I am trying to burn a DVD. I have burned DVDs on my laptop for 3 years. But recently it is not letting me.

1. Explorer shows my DVD drive as a CD drive
2. Whenever I try to burn to a DVD it tells me there is no valid recordable device detected.
3. I am using MyDVD (Sonic) which always tells me that DMA is turned off. I have tuned DMA on on both my primary and secondary devices in device manager but I am still told that DMA is off.

I have a Laptop Compaq (HP) Presario V3000

In device manager I am told that my DVD/CD ROM Drive is MATSHITA DVD-RAM UL850S. (the device is working properly)

I have tried for months but have finally given up.

Please, can anyone help.


In device manager I am told that my DVD/CD ROM Drive is MATSHITA DVD-RAM UL850S.

in device manager ,right click it and uninstall it and reboot computer letting it reinstall and give it a try

I am trying to burn a DVD. I have burned DVDs on my laptop for 3 years. But recently it is not letting me.

have you always used the same software in those 3 yrs

I have installed and uninstalled various software over the 3 years! What type of software could cause this to happen.

Also, I don't have the DVD drive installation discs so is it safe to uninstall and reboot?

I am currently with my laptop in Africa - and won't be returning to my installation discs and fast internet connection for 5 months (in UK). AT the moment I am connecting via dial up (0.5kbps!)

OK, I uninstalled the drive, rebooted and it re-installed it automatically.

But no change. It still reads it as a CD Drive, it still says DMA is off when it is on and it still says no recordable device found when I try to burn a DVD through Sonic MYDVD - a software package I have used without problems for a couple of years on this computer.

Looking forward to hearing your next suggestions.

Many thanks

I was referring to burning software!
it could be that the dvd is failing ,lense getting weak!
have a look in registry for this it helps when dvd will not install may help in this situation also .

Possible Solution......go to Start /run/ type in ,regedit.and do the following

There are 2 reg keys that can screw the device......remove them both and reboot......

The keys are:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325 -11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - "Upperfilters" and "Lowerfilters".

Member Avatar for rs_sis


I had the same problem, for me it was a hardware failure.
If you have a extra HDD for your laptop, you can try
to swap the HDD with new O.S. installed...

In this way you can find out if this might be a
software or a hardware problem.

I bios set you will see a setting for DMA possibly in input output or IO SuperIO setting. Anyway it is there somewhere.
ECP Mode Use DMA 1
It is usually set to 3
DMA 3 is for drives specific.

Also, your drive cables have to be 80 channel cables. The ridges are really fine compared to the older cables which are ridged.

Now you can set DMA to your drives.

I have removed the upper filters (there were no lower filters).

I cannot find the DMA in the BIOS. I seem to only be able to change the language and the system clock. Can you direct me to the DMA settings please.

The drive now shows as Name: DVD RAM drive (E:), Type: CD Drive.

As soon as I put in any type of DVD (+R, -R or +RW) the name changes to CD Drive.

I still cannot write to DVD.

Any more help appreciated.


Take the drive out of the laptop - usually a spring mechanism underneath. Boot up to desktop (without the cd drive) and check explorer for drives. It should show only the master drive and any partitions. If you use a usb wireless internet connection, this is your problem. Right-click the device and it shows as a cd drive.

If this is the case , let me know and i will post instructions on how to resolve this issue.

Also, Some laptops multi drive, the cd is rw but the dvd is rom only.

I have removed the drive and rebooted.

I do have a wireless internet USB connected with a Nokia phone.

The phone shows in explorer but not sure it shows as a CD drive.

The optical drive says "DVD multi recorder" and "RW DVD+R DL" on the outside of the casing.

I think you may be right though - it worked perfectly well in terms of writing DVDs until I started using this USB modem. I do need this USB modem however - it is my only possible access to the internet and can't risk losing it - live in Uganda and was troublesome to set up.

Looking forward to the instructions on how to resolve this issue.


"1. Explorer shows my DVD drive as a CD drive"
Explorer will show you the drive type according to what disk type is currently in it, or was just in it. If you empty the drive and start a new explorer window you should see it represented correctly.
"I have tried for months but have finally given up."
It is quite possible that the drive itself gave up months before you did. I just got a brand new DVD multiwriter that would not recognise any DVD I inserted, but read /burnt cds at 100 mph [it shrieked]; I returned it and got an upgraded one which worked just fine. Stuff dies, it is a fact of life.
I have trouble understanding how a wireless usb modem could interfere with a sata or ide optical drive. Sure easy to check out, though.

Start > Adninistrative Tools > Computer Management > Disk Management
Select CD/DVD-Rom R-Click > Change Drive Letters > Remove Drive Letter.
Change Drive Letter does not work for this problem.
Apply Yes OK Exit .Shut Down. Remove the USB Wireless internet connection

Wait a few seconds.
Turn on
Start > Adninistrative Tools > Computer Management > Disk Management
Select CD/DVD-Rom R-Click > Change Drive Letter to D if you have only one disk partition or the next available one.
Apply Yes OK Exit .Shut Down. Wait a few seconds.
Turn on
Check your DVD Drive. Good eh?
Shut Down. Wait a few seconds.
Attach the USB Wireless internet connection
Turn on

if you use Virus protection software, I use Trend Micro PC-Cillan, turn off Personal Firewall if you have it set.
Connect to Internet. You may get the "Can't display" page. Refresh a few times. And Voila! Reset Personal Firewall if you want it.

Thanks for all your help.

I have followed the instructions to the letter. But, the problem is still there.

1. When the drive is empty is shows as DVD Drive but as soon as I put a blank DVD into it, it shows as a CD drive.

2. When I try and burn a DVD from Sonic MyDVD it says "No valid recordable device was detected".

Any other suggestions?

Just to add:

3. It's not only sonic. When I try to write a file to the DVD drive through windows XP it says it has encountered an error and gives me the option to retry.

Surely what Gerbil said:
"Explorer will show you the drive type according to what disk type is currently in it, or was just in it. If you empty the drive and start a new explorer window you should see it represented correctly."

doesnt make sense. I am putting DVDs in the drive and the DVD RAM is changing to CD Drive every time.


Did you miss any step? Like something you thought wasn't necessary to do?

Does the driveletter change to a driveletter that you did not assign as required in the previous steps?

Do you have Nero or Nero Trial?
Nero checks and fixes these problems. It told me that an error in the registry for the upper and lower limit was incorrect. I didn't take note(darn) of the registry address.

Definitely didnt miss a step.
I don't have Nero or Nero trial.
I have looked in the registry and under the
I have 0000, 0001, 0003, 0004 and 0005 but no 0002.
Primary IDE is 0003 and Seconday IDE is 0004 if that helps with anything. I have removed upper and lower limits already!

I'm sure it's not a hardware issue.


I removed drive letter E: and reassigned it as E:

I do have a D drive (local disc partition that contains recovery and autorun.inf.

Should I have reassigned the drive as F: ?

Firstly, you should replace those upper and lower limits. I didn't think you would have done it manually. This actual reference is only if the drive does not work at all. I meant to tell you but I had 20 emails to attend to then I got distracted with other questions.

Always ask questions. That is what this forum is all about.

You reassign the driveletter next in order to your last drive. A partition is considered a drive. Replace that drive letter you stole otherwise you may not be able to engage restore points, or recovery.
If you use a slave drive etc.. the cd/dvd goes last. it's the last on the list.
Example : you have 2 partitions on drive C: C:\ & D;\
you have 2 partitions on a slave drive E:\ & F:\
No more drives or partitions? CD/DVD goes next, as in this example, on G:\


Not sure I agree with that drive letter order thing, Jupiter, although I have read it somewhere else.... my two DVD drives are just anywhere in the drive order list. I put them where I wanted them, one grouped with some image drives[ virtuals, if you prefer, cos I load them whenever I need them], one with a letter that suits it. Both work where they are. I also have unused drive letters waiting in the wings in the middle of the list cos not all disk space is assigned yet.
I'd hook up another drive. If the sys is happy it means the old drive is not. An online-ordered average, run of the mill drive [LG...] would be EUR20.

If you had followed the instructions step by step as instructed, this problem would not have occurred. You may have restarted instead of shutting down!

You don't have to put them in order. Put them anywhere you like. I was going to mention it but my keyboard was running out if ink. I also thought if I simplified it, it would be easier for you to get an understanding.

Turn off computer.
Turn off power point. (why? Power is still transmitted to compuiter)
Remove all ribbon cables and power cables from all the cd dvd disk drives (make SPECIAL NOTE of how they were connected).
Turn on powerpoint.
Turn on computer.
Wait for the hourglass to turn to a pointer.
Start shutdown.
Turn off power point.
Re attach the cables and power cables to cd dvd disk drives.
Turn on powerpoint.
Turn on computer.
Wait for the hourglass to turn to a pointer.
Start > Control Panel > check for new hardware.
If no new hardware then check Explorer and the list of drives order. If the drive letter/s has not been assigned to the cd dvd drives then assign an unused drive letter.

One day I'll tell you the secrets of drive formats.....


So how do I replace the upper and lower limits?

How do I know if I have a master and slave drive? Or does every laptop have that?

I know, until now, I have had a C and D drive and my DVD/CD has been E drive.

Are you saying I should reassign my optical drive as G? or ressigning as E drive was wrong?

Ribbon cables and power cables to CD/DVD disc drives?

Does this apply for a laptop?

I 100% followed the instructions to the letter. I understand that shut down and wait a few seconds is different to restarting the computer.

I don't know how to replace the limits in the registry. Only Nero knows that.

Reassign the Drive Letter back to the drive you took it from that drive contains all your system configuration data.

Whose laptop is this anyway and how old are you?

Desktop, Desktop PC, PC, Computer - refers to a big box, like a tower or vertical rectangular box. It never refers to a Laptop or Notebook.

When someone has a laptop, it is always referred as a laptop, never as a "Computer" or "PC".

I know, until now, I have had a C and D drive and my DVD/CD has been E drive.

Was the dvd drive, E drive when the USB wireless Internet was connected? From my understanding, you said the DVD drive changed drive letters when the usb drive was connected.

All you had to do was remove the usb device, delete E Letter then restart. without the usb thingy. The dvd assigns it self otherwise you assign it where you want it, preferably back on E..

When you assign a drive letter to a drive. It is permanent so virtual drives cannot take over your laptop or PC or Computer or Mac or Notebook. The DVD drive was on a virtual drive. That's why it kept moving drive letters when you attached the usb Internet.

The usb Internet is a virtual CD Drive and CD goes ahead of DVD drives in order of drive type. That is why we refer multi drives as CD/DVD.

If you reload Sonic, it may fix the limits itself. Never delete anything without takiong notes of its purpose. Never delete anything in the registry unless you know why.
"Knowledge is dangerous in the wrong hands."

All I said was does removing ribbon cables apply to a laptop - as that is what I have. My first post was...

"I am trying to burn a DVD. I have burned DVDs on my laptop for 3 years. But recently it is not letting me.

1. Explorer shows my DVD drive as a CD drive
2. Whenever I try to burn to a DVD it tells me there is no valid recordable device detected.
3. I am using MyDVD (Sonic) which always tells me that DMA is turned off. I have tuned DMA on on both my primary and secondary devices in device manager but I am still told that DMA is off.

I have a Laptop Compaq (HP) Presario V3000

In device manager I am told that my DVD/CD ROM Drive is MATSHITA DVD-RAM UL850S. (the device is working properly)

I have tried for months but have finally given up.

Please, can anyone help.


My DVD does NOT change drive letter when the USB is unplugged. Maybe confusing me with another thread.

Also, I don't have any installation discs with me for Sonic.

And when you say this:
"Reassign the Drive Letter back to the drive you took it from that drive contains all your system configuration data."

It has always been E drive. It has never changed from E drive. I deleted E drive and reassigned it as E drive. The drive with my system config data has been unchanged as D drive the whole time. My internal hard drive is C Drive.

The laptop is mine and what relevance is my age?!

Please can someone help me fix this problem.

By the way, my drive can read DVDs without a problem.


All I said was does removing ribbon cables apply to a laptop - as that is what I have. My first post was...

Please can someone help me fix this problem.

By the way, my drive can read DVDs without a problem.


no there is no dvd drive ribbon cable on your laptop !
it is quite possible that your dvd's laser is getting to beak to burn a disk ,but that doesn't explain why the software dose not see it as a dvd burner .
I have a compaq v2000,[was my daughters for univeristy ]with a uj-840D dvd drive rarely useed for though for burning.

just checked my bios ,nothing in there for dma settings ,actually very little you can do in the bios on these machines

(cd drive refers to cd/dvd drive)
I was not aware you had a laptop, I thought it was a "computer"!
Remove the Cd drive from the laptop. How? A latch under the laptop. Easier in a laptop than a computer (easier to remove the connection than the whole cd drive in a PC).
Virtual drives are not fixed drives. You must remove all the external usb devices like the phone, usb wireless internet device to reaasign the drive letter but only when the cd drive is in the laptop. It just slides back (the CD/DVD drive, if you have removed it).

You may have Virtual drives in vrtual memory that may be causing problems, not sure until you do the other things.
Please Note - Just because you can burn a CD on a CD/DVD device does not automatically allow you to burn DVD. The device must also be DVD RW. ergo, your device must be DVD RW/CD RW. Hmmm?
Perhaps since you last used it, the CD Drive had been replace with a different drive?

- DMA 3 improves performance only. You can still burn cd (DVD if it is a DVD Burning Device) .
- Dma 3 can only be assigned to a Hard drive if your ribbon cable from the HDD to the main board is 80 Channel.
- DMA 3 is usually assigned to a Parallel port - SSP. You need to change the setting to ECP or DMA 1. But only in Bios
- If the laptop is Pentium 3 then it possibly may not be an 80 channel ribbon cable and you will not be able to change it to DMA 3.

One more thing - external devices are usually regarded by Windows as virtual drives (cd drives).
In the system tray, bottom right corner of desktop, double-click the USB icon. A dialog box will show all your usb connections. Even your removable CD/DVD drive is a USB device listing (Generic Volume).

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