sss93 0 Newbie Poster

Hey so I have a customer form which has two buttons and displays contact data,containing a simple cancel and proceed. The main functionality is behind the proceed on_click handler.Becuase I want to determine whether the the entered details belong to a new person or just edit. I have got the edit part to work, but cant figure out how to check if a person with phone number x already exists in a database. I tried looking at tutorials but I couldnt find any that would work, becuase some actually hard-Coded an sql statement where as others used provided functions such as
dataSet.table(0).rows.find() I couldn't get this to work either

So please if any one can give some advice, thanks

So here is what I have so far:

Private Sub cmdProceed_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdProceed.Click

        // If COESDataSet doesnt have person with (me.txtPhone) then
                //Add, I know the code for add just not too check for existing record


    End Sub