oateye 0 Newbie Poster

I am working on a minesweeper project and everything is working fine EXCEPT for when you click on a cell and it contains a 0 (no mines around it) and it is supposed to open all the other "0" cells around it using recursion. Right now, I keep on getting stack overflow errors when I try to find all of the "0" cells in the cluster around the clicked cell. I have 2 2D arrays keeping track of 1. the tile status (OPEN, CLOSED, FLAG, QUESTION) and 2. the number of mines adjacent to the cell (0-9 with 9 being a bomb). Here is what I currently have for the recursion:

// r = row, c = column, t= what to mark the tile (ex. OPEN, FLAG...) 
// All input (r and c) is already checked to be in bounds 
    public void markTiles(int r, int c, int t) {

        // If the spot has no neighboring mines, search all around for other neighbors without any
        // mines and open them all up

        // base case ... WORKS
        //      if the click is on a cell that is anything but an empty (0 neighboring) cell, just open it
        if(mines[r][c] != 0)
            tiles[r][c] = t;

        // recursive case
        if(tiles[r][c] != OPEN)
            markTiles(r, c, 0, 0);

// r = row, c = column, rInc = row increment/decrement, cInc = column increment/decrement 
    private void markTiles(int r, int c, int rInc, int cInc)
        int nextRow = r + rInc;
        int nextCol = c + cInc;

        // Not a cell containing a zero
        if (mines[r][c] != 0)

        if (0 <= nextRow && nextRow < rows && 0 <= nextCol && nextCol < cols && tiles[r][c] == OPEN)
            markTiles(nextRow, nextCol, -1, -1);
            markTiles(nextRow, nextCol, -1, 0);
            markTiles(nextRow, nextCol, -1, 1);
            markTiles(nextRow, nextCol, 0, 1);  // Stack overflow here..
            markTiles(nextRow, nextCol, 0, -1);  // ...and here
            markTiles(nextRow, nextCol, 1, -1);
            markTiles(nextRow, nextCol, 1, 0);
            markTiles(nextRow, nextCol, 1, 1);

I am not exactly sure where I am going wrong in this, any advice would be greatly appreciated

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