
I have never used aero theme, so I like it on my W7 :) The best thing that I like on W7 is computer speed. On XP my computer was slow(Don't knw why).

Windows 7 will do exactly the same thing if you don't look after it.

it sure will ,even if you know how to make solar panels .lol
might have been cheaper to just format the winxp and do a clean install to speed the puppy up again !

What do I like most in Win7?

That it's not as annoying as Vista.

I'm still annoyed that Create a Restore Point and doing a System Restore are separate apps.

It Ain't vista of any flavor & about time!! W-7 64bit wasn't soon enough. Later---

On my XP I install just drivers and Counter Strike. I don't surf the net on XP, so It can't be virus or else...

After using Vista for three years, Win 7 speed is amazing. Compared to Vista, XP was pretty quick but Win 7 is just as good or better. Obviously getting a newer quicker machine with Win 7 on it is a factor as well so in a head-to-head comparison, XP would look that much better (than on an older machine).

We take it for granted, but Win 7 is also very compatible. On the 64-bit version, I haven't run into problems with 32-bit apps. There are 64-bit device drivers out there that work so they seem to have it covered well going both ways. Especially for former Vista users, it's easy to think dark thoughts about Microsoft. This time, they seem to have it right. I just realized that I haven't seen any of those Apple vs Mac commercials for a while. Harder to be credible making a case against Win 7.

After using Vista for three years, Win 7 speed is amazing. Compared to Vista, XP was pretty quick but Win 7 is just as good or better. Obviously getting a newer quicker machine with Win 7 on it is a factor as well so in a head-to-head comparison, XP would look that much better (than on an older machine).

when I stated that Win-7 runs faster than me, a new machine has nothing to do with it. This is a 2 1/2 year old Toshiba x205 that shipped as a vista-32 bit machine. The only change has been from vista home premium 32 bit to win-7 home premium 64 bit, with no hardware changes at all. Win-7 just runs better, doesn't aggravate
the bug sh$t out of me,hasn't said ooops or awsh$t every day. It just runs unless I do something real silly then it yells at me then goes on running. U all have a gooden, Later---

fresh design, it is faster than vista

Better looks than Vista, and runs like XP, this is how Vista should have been, silly microsoft!

Also hi again =P

I have Windows 64-bit on my PC. It's quick, though mostly because my computer's hench.

Anyhoo, I just think Win7 is sexy...

I can programming in turbo pascal like i did it on xp!

it is faster than vista

I can tell you what I don't like... That is trying to network a 7 computer with an xp. This homegroup is pretty confusing.

I can tell you what I don't like... That is trying to network a 7 computer with an xp. This homegroup is pretty confusing.

actually i think if you google homegroup and winxp you'll find it doesn't work with xp.
the best way of connecting windows 7 to windows xp is through work group as how we have done to connect xp & vista machine's

it is faster than vista

Faster at what?

Faster at what?

Faster at every thing I did while putting up with vista for 2 years,and that's on the exact same x205 Satellite with no hard ware changes.
also no crash on wake up & no start sys. restore every time restarting from updates. Later---

I was trying to elicit an answer from mrk258.

I was trying to elicit an answer from mrk258.

I understood that. I didn't know side comments were not allowed out side of private message. Later---

They are. Just letting you know what I was doing :).

The best thing about Windows 7 is its feature of auto detection of drivers.

dislike! my cpu or motherboard .[intel],not sure[p4 2.8 dual core socket 775 ] is not capable of running xp mode .so wanted to give it a try .

faster than xp and better look than xp, I think!

They are. Just letting you know what I was doing :).

Ok no problem here, maybe you confounded that person with the simplest of all questions. Have a good'un. Later---

dislike! my cpu or motherboard .[intel],not sure[p4 2.8 dual core socket 775 ] is not capable of running xp mode .so wanted to give it a try .

I was under the impression that xp mode was an os capability as in W-7 Pro & Ultimate. Am I right? Later---

You also need a processor that can run a VM.

I was under the impression that xp mode was an os capability as in W-7 Pro & Ultimate. Am I right? Later---

check link in my signature ,from what i read its core 2 or higher [not usre about amd cpu's],but i might be wrong

i tried and failed with a P4 2.8 dual core ,socket 775 intel

check link in my signature ,from what i read its core 2 or higher [not usre about amd cpu's],but i might be wrong

i tried and failed with a P4 2.8 dual core ,socket 775 intel

Hey Caper read this it might help http://arstechnica.com/microsoft/reviews/2010/01/windows-xp-mode.ars has to do with Intel's silliness on this problem good luck. Later---

This thread (So Far) has been particularly interesting to me because I'm seriously considering a new machine. I'm running XP Pro on an older slower machine and had considered VISTA when it first came out and the horror stories started surfacing almost immediately after its launch. So "Windows or Mac" became the question in my mind.

But now I'm thinking I'll let the dust settle a little more around Windows 7 before I make the move.

Well kind of like I waited between Win 98 SE and passed on Millennium.

It seems it is getting to be a pattern with MS to release an in between OS to determine what they really need to do with their REAL release by letting Xmillion customers pay to do their beta testing.

However having so many Windows apps kind of has me locked in.

I think I'll give it a few more months and see what are said in threads like this one or similar in other forums.

I do have one question though; is there a Professional version of 7 like there was of XP. All I seem to see in new machines at stores is Windows 7 Home Edition.


Yes. I'm running 7 Pro.

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