taylorc8 0 Newbie Poster

Hi, I'm trying to use an input device like a joystick as a mouse, and I've got some good behavior for desktop use by polling the state of the device in a loop and doing some work with the values, then using SendInput with some INPUT structures to make the mouse move.

Alas, it is NOT acceptable for 3D gaming! Does anyone have any idea how I could make the movement of the mouse smooth while gaming? Should I be using Windows Messages for this or something? The trouble is, when I'm rotating my character in a FPS it seems choppy, which could be caused by a number of things--the speed at which it polls the joystick for instance.

I really don't know where to find this information, I've done many a google search and am really hoping one of the many fine DaniWeb members can shed some light on the subject.

Actually, the same problem exists with some commercial software to do this I just tried. The movement is, I will admit, slightly less choppy than my code, but I think I can improve mine quite a bit.

So, if you can't help me I will understand, and not feel too left-in-the-dust. :)