BlinkOnly 0 Newbie Poster

I wrote a program to simulate a simple page flip animation in opengl and now i'm trying to replicate it with two images using texture mapping so that the second image appears on the "back" of the first image during the drag of the lower left corner of the page. However, i can't get figure out the correct assingment of texture coordinates. The two functions in question are below and I would appreciate it if anyone has any useful pointer.

The extra float variables are used to set the values of the coordinates to the proper range of (0, 1) since the length of the window is 256x256 and there's 40px padding on all sides making the image 176x176.

// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// lowerRightCorner1:
// Draw folded triangle or quadrilateral when lower right corner is
// pulled ABOVE lower edge of page.
static void
drawLowerRightCorner1(int x, int y)
    float   bottom[2], right[2], top[2], corner[2];

    // clear color and depth buffer to background values

    // init page dimensions
    int w = W - 2*Margin;
    int h = H - 2*Margin;

    // flag default case: folded triangle at corner
    int triangle = 1;

    // clip x
    if(x > W-Margin) x = W-Margin;

    // distance between (x,y) and page boundary
    int dx = (W-Margin) - x;
    int dy = (H-Margin) - y;

    double len = sqrt(double((x-Margin)*(x-Margin) + dy*dy));
    if(dy < 0 || len >= w) return;

    //   ____
    //       \dx|
    //      b \ | a   Lifted folded triangle above bottom right corner
    //         \|
    // Note: a + b = dy (distance from top of triangle to bottom paper edge)
    // Plug  a = dy - b into:
    //   dx^2 + a^2 = b^2
    // Solve for b to get:
    //   b = (dx^2 + dy^2) / 2dy
    double b = (dx*dx + dy*dy) / (2*dy);
    double a =  dy - b;

    // eval intersection on right and bottom edges
    bottom[0] = x - a*dy/dx;
    bottom[1] = H-Margin;
    right [0] = W-Margin;
    right [1] = y + a;

    // error checking: avoid tearing bottom edge of paper from spine
    if(bottom[0] < Margin) {
        bottom[0] = Margin;     // clamp bottom x to spine
        x  = (int) sqrt(double(w*w - dy*dy));   // adjust lifted corner position
        x += Margin;            // add back the Margin pixels

    // error checking: lifted quadrilateral, not triangle
    if(right[1] < Margin) {
        // flag quadrilateral case
        triangle = 0;

        // eval position of lifted top right corner
        double  d = sqrt(dx*dx + a*a);
        corner[0] = x + (h * dx/d);
        corner[1] = y + (h *  a/d);

        top[0] = corner[0] + ((corner[1]-Margin) * a/dx);
        top[1] = Margin;

    float bottom0 = bottom[0]/256;
    float bottom1 = bottom[1]/256;
    float right0 = right[0]/256;
    float right1 = right[1]/256;

    // draw page outline
    if(triangle) {
        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexId1);
        // draw main polygon

        // draw bottom left, upper left, and upper right corners
        glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Margin, H-Margin);
        glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Margin, Margin);
        glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(W-Margin, Margin);
        //glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(W-Margin, H-Margin);   

        //cout << "w-margin: "<<W-Margin<<" h-margin: "<<H-Margin<<"\n";
        //cout << "right0: "<<right0<<" right1: "<<right1<<"\n";
        //cout << "bottom0: "<<bottom0<<" bottom1: "<<bottom1<<"\n";
        // xsect at right edge
        glTexCoord2f(right0, right1);  glVertex2f(right[0], right[1]);

        // xsect at bottom edge
        glTexCoord2f(bottom0, bottom1); glVertex2f(bottom[0], bottom[1]);

        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexId2);
        // draw lifted triangle
        glTexCoord2f(0,1); glVertex2f(x, y);        // lifted corner point

        // xsect at right edge
        glTexCoord2f(right0, right1); glVertex2f(right[0], right[1]);

        // xsect at bottom edge
        glTexCoord2f(bottom0, bottom1); glVertex2f(bottom[0], bottom[1]);
    } else {
        float top0 = top[0]/256;
        float top1 = top[1]/256;
        float corner0 = corner[0]/256;
        float corner1 = corner[1]/256;
        //cout << "top0: "<<top0<<" top1: "<<top1<<"\n";
        //cout << "bottom0: "<<bottom0<<" bottom1: "<<bottom1<<"\n";
        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexId1);
        // draw main polygon

        // draw bottom left and upper left corners
        glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Margin, H-Margin);
        glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Margin, Margin);

        // xsect at top edge
        glTexCoord2f(top0, top1); glVertex2f(top[0], top[1]);

        // xsect at bottom edge
        glTexCoord2f(bottom0, bottom1); glVertex2f(bottom[0], bottom[1]);

        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexId2);
        // draw lifted quadrilateral

        // draw lifted corner point and next lifted corner
        glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(x, y);
        glTexCoord2f(corner0, corner1); glVertex2f(corner0, corner1);

        // xsect at right edge
        glTexCoord2f(top0, top1); glVertex2f(top0, top1);

        // xsect at bottom edge
        glTexCoord2f(bottom0, bottom1); glVertex2f(bottom0, bottom1);

    // flush to display

// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// lowerRightCorner2:
// Draw folded quadrilateral when lower right corner is
// pulled BELOW lower edge of page.
static void
drawLowerRightCorner2(int x, int y)
    float   bottom[2], right[2], top[2], corner[2];

    // clear color and depth buffer to background values

    // init page dimensions
    int w = W - 2*Margin;
    int h = H - 2*Margin;

    // clip x
    if(x > W-Margin) x = W-Margin;

    // distance between (x,y) and page boundary
    float dx = (W-Margin) - x;
    float dy = (H-Margin) - y;

    double len = sqrt((x-Margin)*(x-Margin) + dy*dy);
    if(dy > 0 || len >= w) return;

    //    a
    //  ____
    //  |  /
    //   dy | / b     Lifted folded triangle below bottom right corner
    //  |/
    // Note: a + b = dx (distance from left of triangle to right paper edge)
    // Plug  a = dx - b into:
    //   dy^2 + a^2 = b^2
    // Solve for b to get:
    //   b = (dx^2 + dy^2) / 2dx
    double b = (dx*dx + dy*dy) / (2*dx);
    double a =  dx - b;

    // eval intersection on bottom edge
    bottom[0] = x + a;
    bottom[1] = H-Margin;

    // eval position of lifted top right corner
    double  d = sqrt(dx*dx + a*a);
    corner[0] = x + (dy/b * h);
    corner[1] = y - (a/b * h);

    dx = (W-Margin) - corner[0];
    dy =  corner[1] - Margin;
    b  = (dx*dx + dy*dy) / (2*dx);
    a  =  dx - b;

    // eval position of lifted top left corner
    top[0] = corner[0] + a;
    top[1] = Margin;

    // error checking: avoid tearing top edge of paper from spine
    if(top[0] < Margin) {
        corner[0] += (Margin-top[0]);   // reset lifted corner
        top[0] = Margin;        // clamp top x to spine

    //error checking for stretching
    if(corner[1] > W-Margin) return;

    float bottom0 = bottom[0]/256;
    float bottom1 = bottom[1]/256;
    float top0 = top[0]/256;
    float top1 = top[1]/256;
    float corner0 = corner[0]/256;
    float corner1 = corner[1]/256;

    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexId1);

    // draw page outline

    // draw bottom left / upper left corners, and top / bottom xsects
    glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Margin, H-Margin);
    glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Margin, Margin);
    glTexCoord2f(top0, top1); glVertex2f(top[0], top[1]);
    glTexCoord2f(bottom0, bottom1); glVertex2f(bottom[0], bottom[1]);

    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexId2);
    // draw lifted quadrilateral

    // draw lifted corner point and next lifted corner
    glTexCoord2f(1, 1);glVertex2f(x, y);
    glTexCoord2f(corner0, corner1); glVertex2f(corner[0], corner[1]);

    // xsect at top edge
    glTexCoord2f(top0, top1); glVertex2f(top[0], top[1]);

    // xsect at bottom edge
    glTexCoord2f(bottom0, bottom1); glVertex2f(bottom[0], bottom[1]);


    // flush to display