: i am preparing myself to extreme conditions... how do athletes prepare their body for competitions? going through heavy sessions of exercises... so... the same way athletes exercise their muscles for extreme situations... i prepare my lungs for extreme siuations... say, someone's house is burning... a non-smoker would not be able to survive all that smoke caused by the fire, but, a smoker, since has been preparing his lungs by providing them doses of smoke IS prepared to receive that smoke from the fire, and enter the house and save, say a child that is trapped, hiding under the dinning table... lol...

what do you think?

commented: Makes perfect sense to me. +10
commented: Parody is fun +9

Smokers are dropping like flies. It's the leading preventable cause of death. Christopher Reeve's wife died of second hand smoke.

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