Hey all,

I'm having a problem with my Internet Explorer. Every time that I try to use it I simply get, "The Page Cannot Be Displayed"/ "Cannot find server or DNS error". However, despite this my Mozilla Firefox works without any problems. What seems to be the issue at hand? I really appreciate the help.



spyware/trojan that affects IE and not firefox is most likely cause.try a few spyware scans like spybot search and destroy and Adaware ,both can be found at www.filehippo.com

Also check your connection settings.

Tools->Internet Options->Connections->Lan Settings

Make sure that the use proxy server is not selected if you are on a direct connection or selected with the correct proxy IP and Port if u are using a proxy server.

commented: It took me months to figure this problem out. Thanks. +0

DNS client needs to be active for it to work. goto start>control panel>admin tools>services; and look for DNS client. now highlight it by right clicking>properties - set startup type to automatic, then set service status to start.

i registered just for you

I also am having a problem with IE. It no longer appears when I click the icon. My search is also gone. I downloaded the latest IE, but it will not work either. I downloaded Mozilla Firefox, and it is working fine. I tried the last suggestion but when I got to the DNS client it would not come up. Just a white flash. That is how IE comes up just a quick flash and nothing. Any other suggestions? I am about to reformat and start over.


I also am having a problem with IE. It no longer appears when I click the icon. My search is also gone. I downloaded the latest IE, but it will not work either. I downloaded Mozilla Firefox, and it is working fine. I tried the last suggestion but when I got to the DNS client it would not come up. Just a white flash. That is how IE comes up just a quick flash and nothing. Any other suggestions? I am about to reformat and start over.


that may be a good idea, or if you have you have an advanced uninstaller http://www.innovative-sol.com/uninstaller/
uninstall iexplorer

I ended up uninstalling IE 7 so I could use IEFIX. IEFIX would not work with IE 7. After I uninstalled IE 7, IEFIX worked great. Everything is back to normal. The address for anyone that needs it is: http://windowsxp.mvps.org/IEFIX.htm I don't know if I will reinstall IE 7 yet. I am just glad I didn't have to reformat my hard drive. I was starting to pull my hair out. I couldn't use search, Internet explorer, or cmd in the run box. Thanks for all your help.

I just wanted to say Thank You about the DNS thing. I have several pcs where all of a sudden IE was not working and Firefox was. One of them i did format on. I was not able to get updates and stuff from microsoft and various other things that ONLY internet explorer is allowed on for some reason. I wonder if IE not working was a result of some sort of an update or something??? and this thread is why I joined too!! :)

Dear all,

I got the similar problem as below - internet connection is OK, firefox working properly, but I.E is broken, which resulting that Iwas not able to get updates and stuff from microsoft and various other things that ONLY internet explorer is allowed on for some reason.

I tried many solutions, much regret nothing could resolve. understand the last step is to re-format the pc, but believe all your guys here have a better solution?


Hey all,

I'm having a problem with my Internet Explorer. Every time that I try to use it I simply get, "The Page Cannot Be Displayed"/ "Cannot find server or DNS error". However, despite this my Mozilla Firefox works without any problems. What seems to be the issue at hand? I really appreciate the help.



right click on mycomputer go to properties /automatic updates and turn on download updates but let me choose when to install them ,

Had the same problem, here's my fix: Go to Control Panel > Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings > uncheck all. You can access these settings from Intenet Explorer Tools too, but changing them there did not seem to do the trick. HTH

commented: This worked for me! +0

Please help my IE and the Firefox will not connect. Just before they failed. The computer identified and delkted a two trojans. I have been running spybot but I still can't connect. The wireless is picking up networks but ic an't pull up a webpage. whjat do I do?

Dear all,

I got the similar problem as below - internet connection is OK, firefox working properly, but I.E is broken, which resulting that Iwas not able to get updates and stuff from microsoft and various other things that ONLY internet explorer is allowed on for some reason.

I tried many solutions, much regret nothing could resolve. understand the last step is to re-format the pc, but believe all your guys here have a better solution?


Go to the tools option in the menu bar, select "internet options" from the drop down. Go to the "Advanced" tab and click on the Reset button below. It worked for me.

It is because your IE is infected by malwares.

You have to use other browser now. Or reinstall OS to work on IE again.

Hello to all,

Herewith a solution:
This problem has been bugging me on 10 computers on our network. I've changed all antivirus program settings, reinstalled the full OS etc, and lost my patience with IE.
However, not one to give up easily, tinkered around, and changed the following under tools>internet options>connections, LAN button I have unchecked the Automatically detect settings.
Et voilà! all 10 machines are humming along beautifulla. The same trick has worked for several friends suffering from the same problem on their home networks: all solved!
Hope this works for you.

Me too. Have you figured it out yet?

Thank You guys so much! I did the thing where you go to LAN settings and uncheck everything and clicked okay. I went to google and Ta-dah!
It works marvelously! Thanks again for the help!

it didnt work at all even though I unchecked all of them including automatically detect settings. Hv tried with ie8 as well but no luck. trying to upgrade to next service pack on my freeking vista to see if thats resolved. Funniest thing, embedded browser within real player works fine but not in ie or safari, etc...

The internet option > advanced > reset fix worked a charm. Thanks a bunch... First result on google search, first place i found a fix - ill be back when i have other issues :)

I've had the same thing happen to me. For some reason, the Internet Explorer "application" was being blocked by my firewall but Mozilla Firefox was allowed. I changed the setting from "deny" application to "allow" and voila, IE worked. Hope your solution is as simple!

hi my computer is doing the same thing :( but along with that Google chrome is not working either i don't know what to do.

Had the same problem, here's my fix: Go to Control Panel > Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings > uncheck all. You can access these settings from Intenet Explorer Tools too, but changing them there did not seem to do the trick. HTH

Thanks, this worked awesome!

if any of you guys have Norton Internet Security or Norton Antivirus, it has a very strong firewall which blocks off internet explorer and thus any updates you may need for your programs. Download the norton removal tool and remove your norton software and that should resolve your issue

Or not. Most people have paid for subscriptions and removal is not an option. Besides that, Norton should be uninstalled before using the removal tool.
If it is Norton's firewall, it can be configured to block/allow software.

I hate IE, it is the worst web browser

This issue recently happened to me and the fix for the problem was to remove the automatic configuration setting from Tools -> Internet Options -> Connections -> LAN Settings. If anyone has seen something like the following "" AND is using some version of the Aventail VPN client (or other https tunneling VPN) please post. I believe that this redirect session was left over from a VPN session that did not close cleanly. THX

Hey all,

I'm having a problem with my Internet Explorer. Every time that I try to use it I simply get, "The Page Cannot Be Displayed"/ "Cannot find server or DNS error". However, despite this my Mozilla Firefox works without any problems. What seems to be the issue at hand? I really appreciate the help.



You can just update to IE 8.

The internet option > advanced > reset did the trick. I've been trying to figure this issue out for a while now and have tried everything under the sun. Thank you!!

I have tried everyone one of the suggestions given on this site and I still have ie freezing on me, both desktop and notebook. I just purchased a new desktop 2 weeks ago and the problem still exists on the new pc.

I did not try removing Norton because I just paid for another year. Is there anything I can do with Norton to correct it from blocking ie?

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