Who in your opinion and/or experience are the least honest group of people?

You forgot one: Crack Addict
They wouldn't win the poll though.

Nice try! As of this time "Crack Addict" is not a profession yet!

This pole was quite easy to answer because EVERYBODY knows that politicians all around the globe are liers and cheaters. Sometimes thay have to be like that in order to protect national secrets -- but not all the time, especially around election time.

I think politician do lie (almost the same amount as corporate leaders) but a lot but corporate leaders lie a little more becasue they are not as scrutinized as much. They lie about bugs or malfunctions in products, how long employees have worked to keep costs down, how well the company is doing so their stocks stay high, the quality of their products. I think we just catch politician lying more.

I'd go with the politicians over corporate leaders. If the C*O/VP/P of a company fails to pull something off, there's a huge mess for the company and a smaller severance package for the ex-corporate officer. Politicians on the other hand just pull stuff off and get away with it almost all the time.

Yes, politicans are corrupt, yet people are so blind to see this...some make big promises to get votes and then when they get into power, they at times forget about them...but a few years down the road....they are voted back into office...

it's not just the empty campaign promises, it's stretching the rules for themselves, voting dishonestly, and funneling extra funds for their own "needs" as well


commented: Good call. I wonder how many politicians are lawyers? +11

Well....coorporate leaders are really something else too...they'll say the company is loosing money....so they cut staff, export jobs, mergre departments, cut your bonus by 1/2....let one person do the job of 10 people....yet their salaries and bonuses never seem to change...always amazes me.


Sorry, couldn't put that in because my dad is a lawyer. My allowance might be cut. However, it is somewhat implied in the judicial profession, so check it there.

Politicians are the most dishonest persons and it is a universal truth.

I dunno. I'm normally all for sweeping generalisations, Fast, but ... everyone's against them. I feel sorry for them. (still voted for them on this pole though).

I would put used car salesmen ahead of corporate leaders, and lawyers ahead of both.

Most corporate leaders are honest. The news media always focus on the few that aren't.

But politicians top the list. Among their lies:
- National health care can actually work.
- The minimum wage actually helps the poor (only the ones it doesn't throw out of work).
- We need more tax money (eliminate the huge sports and arts subsidies instead).
- Arts are necessities.
- Sports are necessities.
- Entertainment is a necessity.
- Our ejukashun sistum is the wurld's finets.
- The other party caused all the trouble.
- A living wage can coexist with social programs.
- We need to keep track of every person in the country.

The one attribute that would make a politician one I would want to vote for is the lack of desire to run for office.

Sometimes I wish there was a death penalty for politicians.

I dunno. I'm normally all for sweeping generalisations, Fast, but ... everyone's against them. I feel sorry for them. (still voted for them on this pole though).

I too have soft corner for them because they are social servants but how many of them are doing their duty with honesty is under Question.

i think politicians are the most dishonest group of people. they always say one thing, then do a different one. car salesman are probably just as bad, but their lies don't affect a whole nation like politicians lies.

Politicians are the most dishonest, because they can gain/lose the most from any little statement they make.

Medical professionals have little to lie about, and have no real reason to lie.. Their payment comes from the hospital, and lying to the general public would not accomplish much.

Judges, for the most part, are fair people. They are paid to be impartial and truthful.. they truthfully cannot gain much from lying (bribery I suppose), but there are always greater levels of courts that can overturn a decision.

Used car salesmen don't lie as much as they manipulate and exaggerate. They are usually pretty pushy, and their income is determined on whether or not they can convince the public to buy something. However, they cannot always get away with blatant lying.

Corporate leaders are also usually quite dishonest. Their future as head of the corporation and their wealth is dependent on the company doing well in the future. So corporate leaders will lie to the general public in order to make their corporation look successful, and thus entice us into investing.

Now, politicians.. It has been a gradual increase in the levels of dishonesty.. Politicians' power and wealth is directly dependent on what the general population thinks of him/her. If, as a whole, we like and endorse a specific candidate, then he will gain both power and wealth. Simply because politicians are the leaders in government, and thus possess the most power of any other profession known to man, they are susceptible to bribery more than anyone else. Companies will pay a politician just to vote their way.. and of course, politicians will lie to whoever they can in order to convince the people to vote for him. We see this all the time.. especially in America.. special interest groups, pork barreling, and just donations to specific candidates... Politicians have the most to gain or lose from lying. The more they deceive the public into liking them, the more power and wealth they will gain.

From my inbox:

‘You might find an ethic in the Legislature,’ a former [Louisiana] governor once said, ‘and you might find a virgin in a bordello. But it’s a heckuva place to look for either one.'

You forgot a group: lawyers.
They're almost as bad as politicians (all politicians are dishonest, only most lawyers).

You forgot a group: lawyers.
They're almost as bad as politicians (all politicians are dishonest, only most lawyers).

In the USA there are a lot more lawyers than politicians, also most politicians themselves are lawyers.

same everywhere. But where there are a few honest lawyers, there are no honest politicians.

Q: Before signing the death certificate had you taken the man's pulse? -- A: No.
Q: Did you listen for a heart beat? -- A: No.
Q: Did you check for breathing? -- A: No.
Q: So when you signed the death certificate you hadn't taken any steps to make sure the man was dead, had you?
A: Well, let me put it this way. The man's brain was sitting in a jar on my desk, but for all I know he could be out there practicing law somewhere.


I would put lawyers under politicians, since most of them are lawyers.

I haven't bought a used car for a long time and always assumed that kicking a tire or two would be better than listening to the used car salesman.

I would put lawyers under politicians...

I thought it was mostly interns under politicians??

Politicians are sort of horrid in that regard.

I thought it was mostly interns under politicians??

"Under or in front of", let's keep it clean. I am at an impressionable age protected by PG13!

"Under or in front of", let's keep it clean. I am at an impressionable age protected by PG13!

So consider carefully if you are offered an internship...

So consider carefully if you are offered an internship...

Thanks for the fatherly advice. It's good advice!

Medical professionals are pretty darn honest in my opinion.

>Medical professionals are pretty darn honest in my opinion.

for the most part. in my opinion, doctors in the united states don't really do much work. Compared to other countries, doctors here a lot more assistants and nurses that do most of the work. Just like dentists, they don't do anything, they just look at your mouth and say "you need braces", or "you need fillings done" then their medical assistant does most of the work.
But i don't know, that's just my opinion.

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