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Member Avatar for Yumaris

Notice: Undefined index: ID in C:\xampp\htdocs\tugas\phpdb\ubahsimpan.php on line 10 im tired ,,, how i can fix that? My ubahdata.php <html> <body> <?php $koneksi=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","") or die ("Koneksi Gagal".mysqli_error()); if($koneksi){ mysqli_select_db($koneksi,"buku") or die ("Database gagal dibuka".mysqli_error()); $ID=$_GET['ID']; //Mejalankan Querry $sql="select * from anggota where id_anggota='$ID'"; $qry=mysqli_query($koneksi, $sql) or die ("Querry gagal".mysqli_error()); $data=mysqli_fetch_array($qry); …

Databases mysql php
Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Barbra_1

Hi there i need help on how I am supposed to do this ER Diagram based on this question. I need to have entities, attributes, relationships and primary/foreign keys. here is the question You are given the following business scenario. SmartService is a newly setup car repair and servicing workshop …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for macfan

What about mobile crossapps? Im willing to code one if Dani is busy. What you all think

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Patiodude

I've just started working with PHP and MySQL, and I'm trying to create a table in MySQL. If I've got this right, I'm trying to do so by going to my host's SQL MyAdmin page and typing in mysql_query("CREATE TABLE example( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(id), name VARCHAR(30), …

Databases mysql php query sql table
Member Avatar for surveypacific
Member Avatar for rahulephp

[B]Mysql - How to use UPDATE with SELECT???[/B] I have two tables: [B]1) products_category[/B] -cat_id -cat_name [B]2) related_category[/B] -rel_cat_id (exaclty same as products_category.cat_id==related_category.rel_cat_id) -rel_cat_name [B]products_category table[/B] [IMG]http://www.ephpsolutions.com/scud/rrr/product_category.gif[/IMG] [B]related_category table[/B] [IMG]http://www.ephpsolutions.com/scud/rrr/related_category.gif[/IMG] I want to get cat_name from products_category and want to store in rel_cat_name in related_category tabel. and the query should …

Databases mysql
Member Avatar for jaswanth reddy
Member Avatar for Jeyaraman_1

Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form1 Dim pro As String Dim connstring As String Dim myconnection As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection Dim command As String Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click pro = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Users\sinthu\Documents\Database1.accdb" connstring = pro myconnection.ConnectionString = connstring myconnection.Open() If myconnection.State = …

Databases vb.net
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for ravi142

I Have **"user_chat"** table name his 4 columns "msg_id" Auto Increament "chat_from_id" "chat_to_id" "chat_msgs" SELECT `chat_msgs` from `user_chat` where chat_from_id='2'AND chat_to_id='10' LIMIT 0,10 Also I have used **DESC** using above queary but not worked I want to fetch last **5 recent records** from **"chat_msgs" columns** Suggest me. Thank you

Databases sql table
Member Avatar for Purvi_1
Member Avatar for bioplanet

I have the following two tables: TABLE 1: +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | patient_id | bigint(20) | NO | PRI | NULL | | | patient_wpid | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | | | age_at_visit | …

Databases mysql sql
Member Avatar for exotic_yuh18

can you please help me to answer that problem? This is a question, I have an employee salary table, How do I find the second highest from it.? A big thanks to those who will help. I appreciate it a lot.

Databases mysql
Member Avatar for Purvi_1
Member Avatar for St3v3boy

Hi helpful people. Its been a while since Ive been here, ever since I employed someone who knew about IT to look after it for me. I'm back on my own again, and looking for a bit of guidance please? I run a small sales company and receive daily sales …

Member Avatar for Bhavini_2

Hi, I am new with sql server. I want my date formate like dd-mm-yyyy.. but i could not able to do so. please help me and give me proper syntex fro the same

Databases sql
Member Avatar for anand9796
Member Avatar for VIPER5646

Hello all. I have a funtion in MYSQL to substruct days from a date. This function seamsto work but some dates it times out. This is my function CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `Calculater`(intrval int, req date) RETURNS date DETERMINISTIC BEGIN declare calculated date; declare added int default 0; Lbl_Loop: Loop IF …

Databases mysql
Member Avatar for VIPER5646
Member Avatar for Khush_1

Hey! I am really stressed out about my TURBO CPP project. I wrote a program on periodic table using file handling. when i compiled it crashed and not the project is unusable. I want to submit it at the earliest. I was hoping some one might drop their out projects. …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Glen_4

I'm using phpMyAdmin to manage my databases, I have 2 projects that use 2 different database the first one uses 'root'@'localhost' and the 2nd is 'root'@'' I don't know how i ended up using 2 different server but it was working fine until i tried to edit codes with the …

Member Avatar for Glen_4
Member Avatar for mohamedrani

Hello guys, i've the following table in database : IdCity int CityName nvarchar(20) it has the data like this in it : IdCity CityName 1 Абакан 2 Азов 3 Александров 4 Алексин 5 Альметьевск 6 Анапа when i try to run the following view SELECT IdCity, CityName FROM dbo.City WHERE …

Databases mysql query sql-server
Member Avatar for andrevanzuydam
Member Avatar for Biiim

I come across this problem every so often and end up having to do work arounds when I would prefer to keep it in the database. I have a query where the data in the query updates frequently so the query won't stay in the cache but I don't need …

Databases mariadb mysql sql
Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for nimz143

Hi all :) Currently now I used MS SQL Server Management Studio 2008. I have an existing table with data already store on that table. Table Name : Application Column : Categories (nvarchar(1), null) Sequence (nvarchar(1), null) Detail (nvarchar(150), null) I would like to ask how to add primary key …

Databases mssql sql-server table
Member Avatar for Purvi_1
Member Avatar for SoulTravel

Hi everyone, right now I am looking for a database b2c (consumers) from the UK and SPAIN with more than 200k leads. This is to buy, someone interested?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Lighterning

Spent a day trying to gen any info on this but didn't find anything so maybe someone here could help me out . here's the html code and a css style. Maybe it's not that difficult in the end but I have never done this and php is not my …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for RudyM

Hi all, I wanted to procedure to return number of days and weekdays between two dates. This is what I came up with and it seems to work ok, but I'd like to read what others think. And if there's already a single line function for this, oops. Also, I'm …

Member Avatar for kccole01
Member Avatar for Andrius_1

Hello. At work, I have to count about 5k in a day for products. When someone takes out or puts in products for example 450 I have to recount again. So I want to create a system that when someone puts some kind of product on the shelf they would …

Member Avatar for DGPickett
Member Avatar for dave.wright

I am looking to create a database to record when students' work has been handed in to the office. I have created the form but it needs to be able to record who signed in the work. There are several people working in the office and will use the database. …

Databases microsoft-access
Member Avatar for DGPickett
Member Avatar for rickarro

I am using bootstrap modals, when i query to populate a dropdown to fill in to my form, my query is show all but the first record and i can't figure out why. My form looks like this <div class="form-group"> <label for="deptcode">Department</label> <select class="form-control" id="deptcode" name="deptcode" value="<?php echo $mem['deptcode'];?>" <?php …

Databases mysql
Member Avatar for rickarro
Member Avatar for JModak

All Time Show Null value Please help me what is the wrong in my code declare @mxdbvlu int declare @dbvlunm int set @mxdbvlu= (select max(Database_name) from TBL_FY_SELECT_1) if @mxdbvlu = null set @dbvlunm=1000 else set @dbvlunm=sum(@mxdbvlu+1) select @dbvlunm,@mxdbvlu

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for misstj555

Hello. I have a quick question. I am making a database as a personal project (I am using Microsoft SQL Server therefore I am using its SQL syntax). All it does is that it keeps track of singing groups and bands, the members in these groups, albums they made, songs …

Databases mssql query sql
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for guyinpv

Here is a basic question, what is the fastest way to transfer a MySQL database? Here are the variables at play: 1) Database is just shy of 3GB 2) Transfer is between two servers running different versions of MySQL 3) There will not be usage of the database during transfer, …

Databases mysql navicat transfer
Member Avatar for Saudi_2
Member Avatar for rjusman90

here is the normal rows coming ![WhatsApp_Image_2019-11-04_at_2_32_36_PM.jpeg](/attachments/large/4/f5be1a527695a5bf62797e287c220820.jpeg) i want to show the group by product name with the count of store as the below picture ![WhatsApp_Image_2019-11-04_at_3_28_58_PM.jpeg](/attachments/large/4/b96ff7cb890fb01e6de9e5540a7e7a9e.jpeg) here are mysql query SELECT i.barcode, i.name, u.company_name, COUNT(i.id) AS IQTY, COUNT(U.id) AS UQTY FROM inventory i, USER u

Databases mysql sql
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Cheri Anne

How do I echo selected option? <?php session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['cherianne'])){ }else{ header("Location:login.php"); } include("../includes/header.php"); // Retrieve our critical page setter variable. $char_id = $_GET['id']; //echo "<h1>$char_id</h1>"; // set this as a default value if (!isset($char_id)) { $result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT bid FROM cde_blog LIMIT 1"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $char_id …

Databases mysql php sql
Member Avatar for Yamil_2

CREATE TABLE Peaje ( id_no_pk CHAR(2) NOT NULL, nombre VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, localizacion VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, dirrecion VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, tipo CHAR(1) NOT NULL, municipio_fk CHAR(2), CONSTRAINT Peaje_id_no_pk PRIMARY KEY(id_no_pk) CONSTRAINT Peaje_municipio_fk FOREIGN KEY (municipio_fk) REFERENCES Municipio(id_no_pk)); CONSTRAINT Peaje_municipio_fk FOREIGN KEY (municipio_fk) REFERENCES Municipio(id_no_pk)) * ERROR at line 9: ORA-00907: …

Databases sql
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Vin vin

So I am really interested in making a database, I have knowledge about html and css, not javascript and I just want to begin learning and making a database. I am going to use this website: https://www.000webhost.com/?utm_source=000webhostapp&utm_campaign=000_logo&utm_medium=website&utm_content=footer_img so you can see my website in the internet, I don't really expect …

Databases mssql mysql php sql
Member Avatar for damonmoats

The End.