Maybe it's just me, but I like taking online typing tests, ever since those Mavis Beacon days nearly 20 years ago. Gosh that makes me feel old, but I do turn 30 in three hours :-P

In any case ... I wrote a typing test script. Check it out

Happy birthday Dani :) :) My score was 55 WPM. Oh well, I don't type as much as I did 20+ years ago.When I was 30 I was doing about 100 wpm.

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Happy Birthday Dani =)

My score is 26 WPM!

I'm a not a very good at typing!

Since you are gonna be 30 year old!

Here is a song that describe why you change your name from cscgal to Dani:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANI!... How does it feel to be around for 3 Decades? Quite a milestone in life don't you say? Enjoy your b-day!

Quick question.... is a GWAM the same as WPM?

Yay, I beat the daniweb typing average! i scored 74 :)... is that good for a High School freshman?

Thanks for the birthday wishes folks. Random question to you: do you think that something could ultimately be done with the typing test? Like ... is it something you would ever refer back to or tell other people about?

Quick question.... is a GWAM the same as WPM?

GWAM doesn't account for errors while adjusted WPM does.

oh, that makes a lot of sense...
Honestly... i think its really nice and the cool part is that it gives you statistics at the end... i was ranked beyond average :)....

Speaking of that, how do you think a WPM of 74 is for a high school freshman?

Have a great Birthday! For the 30th time :D

74 wpm is fantastic for hs freshman :) I was barly doing 40 wpm when I graduated hs in 1962, but then we didn't have computers, just old-fashioned manual typewriters similar to this one.

is it something you would ever refer back to or tell other people about?

Only if someone I know can't type and wanted a typing tutorial.

40 WPM on manual typewriters... if you change the keyboards... that's really fast when you think about it :)

Well happy birthday to you. I'm almost double that myself but my son at Stony Brook is just one year younger than you.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Only if someone I know can't type and wanted a typing tutorial.

I know it's important to have good typing skill when I was growing up. The typing script is pretty neat. But nowadays does typing consider as a skill anymore to find employment?

Happy birthday Dani!

I haven't tested my typing speed for a long time (the last time I was probably in highshool). Took your test, I scored at a rather unimpressive 50 WPM. I think having to read off what I need to write next throws me off a bit (I'm a very slow reader, borderline dyslexic on that front).

But nowadays does typing consider as a skill anymore to find employment?

Probably not so much. The main reason for wanting to be a super-fast at typing in the old days was for secretaries that would take dictation or transcribe memos, and so on. There are probably still some niche places where fast typing is a valuable skill (e.g., stenography). But I don't think that many jobs today require enough intensive typing that the WPM speed would actually make a noticeable difference. I think the main limiting factors are how fast your mind can supply the words (or code) and the quality of what comes out, not so much the speed of your fingers.

Happy Birthday Dani; here's to hoping you take a day off from Daniweb and enjoy!:)

Happy birthday Dani. If I could, I would buy you a slice of cake from that coffee shop we visited in Little Italy last year :)

I know it's important to have good typing skill when I was growing up. The typing script is pretty neat. But nowadays does typing consider as a skill anymore to find employment?

If you want to be a secretary, yes. There are lots of other jobs too that require typing skills. For example I wouldn't hire a computer programmer who can't type faster than 40 wpm.

Happy Birthday Dani!

Because I can't touch type, I cannot transcribe more than about 45 wpm. If I am just typing what is in my head I can type considerably faster. As for hiring a computer programmer who has poor typing skills, a programmer should be better at accuracy than speed. And, as a developer, actual time on the keyboard doing code/data entry was a small part of my job. I spent more time designing new code and staring at old code. There were very few times when typing speed was a factor in my productivity.

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HB Dani. You're officially grown up. :)

I was on 200 wpm, when I hit the backspace, darn. :(

200 wpm??? Wow, you must be the fastest typist in the world! Barbara Blackburn only did 150 rpm for 50 minutes, although she hit 212 wpm at times.

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Hah. It was one handed too - I was eating a sandwich at the time.

Diafol.... wanna switch fingers :)

I can do 120 wpm for about 5-10 minutes before my hands get too tired to continue. I can go higher when transcribing lists of common words.

Wow... for 5-10 minutes.... if only I could do my 74 WPM for at least 5 minutes... I don't get tired afterwords, I just get lazy because I start to get sick of get every single key right word by word... unless we are calculating GWAMS here :)

In my school, i figured out how to cheat the softwares that calculate your gwam... so i ended up getting 200+ :)...

What i did was simple... I knew that the software calculates your gwam based of how quickly you type in the specific time period in which you type. So i waited for the time to drain until there was like 10 seconds left, and then i bursted in typing :)... And the teacher never questioned me... well she did but it felt more complementing. :)

I keep instinctively hitting the backspace button when I know I've missed a key :(

It does seem to break for me when the timer hits 0 though. the WPM display halves or so and the popup states 'no data to show'

Chrome and windows 7

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Backspace kills me too. But hey, nice page. :)

No I take it back - my obsession with backspace has stopped my completing the page some 10 times in a row. Garhhh.

I am used to finding gwam... so i too have the habit of hitting backspace a lot espicially when finding my WPM

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