zafiz 0 Newbie Poster

Hi all,

I am not sure about method to publish my program. But basically when I publish it no errors at all...

I have database name usurfdb.mdb. I have set it build action to content and copy to outputdirectory = copy if newer.

Should I amend anything on my usurfdbdataset1.xsd as well like I did on my .mdb?

my database :

im con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\u-surfdb.mdb;")

I am wondering, When I try to locate the location of my database after the program installed in computer I found as mentioned below:-

The database(.mdb) is in this path : (Path 1)

C:\Documents and Settings\newuser\Local Settings\Apps\2.0\Z8EWEQ8D.702\E1QZ0N3Z.7V8\u-su...exe_2cb43422b8a531ac_0001.0000_none_7e52a763d3e1d90f

Whilst the folder(Contains image capture), txt file, Icon image etc in this path: (Path 2)

C:\Documents and Settings\newuser\Local Settings\Apps\2.0\Z8EWEQ8D.702\E1QZ0N3Z.7V8\u-su..tion_2cb43422b8a531ac_0001.0000_f44641132afb1a79

This program that I created is capturing image notification. I am able to see the captured image (Folder in path 2). However the other data that suppose to be in database (Ms Access 2007) is blank. I really need some thoughts from anyone.

Thank you.

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