This contest is only open to new members of the DaniWeb community - those who have registered during the month of August. You guys have all of August and September to post as much as you can :)

At the beginning of October, the member with the most number of quality posts will be the October member of the month :) To thank you for your contribution ...

The October member of the month will receive $30 via PayPal:mrgreen:

Woohoo Go me! Thats pretty cool of ya to give out 30 bucks hehe.

I'm going to have to stick around to try get this :)

Very cool Dani! Hopefully our competitive nature willl foster a more wholesome community. :cool:

This contest is only open to new members of the DaniWeb community - those who have registered during the month of August. You guys have all of August and September to post as much as you can :)

At the beginning of October, the member with the most number of quality posts will be the October member of the month :) To thank you for your contribution ...

The October member of the month will receive $30 via PayPal:mrgreen:

ohh I shall pwn and win :D lol

good luck guys and gals :)

:cheeky:hehehe if this is real dats very very cool im happy i join this forum! pls vote for me im just an immortal whitelady newbie here!pls pls pls i have no money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheeky:

Hey, is there a bronze medal to play for? Looks like Cosi and Coder have gold and silver wrapped up :)

Spamming the board doesn't count, right? ;)

she offers money for us to post tight.. to bad i wont win :(

August members getting cooler and the oldies getting HOTTER .. I should have waited a little if I knew that .. LOL ...

hey wat abt me :evil:
ive just joined daniweb in sep
is it applicable to the innocent poor donn :o

Sorry Donn ... not this contest ;) However, stay tuned, because if you aren't eligible for one contest, you may be for another. :-D

It Is Greater. I Love To Be Here.

Dear Cscgal,
When You Are Online On This Daniweb?

Nooooo! Don't tell me I joined five days too soon! :(

Hey, is there a bronze medal to play for? Looks like Cosi and Coder have gold and silver wrapped up :)

Not necessarily, Dani said "...quaility posts..."

I'd hate to be the one reviewing all those posts to see which ones were "quality."

ooooooops for.......?

I'm three days late with the results of the contest, but I would like to congratulate hexstar for being our most active member who registered in August, with 146 posts at the time of this writing! Congratulations hexstar!

I would also like to extend congratulations to our runners up, who deserve some extra recognition in their own right ...

Our Nation, with 136 posts
cosi, with 126 posts
Young Coder, with 95 posts
and Cain, with 93 posts

Congratulations everyone for making DaniWeb the best resource where cool techies unite!

This Contest Ends

I'm three days late with the results of the contest, but I would like to congratulate hexstar for being our most active member who registered in August, with 146 posts at the time of this writing! Congratulations hexstar!

I would also like to extend congratulations to our runners up, who deserve some extra recognition in their own right ...

Our Nation, with 136 posts
cosi, with 126 posts
Young Coder, with 95 posts
and Cain, with 93 posts

Congratulations everyone for making DaniWeb the best resource where cool techies unite!

Cool, but who's posts where the most quality ;)

Ahhh I would have waited if I knew of this contest ... 15 days early ... and I have a lot of posts ... I think all of them are bulk :D:D. Anywayz I'll be fastening my seatbelts for the next contest.

Cool, but who's posts where the most quality ;)

Hehe. When I wrote "quality posts" in the original contest message, the idea was simply to protect myself from having a blatant spammer winning the contest. :)

Hehe. When I wrote "quality posts" in the original contest message, the idea was simply to protect myself from having a blatant spammer winning the contest. :)

Dani is so tricky ... hehe :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

how about the person that has the most posts without being a mod or colleague and joined within the past 6 months(i have that one down).

Quality posts = bandwidth well spent + advertising revenue

Guess i dont count :)

anything i can enter? i only just joined!

o i didnt even reconiginze this till now if I know it was this close i would have posted more

hey what abbout me :(

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