Dude, the kid was fighting the police...what did he expect...it's not like he got beaten or anything...There's a difference between exercising your right to free speech and being a nuisance...
(As a US military veteran speaking) - I guarantee you this stupid kid never served in the military or knows what it takes to guarantee his right to free speech...what he was doing was not exercising free speech but trying to get himself out of trouble while calling "free speech" but fighting the cops...
nope...I don't believe him one bit...no sympathy here...

He opposed John Kerry. That was enough.

I do agree that fighting the police is very different from free speech (he was fighting them) but to me it looked like he was already cuffed, what is the point of tasering him when he is already cuffed?

>guarantee you this stupid kid never served in the military or knows what it takes to guarantee his right to free speech

And invading other counties guarantees our right to free speech how?

Good point. Right to free speech is given to us under the constitution.

Free speech does not give you the right to fight the cops. The kid got what he deserved because this was nothing more than one of his planned publicity stunts. Had he not resisted the cops would have took him outside and let him go.

>guarantee you this stupid kid never served in the military or knows what it takes to guarantee his right to free speech

And invading other counties guarantees our right to free speech how?

Don't be naive, the war in Iraq is not the only thing our military is doing right now...It just gets the most attention...I served in the military during the war in Iraq, participated in many missions vital to national security and never once set foot in the Middle East...
While it's true that I don't necessarily agree with how the administration is handling the war that's going on over there, I do believe that we needed to invade...
Free speech is, of course, one of the core foundations of our contry and I would not presume to infringe on anyones decision to exercise that right...but I believe that with that right should come the responsibility to exercise it responsibly...

>I do believe that we needed to invade...

Why is that? Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

>Free speech is, of course, one of the core foundations of our contry and I would not presume to infringe on anyones decision to exercise that right...but I believe that with that right should come the responsibility to exercise it responsibly...

Of course. The student tazered probably deserved it.

Free speech is, of course, one of the core foundations of our contry and I would not presume to infringe on anyones decision to exercise that right...but I believe that with that right should come the responsibility to exercise it responsibly...

Responsibility seems to be a fading concept these days.

he was manhandled and tazered for trying to ask a question Hanoi John didn't like.
Of course he resisted...

commented: anti american poster +0
commented: lardmeister is retarded. +2
commented: Thank you. +3

he was manhandled and tazered for trying to ask a question Hanoi John didn't like.
Of course he resisted...

Why do you always have to insult our public representatives? I don't do that to your country. Are you anti-american!?

Is it really a big deal if he does?

Yeah, I am a patriotic American and don't like my country being insulted all the time. To me John Kerry was Vietnam war hero, like so many other Vietnam vets!

I have never understood patriotism...seems like a tool used by the government to direct blind hatred and fear towards other countries. Many people are anti-american, including me, get over it.

Yes he was in the Vietnam War but he is in a public office. It is expected that he will be insulted. I think George W. Bush is an unintelligent person who is not fit for office and is leading America down a path of turmoil and destruction. He is the worst president ever. People in public office are insulted all the time and people need to get over it.

jasimp, I agree with you. I just feel slighted when someone attacks John Kerry on his outstanding war record, and not his poor performance as a presidential candidate. After all, this gave us another four years of you know whom.

Outstanding war record? Even though he, on the evidence I've seen, only served a few months of what should have been a year-long tour of duty? Even though afterwards he decried our soldiers as, what was the term, 'baby-killers'? Even after he went so far as to throw away the medals he'd earned (an action which was apparently faked, showing he wasn't even committed to his own derogatory and degrading rhetoric)?

Not that Bush did anything when he was in the army.

Next to Dick and Bush Kerry with all his flaws was a genuine war hero! Something the ultra right propaganda machine can't ignore.

John Kerry?! War Hero?!?!

Those two shouldn't even go in the same paragraph, let alone the same sentence and the term "War Hero" can certainly NOT be applied to John Kerry...
John Kerry was in Vietnam for a total of 4 months...during that time there are countless eyewitness accounts of his fleeing comrades who were under attack, disregarding orders, putting others in danger, sucking up to his commanders, creating phony film footage of his exploits with a home-movie camera, and recommending himself for medals and Purple Hearts in vainglorious reports he wrote himself.
Don't tell me this lying SOB is a "war hero"...
Refer to John O'Neill's book "Unfit for Command" for full coverage of Kerry's exploits in Vietnam...

Could I have some sources?

Hanoi John was a traitor.
And no, I'm not anti-American. I'm anti-communist and Kerry is a hardline communist supporter (with strong communist trends in his policies).

In 2004 he attempted to corrupt the elections by massive fraud both before (donations from illegal sources, etc.) and at the polls (large voter fraud, Kerry supporters voting multiple times with invalid cards, like cards made out to dead people, pets, foreigners, etc.).

where do you get this conspiracy information?

Like I said before could I have some crediable sources? And why are you anti-communism? Are you pro-capitalism?

Just do a real search on the feller, and don't discount any source that's not approved by Kos...

If you'd seen communism in action or lived under it you'd oppose it as well.

The only voting fraud evidence I can find was that George Bush committed voting fraud in the 2004 election. Not John Kerry.

Hitler was an anti-communist! He also was a criminal and an anti-human too!

I heard that John O'Neill's book "Unfit for Command" was supported by the Karl Rove folks as a dirty trick to win the elections for Dick and Bush.

Not anti-human. Just anti-everyone that did not fit into his master race.

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