I want to know what is SEO and who to do SEO to rank website in search engine result page.

You want to know what SEO is, yet you have been giving advice to others about what SEO is and how to apply it? Have you had a bang on the head and lost your memory?

Seo is a technique to promote your website in any search engine.

SEO means Search Engine Optimization means changing the website so as to top rank in any search engines. If you want ur website to top in SERP's hire a SEO Expert.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic") search results.There are two techniques available.
1.On page SEO
2.Off page SEO

SEO mainly stands for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and it is a technique that is mainly use to optimize or manage the particular website or webpage in such a way that if any one enter a particular relevant keyword in a search engine then the particular site should appear on the first rank of the search page.

Mostly intension of SEO techniques is widley used for internet marketing strategy.SEO mainly considers how search engines work, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience.


SEO means search engine optimization. We do SEO for website to rank website and get traffic. On page optimization and off page optimization are two parts of SEO.

SEO Means Search Engine Optimization.
How SEO helps you?
We can promote our business in online marketing. Which leads to increase our business revenue while increasing our website visitors.
SEO is two types. First one is Onpage and another one is Offpage. In Onpage optimization you take care of meta title, keywords, description, alt tags, bold tags, robot.txt etc. etc. while in Offpage optimization you take care of article submission, bookmark, forum, social marketing..

SEO is the process to get free and relevant traffic on the website by ranking the keywords on Google or any serach engines.

seo helps to bring your site more popular in search engines and moves up your site to the first position

SEO is a Search Engine Optimization. Its nothing but how to get back your website keywords to top in google search engine. There are two ways like On Page Optimization and Off Page Optimization.

SEO means search engine optimization we do SEO to rank website in search engine result page. On page optimization and off page optimization are two parts of SEO. On page optimization means doing changes onthe websie and off page optimization means link building.

Hi Chetan,

SEO is a platform where you can promote your website or webpage. This forum posting is also a technique of SEO.

SEO is mainly the platform through which one can drive traffic on his/her website,seo activities are mainly done to promote the brand or any website that directly led to build up the business

SEO is technique of digital marketing .It is generally divided into two major categories i.e
On-page SEO
Off-page SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. A practice to optimize your website / Blog so that search engines will list your site towards the top of the SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

SEO is process to rank website in search engine result page. There are two parts of SEO on page optimization and off page optimization. First you have to do on page optimization for your website and then do off page optimization to get backlinks for website.

SEO means search engine optimization. SEO is mainly done to rank website in search engine result page.To drive traffic on the website,On page optimization and off page optimization are two parts of SEO.

SEO means search engine optimization. To rank website first do on page optimization and then off page optimization for you r website to rank website in search engine result page.

SEO - Search Engine Optimization.
Most of us go on to Google every day and search for something. Whether it is a education related, product or service we desire, news, people or inquiries,
Google is the most commonly used in the world. There are other search engine sites like Yahoo, MSN etc....
A search engine is a service program which will get the data from a database or network from the Web.

it is the very best way to get the traffic and the popularity of the site by doing various seo activities

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the rank of a web page in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) of target search engines for a set of identified key-phrases.

Search engine optimization is sed to push up your site in all search engines and get more traffic to your site it would be works based on the onpage and offpage optimizations.

SEO is a method,system or technique which is help to drive or gather more tarffic or visitor you site.More traffic more PR.

Seo is the process of improving the visibility of a website on organicsearch result.
It is divides into two categories:
onpage important factors are:HTML code,textual content, images ,keyword density etc.

offpage:Backlinks,forum posting,article submission,blog commenting and social book marking etc.

seo improve your website ranking in search engine.

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