majestic0110 187 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso

(Sorry thread title should read BUG not BUT lol )Hi all, I am not sure if this is the right forum for this (so please move if not) but I was tinkering with a Toshiba notebook earlier that has a power up (user) password. Without this password it is not possible to gain access to the OS on the machine. Now, this notebook has XP installed and I needed to enter safe mode, so I powered up the machine, entered the Toshiba user (BIOS, under the TOshiba Assist hardware configuration software) password and held F8 for safe mode. Upon entering the log on screen to XP, I typed in the relevant administrator password and all was fine. However, after I shut down the machine and restarted in I noticed that the machine entered XP (non safe mode) WITHOUT the need for the BIOS password. (I didnt accidentally turn the BIOS password utility off, as that would have required the BIOS password itself). So, I shut down, waited a few seconds, powered up and again no BIOS password prompt........WHen logged in to XP I opened up the hardware configuration panel and lo and behold the BIOS password had been disabled!!! Strange ? Obviously a bug in there somewhere.......Needless to say, the BIOS password was reactivated (requiring entering the original p/w). So the upshot of all this is that the BIOS password is obviously not that secure (even though I needed to enter it once to enter safe mode)! What are your thoughts on this ?

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