Are you allowed to market your website through craigslist? Do they prohibit referring people to URLs from their site?

I don't believe they do prohibit this, although I'm not so sure how well it will do. Be careful you don't end up coming off as a spammer to prospective customers.

It's self-policed. If you spam it, your URL will be removed.

That said, I had tremendous success promoting on GL about two years ago, when the incentivized affiliate programs (free ipods, etc) were launching.

What is GL?

Oops, meant CL. How do you edit posts, btw? I don't see any button.

Oops, meant CL. How do you edit posts, btw? I don't see any button.

Offtopic : There is a time limit on editing of your posts on DW. :)

Offtopic : There is a time limit on editing of your posts on DW. :)

Further OT: Hmmm... how much is the time limit? 24 hours?

A half hour :) Enough time for you to edit your post to fix any typos or information you inadvertently might have left out.

You CAN use Craigs List to pull a little bit of traffic.

We devised a marketing system for our website. We pay marketers who run our system a percentage of any ads they happen to sell using our completely automated system.

So here's where Craigs List comes in.

We go and advertise job openings for marketers (no experience necessary) and the traffic rolls in....and on top of that, it's USEFUL traffic...people surf my site, sign up to be a marketer, THEN market my site for me...only getting paid, when I get paid.


I think they don't allow it. If then also some clever guy did it. and got a link they will soon spot it and the link will be taken off and the I.P. banned

There is great traffic to be had using Craigslist. What you describe to attract marketers is just one way (though I think the job section of CL is the worst spammed of all the categories). I think soon CL will charge all cities to post in jobs, which is now the case in over 7 cities.

I think there is room for commercial buyers and marketers to find a voice on CL - it just needs to retain what makes it so attractive to users.

With that in mind, research will soon show that overposting and posting in the wrong categories will actually hurt you. Just as we cap impressions in online media for display and text advertising, the same should be done with your ads on CL.

So, in other words, you lie, right? Sure fire way to get booted from CL.

Who lies? In every faction of marketers there are those that go about things in an unethical and unreasonable manner. There are many advertisers on Craigslist that provide great products and services that users love and do not feel the need to spam or lie to succeed.

As for what Craigslist will allow - Craigslist knows marketers use the system and they welcome them, so long as they follow the rules.

I'll buy that if these posts go under gigs, but not if they're being posted as jobs (which is what it says) because there's no job and no intention of making a job offer. Be honest in your intent is what I'm advocating.

you can give your URL there

It seems everyone is selling there but no one is buying.

Edit; double post

I am posting on craigslist for long time. I promoted various products on various categories, e-book to laptop, work from home to government jobs, services to gigs.
Genuine products/services get great success on craigslist while dubious e-books/work form home advertising get flagged so quickly. Still even such dubious campaigns can get success for limited time. You need to apply some technique. Visit this if you are interested.

You CAN use Craigs List to pull a little bit of traffic.

We devised a marketing system for our website. We pay marketers who run our system a percentage of any ads they happen to sell using our completely automated system.

So here's where Craigs List comes in.

We go and advertise job openings for marketers (no experience necessary) and the traffic rolls in....and on top of that, it's USEFUL traffic...people surf my site, sign up to be a marketer, THEN market my site for me...only getting paid, when I get paid.


Do you have a marketing company you reccomend that places multi postings on Craigslist?
Thanx Toni

I would assume it would be like those eBay middle people who list your auctions for you? Remember, there are a couple of Craigslist sections that are pay-to-post so I'm not sure how that would work out.

I would assume it would be like those eBay middle people who list your auctions for you? Remember, there are a couple of Craigslist sections that are pay-to-post so I'm not sure how that would work out.

Postings in real estate services in NY only and in jobs categories in seven cities are paid posting. All other cities/categories are absolutely free.

took much slimy stuff on craigslist for me.

Craigslist does allow url's as well as anchored text links. I noticed that many times it won't allow my post, so it is hit or miss. Many try to figure out how to do multiple postings, but with this new phone verification they have, it will be tougher.

You can post a reference to your site in "Small Business Ads" area on Craigslist. It's especially designed for local businesses and small companies who can't affort nationwide promotions.

Be careful to not overpost or post to other areas of Craigslist otherwise you may get banned.

Hope this helps

I have log in it,but i do not know how to use it,anyone can tell me?

Once you are logged into your Craigslist account, make sure you post an ad in the right category and area. If you dont place the ad in the right category, you risk your ad to be flagged and deleted. You dont want this. I have personally put a few ads on Craigslist Small Business in the Past. I wonder if this section does get much visitors though.

Hi woof, promoting your website is allowed but It's self-policed. If you spam it, your URL will be removed.

I've try a craigslist posting service called , they have done a great jobs posting my ads daily for me.

Good luck!

I don't think it will be right decision. You can do many other things other than this and which are more effective also.

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