kalodakilla 0 Light Poster

I'm actually trying to write a simple program which takes in a string and send it to printer to print. But i'm having a problem with testing it, because the signal assembly language sending is to a parallel port, but there are only usb port printers available. Does anybody know how to resolve such problems? Thanks very much for reading.

P/S: I'm using MASM and the code is like this

.model small
.stack 100h
	input_message db "Enter a string to print: $"
	msg db 100
	db ?
	db 100 dup(?)
	printing_message db 10,13,"Printing.....", 10, 13, "$"
	n db ?
	mov ax, @DATA
	mov ds, ax
	mov n , 0
	mov ah , 9
	lea dx , input_message
	int 21h

	mov ah , 0Ah
	lea dx , msg
	int 21h

	; printing
	mov ah , 9
	lea dx , printing_message
	int 21h

	mov si , 2
	mov cl , msg[1]
	xor ch , ch

	mov dx , 1
	mov al, msg[si]
	mov ah, 00h
	int 17h

	inc si
	loop for_output	

	mov ah, 4ch
	int 21h
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