I want to ask what is the keyword to find backlink in this search engine :
Please tell me. I'am waiting for your answer. Thank's

For most of these, you just need to visit the search engine and type the following into the search box:

Also as for bing it is not so easy. I remember reading some time ago that to get the backlinks for bing you need to register an account then log in to view the stats for the backlinks. So that makes it impossible for automated scripts to get the bing backlinks. I see a mod has answered how to get backlinks with google, yahoo and possibly a few others.

To Jay : It just work for Google, but no others

To Mr. Cwarn23 : How about the others, can you reply me with the keyword wih the rest search engine except bing? Please.

I tested the following keyword on google, yahoo and altavista and it seems to work perfectly.


The above search term will search for all pages that link to google.com Also it tells you how many backlinks exist simply by checking how many results occurred. Also another example is as follows:


I just checked and gigablast has an advanced search option where you can search for backlinks although I can't seem to get it to work. As for ask, I can't see any function in the ask search engine for backlinks yet.

This is great. Thanks for all the links.


go to backlinkwatch . com

I think this will solve your problem


If I'm not mistaken; link: is for page level, links: is for domain level. No?


go to backlinkwatch . com

I think this will solve your problem


where does this site get data from?is it updated?

i had a list of the phrases that find backlink in some SE. i couldn't find it now,but i know it for Google and Yahoo which i use more.
for Google : just use link:yoursitename.com in search area.
it gets you backlinks for your index page.internallink (from other page of you site) is included. Google has no option to just get the external links. i mean backlink from other sites.

in Yahoo use linkdomain:yourdomain.com(or yoursitename.com) in search area.
if you want just external links use this : linkdomain:yourdomain.com(or yoursitename.com) -site:yourdomain.com(or yoursitename.com)

i try to find the complete list.

Google is best for finding backlink

well for every search engine there is only one process and that is


but buddy for google if u need exact result u need to use webmaster tool ..

Gigablast? What the hell is that?

link:url will do for the major SEs. Gigablast? I can't belive you mentionned that dinosaur. What do they get, less than .05% of web search traffic. Wake up! It's Google, then MSN (Bing,Live) and Yahoo in about that order. Get with the program.

Gigablast? What the hell is that?

link:url will do for the major SEs. Gigablast? I can't belive you mentionned that dinosaur. What do they get, less than .05% of web search traffic. Wake up! It's Google, then MSN (Bing,Live) and Yahoo in about that order. Get with the program.

What - Live, that's an extinct dinosaur. I believe MSN is Bing and Bing replaced Live. Live search nolonger exists and laughed when seeing Live in a year 2050 based film. lol

You could register an account with google, i.e., google.com/webmasters. It would give you exactly what are all the links, it has taken into account.

Similarly for bing, if you have a live account, you can login to bing.com/webmaster.

You could register an account with google, i.e., google.com/webmasters. It would give you exactly what are all the links, it has taken into account.

Similarly for bing, if you have a live account, you can login to bing.com/webmaster.

oh,yes,Google webmaster tools is a great tool for SEO !
it gives you information about backlink,internallink,most keyword searched for your site and ....
Google Analytics is also a great tool.

Google Analytics is also a great tool.

At all costs do not use Google Analytics. The google analytics system has frozen a few times causing a few banks websites to not load. So if Google Analytics will cause banks websites to not load then why should you trust it with yours? However this only happens about once every 6 to 12 months. Google seems to be starting to freeze more frequently though as all of their system are controlled by the one mainframe (eg. Youtube, google search, google analytics, google webmasters, google maps, google earth, google street view) So those listed products with many more are controlled by the one mainframe setup instead of individual setups for each product and when that one mainframe crashes, boom - 5% of the internet is offline. Happened for about 52 hours in the past year over two separate occasions.

Thank you for all of your answer. Now I'am using keyword :
www.example.com -link:www.example.com

I'am made a program that can detect backlink from that search engine which I mentioned it early in this thread. But I don't know which is the best 10 search engine and why they are the best. Can any body help me with my problem?

Thank you for all of your answer. Now I'am using keyword :
www.example.com -link:www.example.com

I'am made a program that can detect backlink from that search engine which I mentioned it early in this thread. But I don't know which is the best 10 search engine and why they are the best. Can any body help me with my problem?

It is more like the best 3 search engines which include Google, Bing and Yahoo. The reason, they hold the greatest market share with Google being the strongest and I think Bing might be the weakest in the market share.

you can also try using www(.)backlinkwatch(.)com
this will show you all the list of links to your site including the keyword you use.

Google tool bar is the best option for checking back links of any web site.
i am using this Google tool bar and i think this is the easiest way..............

I use always google

there are thousands of tools available on the web to check backlinks. The best is to type link: http://www.abc.com.

Much Thanks!


Thanks for your post. I know only to check yahoo backlinks. Thanks for everyone shared your thoughts.

At all costs do not use Google Analytics. The google analytics system has frozen a few times causing a few banks websites to not load. So if Google Analytics will cause banks websites to not load then why should you trust it with yours? However this only happens about once every 6 to 12 months. Google seems to be starting to freeze more frequently though as all of their system are controlled by the one mainframe (eg. Youtube, google search, google analytics, google webmasters, google maps, google earth, google street view) So those listed products with many more are controlled by the one mainframe setup instead of individual setups for each product and when that one mainframe crashes, boom - 5% of the internet is offline. Happened for about 52 hours in the past year over two separate occasions.

oh,really? i didn't know that.thanks guy.

I use a small tool ----"SeoQuake"
Anyone used it? is it good?

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