Hello All at Daniweb. I am new to this so looking for some help or just information.

I currently own lots of site but I am looking at three to start with.
I have a PR3 and A PR4 both good sites, but the question is how do I drive more traffic to the sites?

I have 1:1 traffic exchange and I am currenlty doing SEO work. Which i know both take time. Both sites a based on funny, prank and sexy videos.

Can any of you Jedi master help.

Don't ignore the power of social media. The SEO company I work for has a team of Social Media Specialists who create synergy between our organic seo efforts and our social media optimization efforts. This gives the whole brand a lift and increases direct traffic (long-term). Social media requires a lot of attention and constant content updates. But with a video site you could post appropriate videos on Facebook (with a facebook page) and forward funny comments on the videos for the facebook fans to view.

SEO is must. Link building is probably one of the most important things to do and counts for a lot in the search engine result pages. Of course there is a lot more that can be done. You can submit your site to RSS feeds, and bookmark in the social networks such as Delicious, Stumble Upon, Digg etc. Business directories and article directories are good places for submissions as well.

Try social bookmarking, social networking, forum posting and blog commenting. This things are essential in link building.

Back link helps generate traffic. In order to get back links, engaging on the techniques such as blog commenting, forum posting, classified ads, press release, article and directory submissions, social bookmarking and online groups helps.

Trading links with other websites that are closely related to the subject of your website can bring you more quality website traffic.

Quality link building can help in getting traffic and listing in major search engine with PR.

Quality link building can help in getting traffic and listing in major search engine with PR.

The two of the most important SEO tool for web traffic is bookmarking and article posting.
These two show quick response in terms of traffic genaration.


If you can do the following then you can get 2,500+ unique visitors everyday:
- Submit articles to article directories
- Submit press release
- Use forums regularly, place eye-catching signatures
- Use social bookmarking
- Social networks like facebook, myspace, orkut
- Craiglist, classified ads
- Blog networks
- Write articles on Hubpages
- Post video on youtube & metacafe

Most importantly, it is very important to create relevant and fresh content that is all inter-related. Search engine crawlers love this and will reward your site accordingly by placing high on SERPs.

I'm just a nubie :)
and still learning about SEO and get more SERP in google.

For a long time, I still use adwords for get more KEYWORD on my blog.

Now, I just want to know more that.
My blog is : lowongan kerja

can you give me some tips for increase my traffic ?

I would advise you get active on forums related to your niche. This as helped me a lot. It can generate some good start up traffic and some good search engine ranks in the long run. After wards get active on Twitter, Digg, Reddit and if you can on Facebook, Myspace and other social sites. Once your blog starts to get up to 200 visitors a day start using Social sites like Squidoo and hubpages and write as much articles as possible on your site.

Even if your site is pr4, the amount of visitors you will get depends on the keywords your site is ranking for so try to go after a good keyword with a lot of people searching for it.

social media marketing like twitter, facebook can really help you to drive traffic..we have a consultation on how to grow your business with the help of internet marketing.

Social Networking,press release and article submission is the best. And social bookmarking like digg,deliciuos and stumbleupon.

This is a very good info on how to get traffic. Thanks guys

really very useful thread...I find quality article submission very useful and keywords too..but by keyword use I don't mean stuffing....it should be related and meaningful to the content

In order to increase traffic to your site you should diversify and use different option.

Social Bookmarks
Article Submission
Social Networking (word of mouth is always very effective).
Forum commentating
Solo Ads and Email Marketing
And even rotating your site at other traffic exchanges (your niche).
Have you considered doing partnerships (exchanging traffic or links)
with other traffic exchanges?

Most of the seo writers don't work on the quality of submitted material. Quality of the writing matters and drives traffic.

Hi Yamna,

You are quite right. In web marketing content is king and people don't understand it perfectly and unknowingly cause spamming which ultimately led in banning of site and their account.


SEO is the must, and I always practice this too :

# Exchange links with other bloggers
# Use BlogRush
# Submit to RSS directories
# Submit to blog directories
# Submit to general directories
# Start a 2nd blog and link to yourself
# Create and give away blog themes (with a link to your blog in the footer)
# Create free plugins
# Create link bait
# Participate in blog carnivals
# Comment on DoFollow blogs
# Join communities at MyBlogLog
# Join communities at Bumpzee
# Join communities at Blog Catalog
# Start a community at any of these sites
# Comment on other blogs in your niche
# Email your friends and contacts about a new blog post that may interest them
# Email your readers to say “thank you”
# Email other bloggers to introduce yourself
# Link out to other blogs

another thing goes that If you must have image links in your navigation bar, include also text links. However, make sure the text links show up first in the source code, because search engine robots will follow the first link they find to any particular page. They won't follow additional links to the same page.

Make careful use of twitter. Take some time build twitter base very slowly, manage 3000+ followers, make good & helpful tweets. After couple of weeks you will begin to receive 500+ unique visitors daily.

it would also be great if you promote your site offline like marketing with postcards. You should print your website url on the postcard but make sure it is clear and readable. Make a brief message that describes about your website and make it something interesting so you can get their attention.

I have no idea what these sites are about, however, the one method that has always worked and always will, is good content.

All the other methods you'll be reading about are good ideas and should be included in your effforts. However, you want to reach the point where the search engines are doing the work for you. The only way to get them to do that is to create web pages with great SERP.

Imagine doing your research to find keywords and phrases that get lots of traffic and have little competition and then creating web pages designed around those keywords. If you build this page to primarily please the reader and secondarily the SE's what you now have is a page that will generate traffic on a continuing basis for you and you don't have to constantly baby sit it.

What I'm referring to is called "organic traffic". It may take a while to generate but once it start to build up it's like a snowball...it just keeps building.

In summary, learn to build web pages that can garner great placement (SERP) and thus tremendous interest from web surfers.

Hope this helps.

Hello All at Daniweb. I am new to this so looking for some help or just information.

I currently own lots of site but I am looking at three to start with.
I have a PR3 and A PR4 both good sites, but the question is how do I drive more traffic to the sites?

I have 1:1 traffic exchange and I am currenlty doing SEO work. Which i know both take time. Both sites a based on funny, prank and sexy videos.

Can any of you Jedi master help.

If you build this page to primarily please the reader and secondarily the SE's what you now have is a page that will generate traffic on a continuing basis for you and you don't have to constantly baby sit it.

Well said HomeBizAdvisor! I agree.

Thanks for the information jennypitts...
it's can help me to increase my knowledge about do SEO better...

Some social media sites don't allow for submission of sexy & prank videos. Choose the social media site that fits your categories to drive more target markets. Bookmarking will do.

It is better to get more QUALITY backlinks. That will help you to get more traffic from Search engines, as well as those will give you referal traffic too. You can do lots of article submissions, that will help you to get more visitors at the same time, that gives you a backlink too.

You can do all the outreach tactics you want, but if it does not entice the visitor and convert them to your message or desired behavior, then it wont work.

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