I dont know what to do Help! i dont wanna be all like stalker-ish n send her like 20 million e-mails but i wanna go hang with her asap! any advise?

I would send her an email letting her know that you are interested in a subtle way and then leave the rest up to her if you push to hard or often she may run thinking you are a crazy stalker type.

Dude, getting a chick's e-mail from Anime Expo is not cool.. you think you can just hook up cuz shes hot, and you're interested? lmao.. you got a lot to learn, man..

I guess the best thing to do would be to e-mail her once or maybe twice, and tell her a little bit about yourself and send a pic.. but let's be honest.. she probably won't respond.

I dont know what to do Help! i dont wanna be all like stalker-ish n send her like 20 million e-mails but i wanna go hang with her asap! any advise?

mate, you can't change freewill, but one email with a few choice words should do it - and try not to sound so eager as well - because yes, it does sound a little stalkerish lol, and what's anime expo??

Dazza :cool:

alright i e-mailed her "fingers crossed" k i pretty much just asked her if she wante to get together sometime and when a good time/place be for her... hope she responds!!!

alright i e-mailed her "fingers crossed" k i pretty much just asked her if she wante to get together sometime and when a good time/place be for her... hope she responds!!!

smooth! just don't run away with yourself here mate; she hasn't replied yet, no pressure - but if in a few years there's a wedding, the entire members list of daniweb ARE invited to the afterparty! LOL

so what's anime expo?? sounds like a foriegn language to me lol

Dazza :cool:

alright i e-mailed her "fingers crossed" k i pretty much just asked her if she wante to get together sometime and when a good time/place be for her... hope she responds!!!

$100 says she turns you down or doesn't respond at all lol..

My advice would have actually been not to ask a forum full of nerds what to do.(no offense guys)

Then again seeing as it was an anime expo that you met her at maybe a little geekyness is all you need.

An anime expo is basically just a group of anime fans getting together in a big building and finding out whats new in the world of anime with talks from directors and the voice actors in all your favorite anime. Basically a Sci Fi Con but with anime.

Disclaimer: Just incase there are any chicks reading this and thinking im a geek right now my first answer is yes i am :P however i have never been to either an anime expo or a Sci fi Con. Although this is mainly because australia is deprived of such things... :P

conact has been made!!! woot woot we havent said a time and place yet but she said she would like to hang ou with me WOOT WOOT

commented: Nice :) +15

My advice would have actually been not to ask a forum full of nerds what to do.(no offense guys)

hah speak for yourself ;)

conact has been made!!! woot woot we havent said a time and place yet but she said she would like to hang ou with me WOOT WOOT

Damn.. nice job :)

Damn it knew that i should have taken josh's $100 bet

haha ;)

I obviously should have asked what an anime expo was before betting..

hah speak for yourself ;)

Lol i was just saying that a computer forum would not be my first point of call for advice if i was in the situation. I mean sure there is bound to be a few exceptions to this however you would have a better chance of getting some good advice from somewhere else.

lol yea, I know what u mean.

probably but why not get advise from my fellow geeks if i went somewhere else it would b more akward.

hah true, and not everyone here is a Star Trek fan who would rather watch a marathon than go on a date :p

yeh but i still hope everyone here is a star trek fan lol wot to TOS and TNG SPOK AND DATA BEAT i hope i hear back from this girl soon its beter than disney land as a kid lol

hmm.. no, I hated star trek, and I have no clue wth u just said. but yea, good luck w/ the chick

hah true, and not everyone here is a Star Trek fan who would rather watch a marathon than go on a date :p

That is true i suppose although i do like star trek... Hence why like a true geek i would tape the marathon using foxtel IQ and watch it later. Or find a girl who would actually want to watch it and use the fact i have the marathon taped on my Foxtel IQ as a pickup line :P

o too bad its the first n second serioes n spok n data are characters who are awesome and whom thank you and ganbarimasu "i'll do my best"

That is true i suppose although i do like star trek... Hence why like a true geek i would tape the marathon using foxtel IQ and watch it later. Or find a girl who would actually want to watch it and use the fact i have the marathon taped on my Foxtel IQ as a pickup line :P

I agree thats almost an awesome pick up line

haha... a pick-up line? You guys come to this planet often? ;)

Rofl Kirk and Picard are a sxc notch up from data and spock any day

agreed come on man if u were to go to a star trek convention and said "hey baby i've got all 7 seasons TNG on DVD u wanna come back to my place" i think she would buy it and there would be sex to start trek that night lol

If there is a woman at a Star Trek convention then you probably don't want to have sex with her lol.. (As she probably looks like a man)

Hey, post a pic of ur girl :)

You gotta play it cool. Girls always want what they can't have. You gotta make it seem like she can't have you, but at the same time not appear to be withdrawn.

Make sense my boy?

Play it cool. If you wanna make your move, you gotta play it cool..

i think i understand but i wouldnt know how to talk to her and stay withdrawn at the sametime like how should i talk to her then eh? suggestions?!?

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